15th. Early this morning we hove up the anchor, and worked
plojfe in to the head of.thefbay,s having, as much wind as our bauble»
reefed tgpfai|s wpidcfcarry, which makes the'working in dangerous}
as the wind is1 fa variable, that fornetimes, -When' the Mhip was jtksfert®
Ap rocks-, Ihe,< wjo)|}d- hardly cpme About.- W e anchored • at noon', i®-
^Urffeflne^'jflg^o^f -or-rather ^ < w e> rb t t^ ^ Ao^e with-
®u| jt^gain., *tJ&iT.*hp aft^rnooii we were at Iwsafc-- fweeping for our
fmall h9^ ^ i;an d ju ft i^ r it grew dajk,wg^^jtf#hiP buoy-rope, • and
made a mm-huby-fafl till th e ;n^vda yW We alfo unbent '•the: fails$
th^tthe’ job at the>piggktg might be) eopipl’efed*.1
On the 16th we hoifled the long-boat out and got the anchor on
board, but poflponed our fearch for the other till the. liggjr^dwas ’.put
ip ; proper pnjer.r On Sunday theljSth we again tabooect the! Ihip :
m d ^ . ||ds 0^^: the we had of'keeping the
natives away. ; On Mpnday we hauled the feine at the head. sP^the
bay, and caught about fix dpi?en feiail filh.
aoR&y M n liacris afiday r^k tame, -on- hoard, and held admeeting
with the captain refpedting their, flay. Mr. Harris komplained
o f thjb .poverty o f tjhe place, ;faid he could no! eat the mhhie,;i&c;
Crook declared his determination, to.dlay, even theughiiM». ’Harris
Ihould leave him. | T he refult was, that they both went dmdhioi^ita
make further trial before ;Our. departure. Severaldr the hatMesiM
bo^rdra§ ufual. •
On th^s&d a native Hole the cook’s 1 axe, _and fetting off with his
eanbe, was near the Ihore before it-was known; when he few. the
pinnace, chafing, ihim, he p a d d le to the, rocks, hauleddikfcarifyy^ ^
ran info the bulheSi an d fo got clear offl ..OBhey' had ndw beco|0e fit
aftive in AeaUngbthafc the failors had fcarce a k n ife .left .’among them;
To remedy: th is v i^ jfw t t as they came im th e morning, e^r-h
chofe a young lad as his Aoiekeeper, who followed’his maAer cldfely
4II the day, with his knife, marling-fpike, &e. hung to his neck f
and this faved them, for they always proved very faithful;
a^dT^ifThe Boats' werefe«bto;*$wfep "for r:th e ; bfefl1 bóWér anchor,
and caught hold o f i t ; but trying to heave it up, -the rope broke; and
night approaching, it was left till next day. This evening we obferved
the bay to 'be! unufually agitatedi. ;fbr which we could aflign no caufe,
as the wind was eaRerly, -with rrfodefa-te weather. ’
' Ö h thd^a^tb’, the flÉ^É&an,i>iM^teAif%ettiiaulfed in at "fee quartef-
gallery at our1 firft coming, fwam off at break o f day, and informed
us that Mr. Harris had"been oh the beach all the night with his cheR,
and'had been robbed o f mofl ó f his things. This affair at firR gained
little Credit; for we could not fuppofe him fo imprudent as to bring
hi s' property down without fending notice, that a boat might be ready
'l^léeëëiyeStlS^n'! Butj^fe dispatching * ’the Jèlly^boat Miow the
truth», ‘w ë 'found |A ö'"% e re’aH-y theé£fei* He had^éö-rfïe down in thé
duik o f the evening ; and as none from the ihip were on flïdfe;l‘thè
béatsifoelrlg%mplóy®dl 'at the WbhoV,sahd 'the ihtp l^ng^od far ffbrrt.
the beach for him to hail, he fpcnt an uncomfortable night, fitting
'ip bn-his 4HteRn 'abódf RM= -in the brïorMngi tRe "mfjvés; inordter
to Real his clothes, drove him off the cheR; andffof'feW'ffiey 'fhöüld
hniVSMs-peifón,' he fled to the adjacent hills. IMfJFtfêfonër; who
Went to bring Aim'olF, found Rim in a mofl pitiable plight, 'and like
©në'ëiit* |§g hi^fénfes. ' T-he-fürf was fö high that.tb^cöhlff'nut land,
anef*Weri therefore* öMiged^^ haul- thé' ëBm lafld | |É owner ó ff by
means o f a ropfe.’ The reafons he ga vé for* I^vfn^'His-partner-fo -abruptly,
befides thofe already mentioned, were fuch 'as1 ]ie mieIn
naturally have expeéfed : Tënaë, I ït ‘fèerhs,( wantéd’ tb treat AfeniiwitK
an^xeWiioii to-anoAdf*valley, tb w h ich 1 Crook readily‘agtedd, but
Mr. Harris'would not confent. The chief feeing this, and defirous
fef obliging him,; 4 of' conRdefing^Ifny favour fob great, left him
his wife, to be treated as i f ihe were his own, till the chief
came back again. Mr. Harris told him that he did not want the
woman■ however, Ihe looked up to him as her hufband, and finding
herfelf treated with totscPhegledt, became doubtful • o f hre • fex j and
acquainted foröe bf the other ferriales with herfufpicitxil^'who'kecord