a;k>pu£ E. N.| when we again faw land in the fouth-.weft quarter,
an(i fteere^s-fer it, which proved to be Swallow illand and Volcano
ifland ; and further to the S.W. we could difcern Egmont illand: all
thefe were difcovered by Captain Carteret. Befides thefe we difcovered
a IoW, illand, which lies about S. S.W. fromVolcano illand, and fteered
to go .between the two'latter, but;.'found: that'a reef ran from the
fouth part of the low illand; to avoid which we hauled to 'the
fou'thward, then bore away ; and fleering W . by S. about live leagues,
faw two .more low iflands bearing about W. by N. diftant two Or
jh'fee mite. As’the mpjan-,yvas Jufi/iow fettjng/rand we hud r6a>lbn
to tJunfeiratHiin^ in t'Kefdark would be extremely danggfSus, Wediovk
to iwith the?klhio&cBea|i$©watds Vbfeanofilffnd. Captain -Carferet,
in his ^Narrative, laps/that theyfijaV fmbke, but,®oikm'e, illMn'g frcte
this .volcano : but as we palled it clofe, and even when we were at a
di fiance, we beheld it emitting a large and bright flame every- t-en
miriuteS'spwhifcK Was! th.me* atid many off tb©£Lrd<"l^u^'figratify4fig)
who had* never before IMjteldtfe grand a ®hieip}nfesi®^f^ie height
of thiSfitt-olcdnd^is from t’he furfacb <^f .the fpa two-thoufand feet and
upwards.-j;''and 'its height isdtodks >bafe iiht thfe ptfeptMioh of oneil>
itkauKuki-' form, withftrajgbf fidfeiiand m'.a^a^ffS'y'p©mted
top, gave us reafori to fuppofe that it had received this form by iuc-
ceflive eruptions of .lava ilfuing from the crater, and running down
itl fides :5‘'and perhaps'if tRisfbfferfwas what naturalifts call -a prfrmtivfe
raf>untaih; it mightinot originally i^feeryiiigk; its'being fufroUrsfled
■by loW iflands, and its lirnilar form to any common heap of matter,
naturally enough fugged fuch an ’idea.
aAth• At fix A. M. we had the weft fide of Volcano ifland in
one with the weft .end of T ievanionff • illand, bearing, per compafs,
S. 2a0 E. At the fame time the eaftem extremity of iEgmont-'(or
Guernfcy) ifland bore S. 43° E. and the extremities of two low iflands
north of us-from N. W. to .N. ao° W.Mifttnce of the volcano five
miles. Hence I- conclude Egmont ifland.of far lefs extent than it is
faid.to be S y -Captain Carteret. Variation io°<E.