way we were met; b y ; the tyotpig; king, fe n ;o f Poma'rre, and bis
betrothed wife, both carried upon men’s Ihoulders j, htalked for an
axe, fciflars, &c. but I had none.-to.fpare, therefore defired him »to
go to thepahie (Ihip), and they fhould be given him. He alfo afked
Peter feveral queftions concemirjg^he places and people he had feen
on his vpyage with A f laft we reaehed' fhe headrquarters,: which
were no more than a few .canpe-hpufe|: ahd temporary Iheds,jj iKe bfeft
o f which was occupied b y PomarTe.j_.and .to^it hwa s conduced.; :A s
for , himfelf, they faid;he- was at a hoqfe farther, on,-rbufied. wi^Skis
fervants in preparing clqth, but that a meffenger wasfgdhe to inform
him o f my arrival. Accordingly "hejeamfe jin a ftiort -time,, ex-
preffed much jo y on; feeing me, and .feluted nofes j jh^alfp .-inquired
for the captain, aiid; moft on board,., When I aflted,;him hts.m-tfons
for not going to Matayai, he anfwered, that atvptefenibihejeoyld; not
poffibly go,vit being: a very bufy time, with him, havihgjsfoj-colledt
canoes, do th, -hogs, & c . to g iv e away among the;di'ff&re,nt chiefs and
arreoies, who would attend, him to" the great feaft^t jPapBaraj: awhiph
was to take, place in a few days, and for'which alif thpiUand» was
fooking up to him. This excufe IJiad reaforr^tQrbplfe^.vfoj-"pjiblic
care feemed engravenrOn bis countenance, jj However^, as he icellld
not go himfelf,- he had feat his prime I told
him, would not receive lo many things 'as i f . he: ;hadt »gone >fai.mfel f .
He laid, he did notmind the things fp much as; the captain’s firiend-
I had defired-Peter, that ifea mawhoo caxpe in: our. way, he fhould
point ■ him out j and here there happened to. be one Lin. Pofnarre’s
train. He Was drefled like a woman, and mimicked; tlfeji^bfeeiand
every peculiarity o f the fex. I . afked, Pomarre: what he w a s ,, Who
anfwered, ff.Ta^ajmawhoo,” that is, a_man,r;d®fewb®bv: ;A s I fiseed
myeyes upon the fellow, .he hid hjs facet this: I? at fe lt conftrued
into ihame, but found it afterwards to be a womanifh trick.
Thefe mawhoos chufe this vile way. o f life when yoiing s putting
on the drefs o f a woman, they fallow the feme employments, are
Und^fthe' fefrv’eprohib itiq fl w ith refp'edfc“ to“food, & c . arid feek the
qKiiS'tlhi'p o f men the fete^^wdmen.d.o^ nay, are more jealous o f
the^men'w t h ^ j n , and always.refufe to Ikep with
wopaen, Wp-.axfe oblij^d' hefe>^);diaw a veirovet other.pradtjcps too
hqrfibjle i o , mpption'. T% lfi .,mawjhoas, : being only fix or eight in
humb^r, am kept'.by <the principal'chiefs, j^ a ’deptayed are thpfe
poor ifeathfns,»jthat?'even their!wdipen do not defpife thofe.fdlpyrs,
lpu|i%m-'friendlhips With themi This] ^©newas ,’tayo_'to Idcfeah-
Aim herb welame^ur-nifced w ith Another impediment to population,
and may afk- how fuch a pe_qpfe ca^ >hyve ,a numerous, progeny.
j ' 3 ■ - i
• A t this plp.ce moft o f the,cjbirfs p f Tiaraboo were affeipffted; theft
canoeywere hapled upon the before their ftuts yafl: c[uant
i t ig .o f pr|vifiohs were hung #pon ftweq info the grouiidj
find .ftiore’yveres arriving from the neighbouiiog.4 HlriS:s : d l which
was perhaps nq faint image of'-the ancient\TfelfelpQnt | | | Grecian^
camp. . ' ’ P I ./ t . . Vti ' ' 8
From the differertf chiefs I gpt ap account o f Tiaraboo, as follows :