294 . MKS-T m i s s io n a r y : v o y a g e t j g f f l b g '
whereasi'Ctffl oiigatih^k» b^Sereiii s ‘hardly man or woman .but, wha£ has
loft both.
Theirilhagfe <s^tK®sri^fbir.. we faw, no ck>uble> ones) -were, nsarly-the
fame Stfall refpedts as at the Friendly Iflands, being o f the lapse
fhape, fewed' together oh the. infidedamd decorated in the fame manner
withr fhel&j -Snip beingjiatbfer ifhbrterhni '.pfoportionffcO their' width;
feerned not fo heat and well; fihiQxed. ; The only weapons we. faw
were fpears curioufly carved., * and pointed with the bone; o f the liihg
ray. T he datives- expfeffeif’gnra.t fuiprife' and tciiriofity. at .the fight
o f our fheep,: goats;.- and oats. Hogs and fowls; they faidgi.they had
in great plenty, which, added ,to -the evidentlyTtspetieaS fertihty«a£.thg
ifland, "and the feeming cheer'ftdandfriendlydilpafeion o f the natives j
makes tthis^ in Qnrojdnion^rtJiemaft ehgiblepMebfbi flaps l^fning
frebri the eaftWard;: wanting j^eflhmnts,: toii.tebeh: afc: -Jsiidfepatk
regard: t& mxflinnary views,' eohM. one >ori -two young, menu (fhsh #
Clonk* be: found wilhrigp to” devote thdk. Jives‘to: thednfttT^jpritj^f'
perhaps five or fix: thoufand poor heathen,> there cab hardly he . a
place where they could ifettle with greater advantage'* as there is food
in abundance ; Jand the: ifland lying; mmote c to n«?©!
berehgiged ini^w^rs, except what brtal&may happenia^ppgvthera.*-
felves. 'ft*: latitude ■ .is2bh»§.i?fi&.; and l«gftudesi>7'^fE.?.>fit§ileB^th,
in an eaft and well direction, is not above four or five miles. •
From Rotumah we fteered N .W . b y W . to W . and W . by S. ;.f<5r
eight days'5 and:'as we hove to every nighty; w e hadreafoo.tD think
that no land lay within four or five leagues ,on: each fide, bf our, track.
A# eight A . M . On the 25th,''wie faw land from the mall-head bearing
N .W . by N . and immediately fleered for it. T he weather- being
gloomy, with drizzling rain, we had no obfervation for the latitude.
About five o’clock in the evening,o as we drew near to the land, we
found that it confifted of ten or eleven feparate- iflands, two of three
o f which were.of confiderable fize, and faw a- canoe coming towards
.us. in which were two men: they approached within hail, but would
|;N" TO •m©|,®>irpa-SEA' 3Sh.4®DS. ■ i,05
come • no nearer j they flood up and brandifired nheir,-paddles,- and
ufn^f many-\Qi'Id gtftufes«! hoopcd;amdrhd'H©dt\I in a harfh tone, not
-feemingly as a menace or defiance; but the; effect-of &iprffoand,a
P®t®^S{lhlfifO|(her jpaffio^|at „*f© wonderful f^ht^dhaynag, an all
p id f e b d k y ^ r j^ ^ e h # -a sfeip;befdret ^-Tfh9yEjiad»bafketslof!-fi:Uit
in the-,c^pgb:a®|j’tQf them kJ^cfr^aienfly 'pcunfed^rcas if-they wanted
; but 'ifbiap^ng^jStufe: tmajg-lst Ae ■ ^Howslf, I fhonld
fat>hfS?tshink ,*bey meant theraas» offerings ; never
l}id; £e^ a. lbip?;hpf©r&, fh.ey-i could fanaswtrictthingjbf toMS? articles,' nor
theiy iufj|.- or value. .However, .What&Jfever>^hey-®nterndedi-feaipkept
them at fa -chftanCe,- though w e nfedsi-everyi mefrHod';'tjdtal4fureLt'laeni
slongfide. i Nine- canoes - more we re inbfe', GoniiftgjrofF, sfeuttfbey alfo
a<ke;d •.yfitjh: t he- fame caution 'and fear iajs^fhe fell;, tHeeping/all<to§CJ
ther.aftern o f fhp fhip. When we had ^^fjpjstty near tb^bpifland
Vfe tacked, land fhould ,1haye palled throug|^aiin6togt<thferp,i;had'£l2ey
not&pereeived their’ fit nation, and -paddled to wimdwakd.' 'After this
they Were pnakihg towards.fhe* hrgeft cof fhedflandk, Mhsnra heavy
fq^ualhih^-fwirid fanddrsjoK ‘iotsidg. ifehs-hefipfe
ftear.ftorurig<svbr^fonas©fllthnm; ahiteJhS^tpfM>ctoer
fi*iall , c^noe.,|j impedeOKeffeoaid» and’ 'T^arn ttoifanothen.!':,’When <the
fquall was-tsflvqr, we faW': that dhey .shad a l l got Jneariko/.^tHeidhorey
and|yhat fhef.defeted canoerwasrn^ta&r £»nhT*s ?.’iWe?ehterfefereiibpd
!0pfe;ilO :hert,saBd picked -her' tup; shoping eto:MaivM/ani cppbrtujiftyxif
returnibg. hehthsnexf'daiyr sd
This: canoe (and --they .all 'feemedttqsBe'Mike^was aboiititwtlVefer.
fourteen feet long;;<and sdjput-. fifteen-inch^,-broad., -made o f1 oneti%,
fharpenoi-at:the-.ends, >arid,'a iattle- ornamefited'On'Jthe'Wpper paifr:.
the hiiftrdmeatr; with! which ithey had: hal®Wtd '?her' hadf 'hfc marks-
as i f doine;with.argouge. -.
Having ppt the -Jhip* ‘under a fang ,ftil;>we hood Jto--‘ftie'paftw^d
allathe night, and *at .daybreak found^wehadjdriftedt.cOnfifierably to
the fouthwar.d i»;buteasrwe dlilbexpebbed' to’ihaVe’fome ftftercourjfe^th
the natives, we fet fail; land plied to Windward. 'A-b^uf. Clgven 'A . M .