failed, with Wallis. 'H is afliftance was-again* found ufèful in the .traffic
which commenced, under proper regulationsi with hisiaountryme®^
and; ia 'appealing their refentment,. when'it was fi*dted by .the. death
o f one o f them, too haftily inflidled in confequehce/of.their thefts. A
fmall fort was. ereéted near the northemmoft. point o f the* ifland,
which;jnówc&siyédtithe, name ofl-EointAfenus-j - on iaccount.bfirthh
ohféiratiöris that were made upon that planet. theijiLof June*' A t the
fame; time a party .wag fent to the neighbouring ifland o f Bimë©,.-tof
obferve .the tranfit from thence. Lieutenant Cook - afterwards made a
furvey, ©fi Otahèite, in which he was accó Mr.l^noWtffi»
Jofeph) .Banks, who. had failed in the Endeavour with a* view to
the-advancement o f natural- hiftory. They-met with Waheadooa and
his fon, then,aboufci thirteen years-of age, at Teiarraboo^anddfound
peninfida ihia flburifhing condition. Its • inhabitants .headed;.of
their military prowefs. and' fuceefs ; o f -which they pofleffed many
trophies, and among others, è ' turkey-cock- and Miergoofe which
Captain. W allis, had given to.Oberea. tTbe^EnglifhT- w a it everywhere
hofpitahly! treated, —excepting the depredations:-which they:
fuflbred from-ifhè thievifh- geniüstof the datives. The famedewdnefs
was perpetrated; ;as .on former, occafions % and,... to avoid*: foathfome
repetitions, we {hall- generally omit to mention it imfuture:.r fThefe
practices ’ at times interrupted, the harmony which -ufuhlly fubfifted
between the navigators and the iflanders; but it-was almoft wholly;
deftbayed previous to their reparation, T w o marines having, défert-éd-
feom the fhip, rGcx>k ventured iorconfine Tootaha and fbveraf other,
principal perfons till the deferters fhould be brought back. The datives
by wa y. o f Retaliation feized upon fome Englifhmen } but being ordered
b y Tootaha to furrender them and the deferters torthe commander, he
in return sreleafed his royal captives, and their frieödflup was apparently
renewed. Among the principal acquaintance formed by the
Emglifh in this voyage, befide thofe already mentioned, were Potatto,
a chief o f Attahoóroo, and .Tooboorae Tamaede o f Mattava&É both o f
whom were, detefted in thefts, although among the moft refpeftable
perfons in- the 1 ifland-.;- Toopaea, Having loA? his* influence by the
revokitidri, and^b^h^'.defeptdd' by Oberea! fofi >a; yotlrfger gallant, left
Otaheite in^t-he' Eridea-vbur, 12th July, and diedt*at- Batavia," on the
paflage o f the fhip ;to’ Europe.
1 Tootaha had obtained a great quantity o f ctnious* and*'ufeful articles
from his/Europfean guefts,>and hb availed himielf-of'thefe-acquisitions
to IrteeafediisiShflujenGe' over t-he chiefs-; ofothe-larger peninfula. ’ He
fucceededfinj-.perffiadingj them tpjnftite theirrfotogsfagainfhJTeiarrabo'o;
which he wifHed'tp^fotmer ftate o f ion Waheadooa^
whbfpught pnly-to-'enjpyi-peaSeably the in^C|)krdehcerhe4iad eftablifhed,
pleaded the fervices1 he had rendered fo»Tootaha; as an argument todivert
hiia from .his;-hdftile< defigns," which Waheadobahh^d learned,5 andiwas
prepared": to--- re.fifhi> The military'pride and1 ambhion^pfatlhSk regent
urged? him to perfift; in his attempta ap’d, having-equipped a fleet- of
'warcanoes, he failed toward the Smaller peninfula,rvand ferjgagpd*the
navaEforfee*.o£‘- Waheadooa, .with 'nearly Cqual-doSs^err eaph-flide.
Tootaha1 retired-, with a determinat-ion'tohi^-foceefs-by land. His
brother Happae difapproved of this••meafprdh$nd remained-at<f-)pf.H4£}
llJtt, Tootaha obliged Otoo, >who always^dhliked 'h g h tif^ ^ rtd accompany
the armyv? It engaged that of- Waheadooa .at. the:! ifthmus; - and
was“ totally routed : Toofaha^aftd^Toobpd&aeiTarnaede were-k-illed on
the ’fpot j viOrette 'and many' others. Severely,/ woqnded * I -and f.Otoo
efcapfed,..with ajfewArflvhisifridnds,->to the fummi&,of-the mountains;
whett-shfefethiivand familybhad-take®'f^fnge upon bqtifg informed of
the defeat.’ Waheadooa; marched diredfly - tojMattayae and. Oparre,
laying wafte all,fas is uftial in" t-hefr warsr ibu.fe.he.-fent! rea-
fpnabld pto|ibfals:{pfvpeace'ta H a p p aE ^ d f ; who r^ohly aseepted
them. The-latter,-; Haying fchen arrived!at maturity,' affumed the ad-
miteiftration; of t f e gpvpmmCnt,-,'With}the-a*(Iiftanci8lo^'his’ifethe|?s;'
advice.; ^ He hamtwo’.flflers,fiprtt:<df/,whpm-remained unm^rriedi 'a-nd'
being older than he,- might have put in. a-tprioTj claim*.-tb. the^^p^,
reighty,. but fhe waved her <-rrghtfm-- his>ifaKe)fur4t.- Of three .brothers,
the - ye*rsf*jrouqger' than ©too r he-w-aa then a very