itds'ma^s^f'netrWQck,; arid thrummed with red and yelfev: feathers«!
Tifetafitai &firo>. the puWib qxator jJpsdsaMy? :Miniie Manne-)v opened
the: Ceremony wrikalonglpeacb:, whki^fefeJhttii the rigdrifu^autt©*
r-ity o f the; Ibn, a£ Pomarie. to the ? rayaf dignity ;,cand invefteeb. him
viti# the aejgai cmdfcnre»:!hfotuara^7rtha:te|iief».rfiM^Q^iwhD::hadi
^toyetqhhikauftioihry^ Jii(ftrpaid:hisi homage ta the .young’ kaittg^fwbsfc
was/borne- ore a. marc’sc {boulders-,. and, furrounded: by. all his ahi-eflains.3
He brought; three human victims-: from. E imea, in his canoes, ^ frorris
each: o f which th e priefiyj fe ed in g ! riufc. arijfeye, preftrittfi it: itfrkh»
fcvereign on a- plantain; leaf .phtched/ frorm; aL yauiigtree. in hja liandf
ncdjittpaniedavMria. lang^ ceremonial; .diftourfe i "A e bodies were. tfaBri
tnhen awayy and: interred': ih thei'inaiai. Tba-damet cereihohy was
repeated b y every chief inirotafeion,( ofi the: feveral diftrd6ts ;o f Qtaheite,.
dearie: bnkigpfagfane;j and£h^a,?two;hnin®nj:fasttBcest|j‘!hxfed-.<iJii a long
pole j; arid; buried after the prAntationofi theteyeXi a;
The reafsarn affigned ibr/this; horrid oblation was, that the: head
heing'Beputedffajaiedv, aBdrtheejreethern»flipred®risipatt,:;it! wasitoofeM
prelented: to the Icing as- the head andfeye. oftfee pEQpfeLd rHlSirig
predentalibnihe krag-htolds lri8inroiithoperiias^i£cfacmiiDgSt'»j^to3el%5
they imagine: he“ xeaehces additional wifdom jahd -difeernmoat :^iahd;
that his tutelar deity presides, to accept thnfacrifice,.aH^^riheag0p|ft
miHjication o£ the ratal; principle», to. {tengthen the foul o f hi&:rri§fal
pupil: Mbgs innumerable were ftran'gled, ahd im^bfq> qhamtkies
o f cloth prefcnted. The -royal maro, worn only'on;.that d a y ,. .was
depofited in its: place at the moral;; and- the-faq^-canoes^ which
brought the- human, fatarifitass^ werie hauled; bj* th ith e r .T h r ie k ir ig
arid.eHiefs.then departed, to devout the.hogs,; turtle, fcfw|®, fifli^.and
vegetables prepared for them in the greatelt prtfufioni,: and tot;drfhft
their intoxicating yavav T h e feafting and heivas laded: two months j
thehags-killed on the. occafion weredwramerabOri, the yarn abundant.i
arid more than one o f the chiefs paitf for. their excefles with their
: Ota©, the prefent king; ivabout fewenteen, and very large limbecT,
proririfièg tójbëófia.dfeejiike' f e f Father.^’ JEfi^Tgh fie*Is ‘abfelutri/'he
liyesrin th'cjgfèàteft.fani'iyEitytwith the fe-Weft o f^ S J f^ fê^ s^ He is
differentlylrfprfifen£l%ifdnier%: M ferikstédsidy and o f a thoughtful
afppéfc;, wKHVothefs caft.tórft ftupid, and his^nntéianée vâcant;
His <pieen.yTetuaycdaughteinofriWyréedêf réliÆ dfsMptüâfe.'iis about
his ovfca age; i 'and 'ratherothej larger o f tï^tWo»'« 'H e r^ n të tó fiC e is
plea&jgsaiidWpeovHbut’mafduline; arid'Widened^thenékfalïfnèthóll
©f prefbjte>t ! called foursomes i t israb^ffiâ^d1 agi fïït^dÉh'nV&i Tfe'vda rlr
ofi their iregal -dignity,, to^beoeyferyirsétórei^aïyi^iâbdut •men’s'
fhpuldgrs-. Aïs thqir.perfons are fefteemëâJnered;'hrfófe thérii alirrikdunL'
eoverbetoiv thebreaiH'rarïcffromthisviteibédÉiri%é tb ö rïo"%i,fa»her
and mother "ate riotexêmpteçh^ Tbeymà y nefeentér iMo*%riy^iîji!ïfèW
t^ i r otfen,- becëufe, from that m c^ e n tM S v c^ il^ b ^ f t^ ^ & f fâ^rècf,
and nöne\but 'themfe3.ves-,'-©r’ thei'r ‘Vinin,.could 'dwell o î "ë£t -fheÆ‘>
aqdrthe lând.rhefrifçët-fôùcbEd worild bti thëir prppërtÿr': thérefëîe;
though th fÿ qften,crimè ofPto.theihipï ate what^ea^ handed 'ddrCrftó
tfem, and baled rheLwatbr(ôûboffîreir!owriJc^oe,-mheyrwèuîH riëvér»
«*ïfm^afW}«i*sr -«ii'ïïvtón ’ they-jd^y. vilîted our.,iprfl^nary M&fe;
«hey never came-farther, than the- döcfrv d Yemthib H à d S ib e e r i the
cafe-with-the father,! when’ k in g ,-»'tvhbdfréely entered“ the {hip, and
vifltecf.Qur people op: Ihore : , pefhaps.* fome’ ceremony cis’ ïyeT{to pafs,
when the .king'comes to a mere advanced âges, when he wifi have the
fame liberty'.; r :;
ü l^ -kirig ^id queen were alwàysn.attendéd£:by a riumbér o f rmèn,'
as carriers, domeftics, or favoiirites, who tvérc râa, or'ladrecf .'liviag
without families, and.attending only.'on.the■ royal pair; and a world
fet o f .men th ew ltó e ifland does, not afford fon thievery; plunder, and
impurity. -
T h e ,ipoe irh a sd a é as ÿpt no child, rior'is it likely A e fhould pro-’
duce any-, a s ,- if the .reports our milKonaries have received.are true,'
fhe is a perfeâ- Melîàlina, and lives in a promifcuou6 mtercoiirfe wklt
allher pprtefÿ4Ak
v ri