■ |fiflaip, and Saidi&wwi rn y fy , ap<fc^d<#, -that
is Ke wotdd JKodjh^Tons> for initensSiQ®,” ' j.
• H e came mat hear thf fhip tQ-rday',, bu,tr, returned his vratph very
much damagedy wh ich wc ffippofetp be the reafon. why. h e abfented
hirnfblf: na doubt a ifc&tehet would'now .have been efteenaed a prefbnt-
q£ greater worth, though the glitter ©f\,a w atch pleafed him mors .ate
B y another letter from-the .piefiffcsft-its appears th ^ the brethren*
a^e ftill' more afraid -of the: .natives -tthan before i -and, tfeisrhri confer
,being ;tdld b y 'thetSvssed.es thfd 9» attach nponvthem.is f |p
tended ffiordystoibe made. v they therefore redyed an addition of-armst
and ammunition, and- farther ui^-.^h^app^ bit’ .de^ifiityxof c'-.the
whole body; lymaimrig atQtahefte. ; The captain ws.otei,a^ysp/ifeesi
in anfwer, which brought Mr. Jeflerfco, °n bsajid’i 'when-, in a^esm-a
ferenqe with dhe; liBeffiren .intended- for the' ‘Friendjyi Me&:an4?Mar-f
qu efas*'hedaid Before themthfe-grounda:of tbieffifearsi.'.an.d requeftedr
they would.join fhem,a_JFo 'this they faidi.'that :they coilldynot g&vd
aedirecX repljl, but defired'.toiha^et^thL'the follo$¥^g5,fey,tp
the matter. Tliis feems.a mere bugbear and artifice, o f th&.Sss^kfes, fa
16th. The brethren, "cn beard having- debated- .the
ygflmhfcyf ^aiyfr«MOTrhiding the ab@vfimrti®ES§d.'feam!f^o^®dfefg, ;asd.
by no means caufe fuffident for them to-'cPnfme the whole effort,of
the- fociety to one ifland, and thereby difa^oint: the bfepM o f 1 bjany
dfe its aphftble members ah home; they therefore ret-ur^e^-theifi j^in'
•mate ardwer m the negativdmSi
This being- the#, day appointed by Pomarre f e efedjng ir^||ffi»Ctshe
diflaidt- of> Malasai, to, the Engliffi, the captain landohypQu Bpinfe
Yemis jf' Vras digmJtebd®ed,by the chief, and o®ndud,edtneafijto3tb®
miffionary houfe. Moft o f the brethren from, the fh i^ ^ h ^ alliofg.
ffiore, were prefect at this ceremony. Peter
ufual, the office o f interpreter. “ The fcerie,” fays Mr. Bowell,
|| was laid before the door o f the miffionary houfe, at.fome diftance
“ from which a rope was .ftretched to keep off the. crowd, Pomarre,