A n invitation was feot to the wives-* o f the miffionaries, who,. ,
agreeably thereto, dined and fpent the day on boafd : drey expreffed
much pleafure on* finding-/us.all ingood health andfpirits, and left
us. in-the evening highly delighted with thpif vifit, :As for the natives,
they crowded on board, .fe\y coming empty-handed-: many o f them
#e^e h i tfce^Eng&lh-drafe which had fen ^ g iv iii them-by the bre-
thren;. .aiad. feveral o f them Jpcke many phrafes o f broken ,EngKfh,
fuch-as, “ Welcome again ; Giad tofee-you.,. Captain Wilfon.” -1
. ' S ^ . Jddes-h ien ta ntjs^ngei tb j f morning
^pme to pur houfe. Q o confultation,, vve ^giepd- that hfothes CJpvet
flaould g o -and ipeak with bgr .and that i f fhp .p3fptt$pd f rW:fc^ ^ 9 §
for her cruel^i-tpiher -infant, a n d u s . I R e would V® J®Pr^ij£f
fend us w ith ^ d y cQ p d p ^ .w e jfcgvffilhf jgla^J to jp^egiv^Jt^r. In thi^ "
ihe acquiefced, have.nOjgpeat prcdpedt of. .a, ehsgjgp :-fh?
cam% however, under, fuch pcsf^fionsj, .and dpasnk tea with Mrs,.
Cover, j aad-xc^^uing wtkh-usfill dank, retiurmed -much gleafed>wi(b
her reception,
9th. Tg-dsy heing Sunday,.not pnec^n<^ w ^ fe e n 'p f f in thebfy?.
and wljblf appeared rem vk a^y quiet. -^r| C^CT- and
Lewis -tarns ©n board to a£t as -Gh^lfdnf for the day : tfc&dqfjgputf •
pfcachcd in the -forenoon from the fecoad<epiffle *jf .Peter, chap. iii.
yetr. 18 .; the latter in the afternoon from P h ilip p i^ ,; ,.ft$p^^$j.
,10th. Andrew -the Swede iqame from Eimeo, and jrpfented .the
captain w ith a fine -turtle. Mawroa, 'fsf. kyxd f rien,d to ns, andjthp
«lifftciriar.ies, brought a hog and-agreat ^uanfii^ I j j ^ U ^ t i i ^ - ^
wife, named Aowh, was with) h im ; fhe was fapweidy'tbe w i% q f
Motuara, chief o f Eimeo, is the real rfift?T'of Pomarre, apd pipp]|bejr
e£ Tetua -the prefent -queen» -Qtep’s wfifei; fhe is a-very uttelligenf
woman, and Mawroa himfelf is ’better acquainted with .the-idands
than any man we have converfed with- Aowh informed )y|, that
in the family -of which ih e was-a branch, the reigping prince had
been called Oiooj which -name gaffed to their firiLborn» .whether male
• or'female, the inftant it was bom;.the cuftom ob%illg'the fother ever
after t® take flaw ether I ja&e&tjoned feefott»
father o f tbs ipredfent Q tos changed h i^ toC të y , 'his father tq that pf
iTeimai, and next te> | hat s f Fomirre, and f<& on; fgr É^[vin£ J°ft tfefjir
royalty hy the birth-of their .child, they -way.iehinge their name?,as
ioft as. they pleafe, hnt^canaot-nb^pre,. . Otêy W&s p d i father:,of; Pfl-
.manre, Oreepah .(lately dese&fed), -PyfeiBgh,, .«hief of
anfl Ah.wh. 'Pjrtauah is -a»» ajssqie ,®f-tfel érftefaafe. ha^u jgugb,
difgafting look, andis much addicted lodyadrioking 4 vhp was snaQngff
nuff-yifitQES o f dais day,.nnd:reeUKved a p r e la t : they-W.ere;exepefegly
(glad ;t® fee nas J and -expreffed much .attachment.
i t has ahea'dy-jbeen, »noticed, that feme o f the brethren had made
<a tour d f the ifland, and fuppofel the number o f inhabitants on bpfh
penm^las' föpfé .’^oüh^fffty thoufatid : t]Éi'sffii|rif, thhugh lefe than a
iqiia.atef'<Jf what Gaptaiu-d300k hafculated at, was ffcill thought
hjf us aS greatly exceeding 'the-population.. Therefore Captain Wdfó&
^agreed with Peter-t® accompany w e in a circuit the ifland, and tp
Jay feme method .ctf eftimating the number,,of ,pestle in each diftfldt1.
On Tuefilay the 1,1th. w^aceordinglgr, f e off; having.firff .engaged a
man to,convey us .actofsithe numerous rivulets which we.muff neqgt
ifarily ,pafs, .and! ifew© iqfihers’ .to carry my linen and what 'things
■ Peter wanted, i t was about nfooh-when we landed near,One Tree hill,
^anS fbegan f#ie .journey :eaftwafd through the intscio.r' o f J^atgvph
'where ’the ilanfl Ss-ffar from.being dear q f jUBder.woo.d for -the heff
roads are unpleafant by'ateaf&mdf thèiang egrafl', which bpais a bur
iGatiedSgy' .thermathses'ip^iEe-peeree, >and‘.adhering itgr^he ftookipgp
becomes .pairifuthtothef” flies' were alfojveiy .trqalblefanae'. Thehreadr
fruit ;and .cooóa^nutitrees-abonnded in .perfediüo, .an£f,fafförded;an)e^>
xeflont 'ihade &om »the rheat cóf".fthe'rfen.- tin this- d iflö d - th^sé «re jaJfe
Jhe wild-cotton trees, feme .of y/hidb .were insbloarg, feutiheing sp£ a
very inferioKk-ind made -no luxuriant -fhew ; feme fpots were planted'
-with andin feme places tllhe latter «was'grewtïg
wild. ' -
The river -of MatavIkiEeccives its fup§lie& fromitheJlcfftyhaouar