thé fhock is' Aver:' and we- have -fdmèöme&>feéif' them endcavötfr to
quell3 h is: difcofiteht, *a»d': ïedlüée hifo
the5 ground with large flicks. • Tbngalóér ï fhé^gsd o f ‘ the Iky^-and
Fenoufonga,of the rain, they-fuppofe to Be inales-51 bifidés thefe;' they
have .a great many'of hers o f both fexfes,
merate,- oyer earth ^ fea, and ik y , each a&irig in their- proper fphere, and
foihetimes counteracting one another, according as ipterëfk oi* »inclination
deads them. They alfo acknowledge:fhe exiftehceöf-a> great niimiber o f
ftrange göds,- calling>thèm bylHé general; name o f FygaV'amöng* Whom
thêy<rank ours-as the g l^ t^ - jïandf when they Sikiki4iw S 4 dni«r^She«
pUrpofei they w ill readily aeknowlMgé- feim*i&faf w|feïip-Jtólfffi -'ëstejf
Y&&Ë& better than tfeéirsf haidhgitaUght ifewSi nlafcé;f© toucHpbtSiÉr
ïhips, '%ödlsf 'doth, &cv than thejAhaVë ever heen ablé'ttó
fidés thèfe; they itnagine every individüaPtoftbé under1thé1 power and
control o f a fpirit peculiar 'to h h n fd f,: w hich' tlfcy-calb odèea, who
mtefefts hinifelf in all théif ebhc^ns' biit; like^©S^f^feidlig^:|^
littlfc regarded' till angry, when they think hé- in ïlö fe upon the'm&H
the deadly diforders to w-hiéM'ihky are- fubjeét;-- and
him, - the relations and other-connexions o f : the afffi'dfc'éd 'pórföii^s&ipéf
Cially iff lie be-a- chief, 'randntoöH the inhuman practices o f cutting
o ff their little fingers, beitittgS théi'r’ faëes,and :%abèÖmgt#hémfèlves
from- certain kinds o f food. Human faenfices -feemi littte'idn
praétice: the only vi&ims to fuperftition which we have feen are
already mentioned in thé cafe o f Móómöoe j though, at-ödf^pèi^al,
Ambler informed us, that when a great chief-lay* fick tbby öfteii
fiarangled thêk women,-to foe'number o f three -dr'Töür-iat-aXfimêj
When the odooa is inexorable, the death o f the -perfon is inevitable
and dure, and the furvivingfriends feem for a Ihort time inconfolable •
but their grief is^foon changed into'the oppofite extreme, and they
run into as great extravagances in their feafts aS when thê forrowful
paffions prevailed they inflicted on themfelves fuffbriflgs. \
They believe the immortality o f the foul, which-at death, they fay,
is immediately- conveyed in a very large fall-failing canoe to a diftant
country, called Doobludha, w h ich , they defcribe as refembling the
Mahometan paradife. j They call the god of this region o f pleafure
Higgblayo‘,\fajid> eff eerp^hmpus | .foeigreatefl^and mpR -’powerful ofj all
'others, thtt^refixbeih'g ^oibetter'.than.fegvants,to him./i-This d^Strine,
however; «jKjfwhsliyicon^rie&iiQ the icbiefsi’.for the tooas, (or lower
order)->canpgitefao<^&Qn.©tiwhatev£E!j -as-they reckon' the^epjoyment§
o f D'eobl’udHaS^ikolse' feheih (^papitjgiffo ffhey feem ne^erijto think o f
what mayjbe'eime^efstfeem aftentheythaveideiaie^ the pujpofes o f this
ifcfe.v We have not beenhalfl.ent.o^lra.'En whit-, ideas they forms ^5Abe
"isrigtcKif their,;exifldnce;otlfflny«c^ter^partsmfjAhp .creation; when
,fpokfeiittc»fohK4hefe,£ubg€*S's3Ahg^fbean. quitevfofl: jL-this .may, fhppv
©v,©%«b,e ^wib^itofibpikihccuracgiio^^arnexpreflionSi ^ri'fipg-from 311
i-imperfeCt knowledge ©fi theflfoguagiej whichdhas hitherto prevented
us.from' oppofirig-any o f thoifogafffs abfurdities B u t we, look forward
to that happy day vAen'thelglsrfen^tdun»^?righteonfo^%,iyilL arife*
'and'turn thfcfEadowpf death itttojfhe“m©rhuig>- If i
i ijpThe;,pjodai<ie^©£.thia ifland is already fo-j^ell tdefcribed j th a t , it feems
imnwidfay ffrmfay thingjbiyit «here. uWe have been ablejio apd very
Jittlefo i t | f e e d s 5 t - ' w h k h Have been fawn in',different parts, bid
IjWr.'ta'dosweHjfftbisrfodueCSrnsKtpithinkany ,kbi4^ fo& fo p e an r feeds
;would I thitvpi herepiWEerel'it not; for, tfeesratlsij^hkhjdeffpy them a?
they, appear jaboveiground. Rats-, ,with hngsA/ffgg'g^ and/jg^janaesj
were the only quadrupeds--we .found here.. '• The,cattle .left by-.Qapt.
iGook have jbe^pi tall [deftroyed feme- yearsj agoj: ^the horfe and ,mare
.having beenhrft gpred i,by:-the bull, gave fo e , natives ,an idea o f hi§
sfunous temper,! and put them m terror for-themfelyes •, therefore, to
!prevent .any..badnfocidghf1 'taking place, < theyit^ftroyfid; ;him, with
fhe'i kowiand. .thxee/youngr whichy, they rinfortneff ,us„ were ah
they had produced, except one-young bull which had been previouily
taken to Feejee. Captain Wilfon, in his fegond vifit, has left us
eight- goats, three.cats, and an .Englilli dog, of which the natives
are1 yery fond, and which we-hope will be ufeful in; their proper
places. The death Otaheite prevented,- us fjrom receiving