tainsT-whiththereabouts form theihterior o f the ifland; then running
'■ k wfriding~-€sSrfSMown the^ vUÜeyr and »through the lovf-grounds .df
the d iffo a , paftëé-clofè by the miffiohary houfe^ and difembogjies at
the4ext¥ëhHt'f of'l^irirVenus., A t the entrance from',-the< ftavit-is
dol fhallow, ’' that nö vpffel drawing'above tw o .ör three feet water can
enter it 5 nor ' can ‘they * ^proceed farther up than-a quarterrof aünile,
jWheri ®w£ came-tofiits banks, cPetefihewed me thé Ipot wherë he’
‘difplayed’ :his firft-feats in their wars', ~W&whic:H-ultimately èfidedfo
rtiuoh in1 faYoürtó#'Ptimarre and fflsifbn£fjtp(?.v: t demeii'lhiro to
f^TC'*'irie lome account fttsfcthem. He immediately, complied.5;;,but
:dwelt' fo much" upon his" own pefförfaaiicès, -as Jrepdere’d it.dïfEéu^
fo r me td:feparate' th e -êffefttials 'o f fftV'ftory , &omf;his frivolous
■ boafting.
ï r T hé firft war, he faid, happened in x >wKen%e had been; but
five nfonths -U^on the ifland. It fbems; that a chief named Whannp
4^ r f c e ^ ^ | 'M s # id t in g the"diftriét.of Whapiawnö-'feoirfiPytouah ;
andftcbifToiOuSi that -hy-uhisnufurpation heïiwbiSm-' offend- fi&haiïre,
he prepared to attack him firft, but dtófi^jonï|tJrfa£fiisTplste
-with fo muchfeofee y astto prevent his <^ghsn^mk^ttO'.the knowledge
o f Pomarre.' The latter, though not a warlike chief,-prepared
tö oppófe Whanno with ah r hil.tftfength.rhPder and. Andrewfweie
engaged? with the Jew, who was a-gool&maFkfittari. h- IWhannö had
to affift -him ahnoft* every chie f on the horthSeaft fidèlofi the^large
peninfula. When all was ready,” the. latter .chief fent wofStt^rPo^
iparre-of what-he intended $ * and: a day or. two .after entered Matavasi
with all his men, lddeah was ait that time on-Tonfe hufinefs .at thé
-eaftem part df the .diftrieft, and nearly fe ll into their hands ,• ;they
chafed h e r fo the fiver* where'Pomarrc's party flood ready do receive
them, lddeah; got fafe over, and placed herfelf in the front ó f the
men i when an e l o f the: enemy,' holder, than the ts ft,! miiiaïïófs the
flream, and aimed a Aroke at her; and would, hut for Peter; who flood
clofe by, have effected her death : he running to her aid, and fééirig
the man lift his club, wrpftèd it out o f his hands, chafed him back
thrmight the, riy epi^agsLj piore^ partyycgmingj. up, the man was
IrUlfflg-. The ^ o ^ .o f tW>psJ had-,jretired,(a| little back; but
onelftplking{h^nd.aa^4^eef tyas fhot. ^hi&^threw t|ll^the reft of
yVljanno’s pajpe hregj;|uta^y< jfled, and m» great
©Onjufloh ictwo, ftnore- wgre-i- flain yp^ the,, ohafg,,“^;^0^ w h i c h . Potne,
diflrj,<£ts o f Mpiavai,\
Oparre,^ qn^TIpftaha, allyheyftqrns. then {to. hi^L, been ,pofluIi,d{o|.j
HlVig^or'fix days&ajtef,, this he .tnuljle^edjhis men,^n®y>,flui]a|d \gith
fuccefs, * and;. te§ooeeded;, to ^hapjawjno. -A-:^Vhg.-nno and^ m^rnen \yerg,
pfraidlj*avrunning(J^ ^ t j ilpok1Jg]^e5^dn>qiwon3^n.iw^jkUjid, bpt the,
warnois fled to the mount,wnsj. ; I l e iu iu , in thue,i.lajsiT^^,’i^jjfinifi
do writ; and * renewed t ^ j p ^ t e t j^hdt.wer&^crw ^ A w glrtthjeaten.^no
lefs twenty-fivej ©fifeir,number being- flain 5, yji-ich, .copfic|^|irjg
"theirtflynefs ^.yl6^fin^totlpfincathe.intrddu(flip^« ^ & ^ ;^ >pikets^
n as/ccitainly pgrtitnumbcu rThis^vutoiy uitncj^ cuiflicd^ h mnp";
anfltky iti. all .the ftfflrfehefhcljid& dfiflke peninfula.- frqm jdyia^a^a^feihe,
ifthmus,' becamevflibje£t fo Pomarre and,,hi§;j^nft<^t®p.^i^S,tUl/thej^
■ pnyy,rfnl'y>enPLmiesf who were meditating,f arjjgrap^, a$ack-,umgj
them; thefetyvCre -Wyheatua, king- ofijTi^fabfi^,^and 'Temarr.echief
oyerTallj the dfllricfls on the, louth fide^ from ^ th^ fi^ ^ ^ d owm m
At-takpofoo :^oyer the latter (hftridt was ypungXfwfe:? whq^iflied-jtg
feraain-, neu&&ihut was forced by-Pomarre to^ jpiru hjs-. Piffty,. „tfeppgh
he- v^s mor®iticlined to favour (Temarre, and,,waS, afteijyards^cbarged,
w ithjsliaviiigi'fccrctly conceitcchmattus Idias^to gain^him th c^ tt fL ,
Temar^e 'encolW^q^hii|rnen^hy>3^lling- f e rn ^ a t^ h |J im j^ lk e js r
powder, ball, and white- menj ja a^ e^ ^ ^ h is^ a d ^ fa r j; ; apd^tl^it
thonldvcs v, or« more numerous thafi Otoo.’s paity. The yjntes^'he
had wdre Copnor,- anjIriJhman, tand Jam^^Butcher^ &}. Sjcp^hman,.
both o f the l^irild^Vcrew.'^ Accordingly ^ aljout a ^onth, after thp
battle o f Whapiatvno, thtfe poweiful advtrfaues. meuin Jtlic dithacf
ofyittahoorob/s 'hut beings a.fraid,pf ^a^’-csy^jmnciKfnrallf^ p K |^ h p
firft day .w^rfpcpf^an^'jinothing^d^l^^^n.^l.tlieir ,moyeipi^Sjfe^ey
furrounded therwhite men, trufting more in them-^thm ever, an, Afi^tuj