p P l
Upon the German flute‘by Mr; Bowell and one o'f the fe'arife^V^dugh i£'
plaihlƒ appikreftthaj: more liveIj'mnp:,#.Oiuld. haye pleafed them better;
Pomärre intimating "a wifh to fleep on board, it was granted; he
then afked leave for; his wife and fervaunt,’ which was alfo complied
with. . It may be proper to remark here, that Iddeah, though K ill
confidered • as the - wife o f Pomärre, has not for a considerable time
cohabited with him, but. ivith one o f her toutous (or by
whom' fhe has had one child, and is agai^-pregnant^ Jhß^pr3H1K er
After, W h y ’reede, 'next 'cohabited with the chief, but le ft . him
through diflike for one o f far' inferior rank; and his prefent wife is
a very ftout yotmg woman, but o f what condition we. could not
learn. However, it is evidently clear, that they hefitate listlciabcjift
mixing with the lower orders o f the-people j but i f iflue||^c|5Jfe
the confeqjienCe ofj’thefe connexions, it is rarely,th<rgride‘p|^Tauk
ftffers j t^i^'pteor^infants to iiy e an hour a f t e ^ th e y .^ ^ im S|Ät'iu(f-
per the ch tffrdevoured‘-a whole-fia-wl, w ith th^adäiH^r&iK^bout twp
pounds'soP pork, and drank proportionally'.,
A t the houfe all w a s . peace and quietnefs with the natives,- and
nothing ■ particular isynoticed in the mifliönaty jour pal,Jsp^pt[a few
expreffionS oftdilfetisfaftfcion concerning their brethren leaving* ftl|etn't^
g o to the'^rieffily Iflands,
To-day received aspreferits twenty-two live hogs,and fiyÄM^jdrefledf
14th* '. This morning Männe Manne Ä d fTeveral-gtMp|^^ib on
hoard, all behaving refpedtfully to Pomärre. The captain, in order
to cultivate his friendship, t made him a prefent o f an excellent fingle-
cafed metal, watch, w ith which he was very much pleafed j obferving,
that none before ever made him a prefent o f the kind. ' As we knew
him quite ignorant how to manage a watch, Peter (the Swede} was
diredted to wind it up for hin&every day. Thermometer 76°. Pomärre,
his young wife,. Iddeah, and the old prieft, breakfafted and dined with
us* The tea juft.fiuteA their tafte; and at dinner the t^ycrchiefs
. drank o f the wine eagerly.. The captain lhewing feme, unwillingpels
to indulge Mänqe Manne to a greater degree^ he anfwered to this
* felfewfhg ‘ purport r— that .as he was! jMbgkOn fhtsre to facrifice a man
to Eatopa", he took intp Kpfi&hijiis' courage. Exprefling our abhorrence
loikfo crueLa^dcfigigj he. .became filerit; . Snd-' -his friend Peter.de«
Ared /him, rieveirto .mention' ji^.y|idaihgjqf^ithor kind!fe .
Iei|efefrom,Mr’. Jtftuifon^MbtpRfidcnt),1 inappears that .the
apprehenfions of thoh'oiy flioVc ,vBoth tdi? thtir perferis<and property;'
^re jn u^ii jinc^ealcd, j* ualJo the i$J u mfeiqfts '0 f * thj piohlfed tncndfliip
>0f the natfye^diyllV,qtftejt h^;il'h^0>fermedlthefdelignf'oferuftxi'ng
.upon, them and taking .alKkway^ I in JcoiiftequenGe kft i^hichriliey. .urge,
the neteflify .o f .the whok bpS) ef^ttLi.^M thisplcfcc. . But fo r fu ilt
fuipicifflny thtre docs'not <ippi<u thcrfiTOdou °£ fear j-mqjJ*ing can be.
more peaceful, kind,, .and fubmiffive, than j the.’ nat i y eg, taftiftingi ?them
readilyranfalh their;>pi"rg)ara'^hs... iBohdEaike^anpJ.'dddeah/ id the after-"
iKipM^vifltedj'me hbjlft,* and ‘viewed ^cM.i^prcwiciite-iiio made u ith
w.®ndeiianp^fdeligist?, ‘/’■ They, qlartook ><mi.a difti;of teaiw<i'^r?us.j,.'one‘
o f _'b,is|attehdants ipdured tKe^teaifronJ^ the. c^ p^^heifeieef and then
held; itvtoMhtSJ moiltfe,:1fthis * is^lsjae wsfy *<aVeve^mealj , his dignity
will* not • permit ham itoi’ fee'dl Jiirnfelf.. WKSni, he (had;Eniftred,,! he
requeftedthe1.'i&ffifejM'mjgkK be, kept for tes^fe^refefellanEk^hat no
webfaft inaghttbc pumittcd to touch-it. We wu e luipnfed to’fee ftp
ftout .a^ipajh*; perhaps the largeft. in ^ t fe yh o le -ifland, fed .like a'
cftekooV -4
15th. Moderate- breek.es. and pleafant weathbt. board ’
hoifting up ^goods,? and -lftndmg tlum on-account o f the fmiflioh'.t
R.I cci\ed ten’butts o f vi ateu by fwimming.theM.pffi.Therntometer 76*. -
•- On "ftiotb ithe- brethreniwerabufied maldjgg aivfkiyftpitjf and .fitting,
ftp their apartments. Among the remarks o f this day they fay,
“ • Several Otaheiteans vifited us as ufual,’ continuing to bring -hogs,*
fru-it,';,&c. Pomarre -and-.his .attendants were with^us at'family
“ worihip, ; after which the prefident informed him o f the nature1
V p f oiieitanfiic3f,H%>.vteach then! our-God and- Saviour learn;
V them tpttead the fpeaking-bpok ©feyvifdom, and to inftrudt them ini
SB all ufeful arts ; which he applauded, as he had already done, at the
H m %