did ift his elephant- Oh th e ftcbn dda y ffeyoiftpt begaft j blit in a
ffeoitt ÉMé ToWha% meh, Whb Wfcre in front/-r4h aW&ys and all
Fóifiarrê%MllbVftsl fheit fekampft j #Mcb #a s a l’të^^dt'étófjgöd öft
Towha, A§ "his 'JfeeCöAëèttÉd fchéWê; Péter, Aiidrbw* afid the JéW,
hB^eik^,' ftoM and ikpe feQx .iöèft, BdtéfeéS- sSüd
OêhSSf ^e¥è.óMI^6i^Yb run &k their lives, and Oammo, f té ;:tólfep
o f Teiöarre, WAs killed by a muïket fliot. T h e ft advantages brought
tfeieii- party kafc& to éffift them; Ml ïhêif Adverfafiês fled, ahd a complete
Viöbry was gained for Poïnëtfe, Whöm théy fötuid at a great
diftafice ftbffi tfeë fight, ê[üitè oVóiCóme With f<§arr a tó tfir%5flat-W
tKë grcüitd, héld Paft by thefdöis ift a lit®.- WheA they acquainted
Min with théir fttëcëft h è Wórfld haMly bëliév'ê ily 'Sat.éoöÉftuêé-.1^ '
lie Ifttë «Öïè éiöt 'df fels ftöfts i fë MïÉfcmbfiÉagè did this Chief ©f A ö
viÖlórioUs AlMypöÏÏèfs. The routed party ftëd tb the-ffefHotêf difttidtS-i
foihe tookreMgé. in the hills j one man in particular gól i f a very
dangerous precipice, ahd threw large ftdAes on his enemies below,
and kept his Ration, till he knew their tage had Mbfided. T-hë C<®-
fequencc o f this battle was, that Temarirë became fubjjëdt fö the
victors; was obliged to give to Otoo the great motai At Pkppara: alfd
every other privilege o f the ftpfèrnfè chief. A hotde Was built by
Öföo in MI his diftriÓk, where fóftiè <ft Ms-ftaWAMè &ïdteAftyiCfidé,,
And he oecafionafty vifits : they repfTdtïit his Péy^tSgrityi abd none
date to paft them without ftripping, the lame Asfö hiiftfëlf. BOW-
ever, notwfthftandmg theft things-, t h e 'poWeT o f TétrSttë Was Mil
very great; he was left hr póffefliort o f all his diftriéts, and ekerCifts
the office bF chie f prieft o f the Eatöoa on that fide b f the ifla'fid.
Towha beirig charged with tteachery , Was-ftripped o f his diftriCt,
and obliged tb h've as a private man in Fappafa. Wyteftttia had fled
to Tiaraboo, Where in a ftidrt time after he was defeated, and reduced
in a Hke Wander'as TbWha tb a private ftation, and Otoo’s
ybunger brother rftadfe prince ó f his kingdom.
Pofnarre being ncfw in poflfeffion o f aft OtAheïfé, thought eft revenging
theinjury the chief ctf Eimeo hadformerly dope by deftroyifig