>4£o ' E t»£T iMïssa<»iâirar v m & w
•the bodyinterred jn the m om . The hhg's : are kiiled-and :öfïeredfa-s
before, and thte priefts take1 thq'-cloth and deçoraifiions,. whichj are
jpçefeifted t©fehç yo«ng king. '
.* Gsnfidering the gieatnetekrf thé work, and -the bçaütyusf'the
eïêegstjont, iitdi^^oriüflin^ how, without the knowledge .ofrirën,
-wilîtoutjhde a i, cxmpâfsÿuwifch aïibnezadoelônijr,' ïhë^degt^ dpta
.èdôg ofijarman ifhaqsjgned fbr thd pfi|i8afc „dfirfcbaM,mgoisp, îtaàl
îgi^letfriwlÉh q o t ó t ó f :atid faffld,z the y cap, carve fo méatly
ibtiEeaeelii^j-(W»mffiiixg^arfooe-hVQdameç'..-<k$tid not exceed them.
With fehflBîftraiihfints, arat ofithe&aEdaft'ani teoft fciidWstó
4g) form fla n k s* ®@t ln a ü re ;M ^ ; t» te ^ tit© ^ '^ trè e ÿ z a n d - b»l#t4<àKfe
«pablsz^f otoymgithsee hundred,pedons, znauft reqiisêï&GMi^irfs
fes finiftisd. î
• T h e war cfinoesbdiffiîE i a î t e oe i f t i u f t i o n ^ ï - a s ) ^
fifhing anâtrayeUing cândes^ ithefe Mttér being low fordpaddling,
flat-fided, atKÏ ccmftteig eommaslyiifibdtim^rohdTlank'fiâèd^ôh
the tree IhoIoweA. sait, with a raifeébftern, O n the !bów>a- plank
p pjesâs; a b o u t fix; ce eight félfc,- dà^hidï.aîpiatfotta'fe^stfâi :and a
travelling, houfc emSted, which can bè carried jôhfthëÿl andftevefhr
a temporary abode : fometimes only an awnihgds ftp ready‘knâ diere
thepaffengersy or the perfons o f moil dignity, are fteated. Thefterns
are broad, zand,. according tp the nobility o f the owner, raifed and
ornamented, fomelo fourteen feet Mghyi#óarved tvOrkj^êftrëfôiïÉîffg
men fupporting each other on , their hands, tier upon tie^ andftur-
möumtéd b y a piece of: carved-work, o f three or foi» feet'tound,- and
holoxy, fomefching -like :a ..«Gothic tower. Theft, « ^ rd J& É ïo their
bulk, # e s paddled by from. four -to twenty men, and câ ifhë ffcÿ#éd
h h g te or made doublé, as occafion requites;: -
T h e y have ftffl ûnàller double canoes, and firtg§ë ©nés* w ith hh
^ht'rigger for common ufe, Thofe-defigned for failing hav/fcme
«me maft and fometwo, whether thfe ^ n ^ b e in g le or double?:
maft is fixed with fhrouds and ftays s the fails are made o f matting
long.:.ami narrow,, kndbhave aJkimdbrifijbrit laced uprandfidown 'the
vt£t^^eclxi:v’ than the maft-head, forming
a ibfa.w ftomdsthe heightrofothe maftup WlKls, a n d ’keeping the
weatherdeech^of the fail "right from the maft-head to* the fprit-end,
to w h ie k ai.’tengï'pênnant I made ofrifeifhersfisMiftrally faftened; and
the lower paf tris? extended "®h ra bam'böö'-bqSm ,V tó1i w h ich tfeêftpiat1 is
■ ücorely; k fh ed ; and .'hftiet alïb Jtheb ffieet-'isyifikde ’fail:. In-fhè Angle
canoe thei-mtót ds>1 plSeedn nearly ‘ before. ‘the rxlidftiips; in the double
the doremaft 'isHraifediin .the ohb,; anffl>thexmaSnfnaft in thefother, *'at
netóy?trnecffijrd^each..}' The war ‘danoes havejheir mafte gnd'ftM in
'fehdJfame/manner,- ontthefmaftt tifeekb tt'bin^JofiiblffE?tVwo5kt*likè
a fomïete .The ofin^leUeanoes ;.'jwh'en> tiggedirfdtHfailing,1 * arfe fraifed
wifchia wafhbbani ófi.tei» ar; >t Wdlve'itia'öhtes. ^bövd !tbe ;gtindl4l0|' i and) Oh
fheat®|> -of this?, ro^pofitebtd ithe on trigger;) te a about ■' tWo^feet
wideh-andi mnnir^'about’■ ten ibrrdweiVeYfetxalóti^ithe lfidb o f the
canoed thisdsimade'iofi.planks w.dll;-laftitedjt0>ih#^)as?s1 whïch’if&|)pdft
them,,and?to(this'they:teh|g the fedücÉ' oWMesdati^gerds-^elferaliy
twofflddds did length^f <t'Sè caute/rat tEe«ei?jïemiey ig fi.:feö§fa
aybloi)gvas)the icaboe,d a®dïric^ptlin(>f.Ee ,fatóérdfe<aMi&'s^ehy>feëel'(<b^
if ïmallerroatfiggèiT' pldeeduear )tïïè ftem> :dtóft#3§ ’ thdfeH-gfnQt^I-^tf^
exaéSy ’parallel. >ahd nicely adjufted, (they iïrTpédetthfc Hreld«aittyof1''the
c&noe^ which Hbldom' fails aboye tfiVevorifixiknbt-S ads hour.' v/ dbsithey
have mo method o f reducing them'fail-at thé hêaM;' bStig-ottliy aifofe
to 'ca ft it lo f f at.’ifhe: foot.mand’Srolldtip-a-paxt;..thdy are!drivehStthtlfe
'greateft inccfnvenience whbnmVeritakeh’tbyb'ad'j-weather^a'ridïfEequentiy
difmailed, roverfet, ojp.hlójyn<off'thefcoaft|dand ,heardiio£:aio fnorej
.When a fquailOcémeS.'onvcthévi luffdtfie^ead'«^'the-.ca!ntsss .tcoifi'^vand
if jfh e is’ dikely lö ifa ll ofly èbey>jMmpjöyfe]jboard,'' andjhóldlberi'hëad
to windward tiil the guft o f ’winft is paiïèd’j thèn^get ïn>ys afesèrpiiE|ie
theirAcourfe.10f^hcrsooveitfet,' dfeeh? -e^efy thing
faft, ■>and;.tow1 tthfeticanOe: rcJiiindt'with thëomaft-headifto 'windward j
and having a? line :faftened to-’theffprit-endj ,t& y get alb hands on;thc
^ « 3 v