p w t -
the infant. Hearing a heeva the other fide o f she river, we-called »
them to defift. Old Pyatea’s wife came out, and faad they would do
fo no more, as it was the God o f Pretane’s day, and immediate^ left
off dancing.
We walked up the valley about a mile, where we have thoughts
o f ere&ing our new manfions j f a t down -under a tree: the natives;,
men, women, and children, flocked around us, and fat down; we
fung an hymn, Mid went to prayer for the fidvation o f the heathen,
in which themfelives joined in attitude. “ ©-howl'antedate the tkfce,*
fays Puckey, “ when I Ihall be able to fpeak the language o f thefe
“ poor heathen! what opportunities fhall: I then enjoy ! 0'foX more
“ o f the primitive zeal o f God’ s fiiints to declare Kis truth 1”
rath. This day the coat was fentrto Eiaieo far. MSnhe Manne
b y a man from Cornelius Lind, who waited for that purpofe.' A
letter accompanied it in anfwer to that we had revived.
“ S i r , Ma lawi, June m b . '
“ Y o u r letter o f the 16th ult, I received on. the 3 fth , with a
“ canoe, three goats, and feveral fowls, as aprefent from my tayo
** Manne Manner fear which you wifi make him rriy grateful ae-
“ knowledgments, and affure him it w ill afford me pfeafure when
“ I fhall be able to render him a more fuitahle return. Your reepiefi
“ that two o f the miffionaries might be feat to affiff in finiffiSng 4fie
“ veflel, I laid before our body, and it was unanrtnoufl^-agrlfedf4hat
•* in the prefent Hate o f the fociety we could hot part with a iif hf
«• the brethren, becaufe o f the work neceflary to be done before the
f*. arrival o f the Duff, which we expertin a few days ; and all the
“ time we can fpare will be needed for getting ready our le'tters for
“ With refped to the infurredtion you mention, o f the 8th ult.
*• various reports have reached our ears, which give us great un-
-*♦ eafinefs, as we were informed you had killed two men. Knowing
“ neither the caufe which led to the perpetration o f fuch an a d , nor
<“ the eonfecpienceS which might yefult from it , we were induced to
recall five o f óur brethren who were on leave o f afaience in the
M dilri<a o f Paparra and Tiaraboo. We hope you gave no caufe to
** the natives’to caraihenBe rfiiiffi an afiault. I f it redly originated
f ‘ in'the bread o i Id d e * from! the part you took in reproving her
f* for hér ’crime, "fear not her dtfpleriiure: the Lord who liateth
f* miqiiity1 -fs' able toideliver yam out o f her hand. You affe our ad-
t.‘ vvtt, what is bdffi to be done-, we reafly know not how to coprifel
«« yn u io ith^ rhfpodl. h u t hope your perfotte by this, time are oat o f
f t danger ó f . Iddeafa?s»^tónent, Should at continue on the caufe
** jsaafnggeff, we fliouW afe rd you protedion under our roof.
- jÉ By the bearer we fend* au.' uniform coat for Manne Manne, made
•»* rfthe,dtothtfeHt uey andhope it w » give him fttisfe<aion. The
*> brethren join w ith me in grateful acknowledgments fox all fen-
|| wiecs > and I remain
“ Your fincerc friend,
, “ J. F . C o v b r .”
A fa d Was-reported tous this day, which, i f trué, was fhocking.
In one o f Captain Cook’s vifits he fefi: a great monkey, who was
made a chief, at Attahooroos he had a wife and thirty fcrvants, and
abundance öf' évery thing: they called Mm Taata ooree harrai, the
great man dog.- O n e day rile; woman feeing Mm catch the flies and
eat them, w h ich they abominate, flic rail away into the mountains 3
the monkey, and his toutous purfued, but being met by Temarre, who
was jealous o f his authority, he knocked him down with a dub, and
killed him.
r Q n e o f our brethren this1 afternoon fitting in Ms birth writing, a
young girl. Came in, and expreffed her furprife that we behaved fo
different to them from what all our countrymen had done. . He told
h e r that fuch praMcéS were wicked, and that ifo We did fuch things
our God would Be angry. “ O h ,” faid flie, “ but I wM come to
«* you in the night, and then none can fee us.”— He replied, “ No