[ i f 97V
tavSi fifom Whymspocr., The. hill is- included-in the former ftiftriftj
a ,g is a f t f to o o e< » t te^ f f li being fixed, on fo* the boundary off each.
- From Tappahey the fmall diftrift o f Whyripoo extends near a
Hiilfe* the;. fhora ftraight,and the low ground; about two- hundred
yards, wide.}' it hasvaMa a valley o f fmall extent. We-walked about
half way along- it, and Hopped for a while at the houfe o f Innst
MidSa, the;'widow o f Gtfeepialr. She ■ **& abfenfe* hut< her head
fervant AhSkie Eno received me kindly», and would have drafted
fome fifti iff I had promifed to w a it ; hut wanting to go'further, I
dediffled. his; ofier« This; manrhaving a. fttrewd, intelligent-countenance,,
I defired Peter to communicate to. him-the puaipofe o f our
journey, and’ to- ads., how many per lasts, he thought ufu&Uy redded
in Whyripo^j a.fljgnimg &ir our mertive the; wilh, o f thei-earees-of
Pretan© to render them) feme© accordingto, their numbets irwhoryhe
Hrftansdy fuggefted « at mode,. which I afterwards-; adapted,, He laid*
that inWhyrip o o there were:four- matteyrtas,. and to each=matteyna
there- were tea tees-.r and b y thefe he eftimated the number o f meth#
women, and children, to-be about two; hundred a-nd-fifty,; I-dej&red
him to explain what a.matteyna was, arid what was a tee. - The former,
he laid, was a principal houfe, diftinguilhed either h^aydggree-
nf tan k -in its,ancient- o r psefent.owner, or b y a portionco^fe&dbeing
attached to it j and fometimes on account o f its-central fituation to a
few other houfes.: that the matteyna- fet-s up a tee (or image) at the
morai, which entitles it to the liberty o f worfiiipping there; and
the other houfes in. .the department o f the matteyna claim- a part in
the fame privilege, and are thence called tees :■ that in fome matteynas
there are eight or nine perfons in the family, in others but two or
three; and that, it frequently happens,- that a., matteyna or a tee-: is-
total-ly deferted.. : Therefore,, from this account, and what I. after-,
wards; Taw bf: the thin population, I allow but li-x perfons to each
matteyna, and the;.fame to. a tee, as the-latter'is often occupied by a
larger family than the former, and as both, terms do. fometimes apply
Jqj3f|| ■ TO THE SOUTH-SEA IStANEfS. * f |
M fame houfe; confequently, as often as thisitothus, .there- will
h b an error o f rfixamexcefs.
' ‘«.^eeorffing'to the aho^^theiSbmberinr'^
Whyripoo-is<1 - -— - —- ■ IMati 4 * 6-=fc $4
'Tees'-’»- -40 « 6 = '24&
-^64 j^3U:Igri
' Afogine-lSno, the mam© * this manhtiprifmtHweut iby, means#,
bjld uo ram V it fceips that his toiftrefs inna Mbdua-was »ajohaia.ftet'
b f thCMiiid, and Kadigot this name from the,hatj&fes-j <but not lik^qg
it, traps fer tecjl the namei(fhdugh not the opium), toh a: ftrVaht. This
diftfrdt did belong'"'to Whapifwjriio, but.was,lately!-preientodbyP?y-
touah to his brother’s' w-idow.
* The next projecting hill which obftrudted our palfage is called
Row-row-apare it divides Whyripoo from Whapiawno : we pafted
it by. the Tea up to the‘ancles m water, and then had ■
a bay about a quarter o f -a mile wide,: when w-e-came to a fine border
o f low land, which at this part, being the weft.entrance
tri<ft, is jaibout adixflong #nd ’a b d lf wide.r'iiq length- --coiftwife a snilfe
and a »half, an^^K(be©aft-part hot
the.eaft fend bf -the-diftrihk the hills run clofe tb thferfe, ;And .tfc ibad
lies .over. rugged:.Iharp rodks.,-, There lisi arfias ynley- which .©peris
about a-mmile eaft ofRow-rowrapaiiej abounds, wkhfiMt-trees?# eclajr
fiderable way | tip, and is inhabited-. ’This, : valley .that
runs quite acrolg ;the -on the.oppofite fipedt opens into Bap*
paijL, -a little -w-efb/of the .great mdrai.
s Pytouah refides • at the wfeft part o f .th&'lbw, fend}, and abdiswas
too late-Tor .me to maGh-anothersdiftri®, ij$ip«opb^''ftayi®g h erefbr
the night. Both himfelf and his wife I fcnew were at theftiip.lbjat-
his head man, or toverfeer, very readily dTeflod'h pig'r arid aftej-; wc
had dined I ttSofc a; walk thtough the diftfifet, and Petet-with^ahei
The. houfes here were all neat and well built, and there was. bread-
B B 2