jaclies -ftfld a half aerqfis 'fetit ifnuch JjgfepjfeSngA chefout’mtafes, and
is- roafted like them ■
. ^^addpekiSj tranfpi&iSftd f e ^ A h e jB e r in g Mands, l»y Britifh m aty*
gators, aijdcal led fey the riatiyds.qb®.©o J* app a a , foreign bread-fruit,
TtyilMfwM lififofftffIntuii i 3^ . BarSpea®'.yifitoiis Jik^wife,liAyg’itidSed
ififte-japples,; lmnarfci Hares. Indian con\V tobacco, g in g ^ , J&x. which
howeverfl^raa, little valued by the iHanders. .
jQf;plai*tai«iis tk ^ h a ^ t ftfrts: the. maiden, oray a j
the horfe plantain^ ;plx pa x® a fyther-mouritain». paste, v&cng®*
generic name is ^ayya. ^ The faye grows ,o n i^ ^ ; the dineaahtainsi
.-and differs much frornall: the. -other fpecies, the Hulk, bsangjofa raven
or deep purple colour, the leaves larger, and of a ideeper green. .. The
fruit grows all round the top of the flock,!: iv^hich rifts .upright like
a fugar-Ioafed cabbage, and nlofely wedged in by the fide- ©fr ekch
" othfr x, when Pipe, th s font is a stddifh brown, and withtnmg^nMh
yehow.^id ha? fomerthing^£the frnellbf :painti} if « it whemyhrmg^it
refembles and fmellsTike cucumber.. jQf theft they make a .‘pudding
which taftfes Ufego«rfehbr«ysftKd^:called.pQ»bn fa t e . "Theroottis.as
geeti as yapa, Of plantains alfo they make a podding, called.toaparro,
mixed, sssrtb terroaedf’fPCOArtiWv very like a quftard. The' cocoa-nut
is grated osfcemT, and «feed with its own milk ; this is wrung fey
in a -ftringy kmdof.gjrafs, that exprefies the white .
the fofefepbd <?f the nut behind s into this juice they grate: thy .tafrro,
and mix the ripe plantain, tying the wholeup in plantain-leaves made
tough by holding them over the fire. Theft padding-bags remain all
bight in thenyefi, arid, when taken oat, the preparation may fee eaten
hot or cold, apd will keep for many weeks..
Say fa t is. another kind -of nice pudding made o f Ifereakfcfiaait
and cocoa-nut milk in the (hme manner ; and often drefled inimall
quantities, by putting into it heated (tones..
P oe t a 5.ro is made of the fame materials, with the addition of
the.tender leaves of tarro broken into it.
v j j $ F E B a' is' made- with, thitg^tlngs o f p e e a i n t o theexpjfefled
COCMvnut; iytficeg. [andli when 'Web stadje,. J refemfel$S-ia ■ fu*t •dympling r
though,,i f the peea.be eaten in any <|B^itity„ it fam^t ifejyss capfe^ ,%gid-
dihefs :in thehead. i
ï ■:<P©Se.@* 'islf compound fe®gAd*£fe§it-raafeie, ■ beat, up
i@gethh8i;fn.^i Irap w ith . jnifefomènt#- a$jd-.eatgn @.t every, xn ep lr,
mixedwith w&fte0P'Cé®S4rhbt mifk ii aqddihii#in^S;is made of breadr
fmfrc#,imahftfh^tr4telyi*a^ohiiq^ti9-?t^feveral' taftes of jhe-perfons:
SB® this fete it nfeuehrqftinhles -fluqimer-y. , Wfehthis egr neyVj-boïfi
dnfaht is’ (fefily fupplied; byr,o]d> Madam 'P iS e ib i^ d >
A multitude- of tfiferror roots and’ fruits are eifihf'e, j^nd might be
improved fey. cultiyatjbn, .but' the imrn^fity óf ^o^^toeöügiproduee
'rerafeis itbunnegefery.
‘ ■'The. eoeeb-nut ' bib is made fey Jg^jpgr-thi^i^l-gFoWn Jpcoa-nut
'kernel into, a .large trough r after-4 -few ’days- digftftipn the# od {.begins
to j ftparatc,- which they gently pour' off, 'and • mix-l ;wkh it fragrant
herbs ;rfl®wjeiE, the farlria qft the hlG^^fes iofttheijflyh^i^ d^ gjyjs|$dy
palm, .and fandal wood, > leaving the whole- tót macerate thjtjEe qr
a month, well (tirring the ingredientsF every 'day*' When it has
acquired' a.'ftrong perfume,^-the cal is-Iwrurig.o^fsand; piat.-upjLinto
bamboos for raft? and called manoe. iThere ..is j a. qrtic.k^rJ^iethodvqf
tejsürfeöing: daersoihbbty eKpofing the ntfit-s hrfekenJtp^thg f t a i j . but.; the
oil thus drawn is always ranpiSth »
In preparing a hog for the table, they always; either drown or
ftrangle i t : the latter, is ufually preferred; If the hog is large, ^fbey
mlake two .w’ three rounds’; of'. ftrorig corÉ,Hbout ;his neck, - ïmd with
a, ftick'twift. it till the breath is fepped'ihfluffing ? the: -nófkriils and
fundament with grafs, when the animal quickly dies. They wet it
all ;over, .and furrounding it with dry leaves or graft, .finge off the
hair, feraping it with flicks and cocoa-nut (hellsi and a rough ftone,
till the ikin is perfeélly clean. With a fplit bamboo, or knife, they
open the belly, and take' out the entrails .arid coagulated blood, which
•they divide into cocoa-nut ffasHs mïxfcd wdth feane fat -pf jlhe-cawfr
'' 2