and, landing, walked towards his houfe through a crowd-of natives}
whicsfohe cautioned us iö'jh^ware o f left, for the, fake o f '©pfodpmes >
theyuhould fall-upon us ànd d a us mifchief ; he alio requefted we
mightTiot gp far from hink . When he made known his Intention;
fbme o f the women wept, and his wife was much caft down,' thojig-ft,,
he treated, Ijg: with much ipdiBfii'enpe ; indeed^ h& hgd, pSaWmati he
<ftd not pare what became o f her. But when he took the^phil^di
his arms, a.moffc beautiful infant abjatit eight or nine months old,' -thp
tèàfs gHftèSted?ta:pl;^&s;ùiid,fexpr-effîng his forrow, he {Stated divided-
m fSsPmlhi®/ whether ib ftaÿ ina-fihidtióh where,--fey'réaforföft't-heir'
rfers/he faid, h is Hfb^a eon tiftüïd^ 'ihjèb^^Jw ^xi^ ö^te himfeîP/
and leà^é- his' belovéelf d^gh te f to-the'-^fiè^k^J0fr fa'vâ:^^s\:., MöWeVer/.
as he ftilï iritéhdèd tÉhlafep, hé eriftbarkeff in 'the'iêanöê; ânffh-îs* wife
îôid child accompanied* ils.- In the way, weafked her-hhlfhe-Wou-M
part With her chiid*i ‘hér reply was, “ No/ not for any thing-.**4 ïAsj
fëvëiid'natives ind clufefs- had -coffedfed on Board/dt wasjbmef tiiùé'
Bèfèÿe CoMSor’sfc feöKnefë éôhîd= 'fiè’ fèMèd ; which' alfb ga&é ’him time
t s ’confider more-deliberately what Mo do/' :Ænd/ às-ffeé'^pvW lét-Ahé
child out-of his arms, his affeftiOn- preponderated, ^irid-he .toil* thé
captain that hé found It- impôffîblfe fór him %y léâW'ife j -Whiteh* we
fvere all- glad’ to h e a F 'fo r th e in fa n f ’s fake/ ' A few -tiifefM ‘artiélés*
Were thehprefented1 to him, and we immediately^wore ftiip and' mâdé
fail, whilft they returned to the fhore.
that the %krs here are fer* more deftrttfftpre'ditto? *-af
Otaheite, where they wiH hot ftand do' fight ; here-they" âîë''~mdre
çôtitâgëôhs j arid- both By piâéfiiCe and neceffity areheedhie ’fdr more
fkil'fiil. I le relatés, that about two or three months:hefbre our vifit;
the people o f Huaheine (whom he^si -oWiged; td 'Éffilf, *!dr; 'ft^p^)
went againft the iflandof Ulietêa ; and in..thèfirft-battlé, after many
falling on both fides, the latter was defeated, and1 forced to fly for
fafety to Borabora, leaving thé Huaheine men matters o f the ifland ;
But in a fhort time fome of the victorious band longing after thèir
wives; returned to Huaheine/ o f which their enemies no- fooner
heard,, than they. I came' upon them w h it g/ihpetinrity o f numbers,
kiflc,d> i^opt fifty* of. thein heft-warmor®, and itt was withgrept difficulty
thafcdSoimar'anff ^ few.HMire got to their'canoes, in Which,, by.
hard.’ .paddling/ they efeâpedt foam, the; purfuib o f their enemies-,
«^obner.tffifewad the mark pf æ wéûndéniftheLHack,* which had.been
’decpi,. but was. now healed’ ;,bpiwhi)ch ï fuppofed it snore than three
month».ïïnoep.this.affàir'happened;T ândt f believe truly,' that
âheoed&môjen'djx) their wars/;. and .that*. tQf’havexb&h oncel beaten- vyiÉ;
confi derad as a^fcffieibnfi caufe fort,erifrmg.on fbefh wars,;) fo t/ ’ tidti
<^ftI|ftMrd?p^,-'theh'late-'misfisitunes,. theyl were*jAségaifing fs&r another
attàck. .
/ jppmiqrit.bad, not ’been more than five-yeaaæ among ttapiflhndfe,- in
which time, be proves, that- a man may, ii^all.points, become a
heathen,; and even, forget .has town language1; though he had fpent
part- o f .that | time;with, his.’ foæpjhàias. ., ’Hehhad forgotten what
tsjme hadelapfed; ftnee the. wreck-pf the. fhip, but--fuppofed* it- to be
eight .years, which, was three yeass-too much. .vBevKaps-f® meaning
might- he faid-. in.excufb.fee.htm ; the never .'could'read ; but had he
psoftefifedl onLy <a fhaall lhare oS literature, -is is likely, abfiæâdi or ip&i
cnlatwe ideas; w-duM. fometM in his mind, to- expreis
W-hich, words of. • hist natiye language: eonnedted -with ftiteh- ideas wobld
hatürattylands^^.- p fe ieG ^ iy récur,) tha^||f£^eiât^i9%Éjk^'tQ6 penurious,,
Add to this, that the.-remotenefs.-of his fituation from- home
might caufe him to give up all thoughts o f ever returning to his native
country, and to think no more o f cultivating or retaining thofè
qualities he had occafion for there.
From Huaheine wè fleered to-go to the northward o f Otaha ;. hut
as . i t . was . nearly : .calm we : made, little way. ; and. next day at noon
were no farther, than between. Otaha and Borabora-, when we obferved
in 1.6? 2.8' S. ' A. few. canoes came off from both iflknds ; but as it
was Sunday, agreeably to the rule we had invariably followed, we
had no with' them;; except giving' a : few- knives and
hatchets, for, which.we took; return. Neverthelefs, .as; we