made ffe treat thein, .febKfly«aVflSwrf captain.’ mtadéïTêïiae a:;prefënt of
an ornameatedrcrpyrn,; 'which dqSghfëd:. hi&a g w a t i y x h f #11$ gavo
him a piece o f cloth, a hammer, and fed© gimlets, ujbut,.what moR
tpok his fancy; was alaiige 0n ^ -;te l];i.fe r thefe they barter eagerly,:
P^® 68? 3hT ’Ptteï-^iag>©ipEérfi them g^yeiour cq©1j ^brqacf-aKe -fpr, a
CondM hupif may w ith tenth-,he that they are-in futh aR ateofi
nature and ignorance^ ©rrather flupidity*; that aofewitKRanding, many
i mn tools.,; Am Have heen left -amfifigr them, theyi'har5o'nP^er'yefe
thought o f employing tKeih powers to learn .thjartufetrrtheref^re-theyf
fefc but lifetler-valufi upon' whahWehayc, j except they’cap ReaKkr; which;
the wodth róf thsr article, jf 'ïii&sf ;t#^>, they-
think nothing o f> cats and goats-they’ fought after with^fèmg^h'i;
<S6u#i ga^cd,;got n§mé o f the fo rm e d ’buff df thé lafcferivfe’haAioply
females on. hoard. ■ The eoneh-fhells they ufe when JÖPjSgÓ a -sM n g -
from dnevalley töanother, and as they gain the.fiMnmits o f : thohifls,
they blew-Rièra with a ll the« might; and^tske->igreajb cMigJifèa®^
prideiini lifteming tothhlongTeyerbefattn^echQes. in
Tenae was now, mote familiar thanat his firfi vrfit, attidlfegyeyed
the cabmTwith a degree o f »atÉentim, b u t;notrW;hh*.thêcpenetjiation
and difceraiiment o f^ f c Frirndlyrifllmderv Happening tó fb h iiiè fe "
wire. ó£ the cabiiv-bell, herwas Rruckowithafipniffiment andi-favage
wonder •, he rang the bell again and agam, and; puzzled hSfifëtf a
quarter'o£Tan/haur ft> find’ wHenceihe found) proceeded.. Tênaë pas
a thoughtful call o f countenance, and looks much like the chief
and father o f a. .village, and to fee him thus employed raifed our
pity, to behold a man on whom, nature, .perhaps, •haA^heftowedlMkhts
capable o f exploring her rnyfisries, thus cobfounded with a rattld j
but, alas ! in thefe regions, remote from all the paths o f fcience, the
' talents l and virtues o f infillated genius lie hid in darkrlefs, and, like
the beauties 'of the rough marble, want ithe fkill o f the polifher to
bring them forth.
It was not a little-affeffing alfo to fee. our own feamen repairing the
rigging, attended by a group o f the. moft beautiful females, who’ were
employed to pafs the ball, or carry the tar-bucket, &c. * and this they
did . w ith 'th e greateft affiduity, often befmearing themfelves with
the tar in the execution o f their office. No {hip's company,* Without
great Yeftraint-s from , ©©#.sC/^àéeV M’ItÜYeyér -fhav®, ïéfifted fuch
temptation^ j iMdAfâiSfk Would' dikve -pfobably offended, t f theÿ had
nof? dSfeëm oVeraWed *ljÿi the' -jeafotffy- âftalby -thé good
- their ^é0mfitësr ■-
ïiftbfeyhïtdffibëh '^vîfî’Ghd’feÀ ktided-à ^hfeft and ^^âji»pai?^ls fo#
the ç whiçibjj weiK^a^^fafe tupj:o ,the,^oufg. Tom and
thé- boy HârraWay Raid -on’ fhore- t-h’i^ n'i'ghfî Ifbnmetpihpofe o f ren-
df&mfl* ’Groôk-wlMi fëm c é they -yould ƒ and Irrth^évëniftg tolij^vifitors'
left usdh^^dWlmé," as'-üféal.': 8
ofh the pïnnâëe- Wasff^fejoh fh o fe^ a fh Wkfegîéfe things.
réïdMdg«‘ïèf''ftky,'dltaéKfed h5ffï’f è l îstô' the place, took to
eating- the four mahie, arid- contented hirhfelf with the food the
ifland afforded1, which is not o f a1 Very'delicate kind-; for the mahie
being miade in fmall quantities- here, and. eleanli-nefs little obferved
in the operation,, it is not fo gobd as at Ofaheife : but he fays that
they always 'ÎÆve1 him firft oFRhe h'ëft -they1 have' and as* hë hojfed
fty'gef3porkvdhéS4îr tw iç ea Week, ^M'fréfh1 fifh. as 'ô ff as-hë pkafes',1
he things hemay five .contented without- cMtlfng an eyé fë'thedtiiurîeS
è f -’Ofeheiteîf Tenae "had adopted him as His < fori-, an aél ,#K^,êver
Kôld (w facléd^-eRheriffiig-' 4iim in thfe" f in e Tight aâ hi^ other
children ; thi^ïthfcydàpiaihed to -’Gfôdft-, wM , from- thé p'ains- ple-i
vioufly taken, to learn thet l^Bgpa^f undÉHféôd' alra'off all- they fai‘d>#
TMe chief being informed thai -M-f.-Harfis' infeMed-to flay,- deffi-ed
Crbbk'to invite him off fh d ré f M fh è ïo 'iÏÏd^ b f be perfuaded,-which
wat ^det-tainfy- dbing ’wrong,1 hiThe fhouïd hayéf'e'fhbiacted evéry fop-
portunity o f learning thé real1; Rate o f tlié 'ifland, and thence judge
o f the practicability o f fettling upon it, before the day came when
he îïiuft either go on fhore or leave Crook alone, without being able
to aflign Rich clear reafons as landing in time might enable him to do.-