Otaheitean language^: arid 'an , account of the tountry»f:wMch prdyi-
•dehtitf y ,hte,'hadt prèfèrved from thé mutineers whb'Wsiei4fi.zed! Byj
the Pandora, and brought tó Portfmouth fqr.their trial, . which was
o f uijfpeakable. ferviee/to the, miffionariés, both for the help which
it. afforded, them to .learn before their arrival much of. this unknown
tongue, and alfp. a a ,giving the moft inviting and,encouragihg;-d©-»
feription of the natives, and the cordial, reception which they might
Here ajfo Were .depofitedfin.peace. .the:remains o f Mr. Cover’«!little
hoy, w h o , .in; thé-daft; ftage, o f ■ a, confumption, eameftly wifhedto;
accompany his parents, though i t , was. evident to .every intelligent
medical, man that he could have but a-few days to ; liwéj and, was.;
happily:releafcd before.their departure. :
mi iA.multhude^cC .friends alfo had this, opportunity of teftifying their
regard far; thè,ixiiffioh,' and fundIhedius,with many things rthat-, 3 W k
our hafte to -idepart, had beeniifoigettém; or, diiring. our ftay. heiriv
been thought .©finfbrsthe comfort of/the voyage.»;.
e The miffionariés, during this delay, had, accordingitb the regular1
tions eftablifhed, conftantly exeareifed themfelves om hoard in Mbtar
tion, in preaching, prayer, and praife, which many attended j j they
employed, themfelves in reading and writing, efpecidly relpedting.
the objesfls „of theirmiffion; a n d in one ;of their affemblies. agreed
to tianfmit to the body o f the.directors the following addrefs
**; Br e th r en ,.:
W.e , the milfionaries, whom ypu, under-the inffncn^iofiOJitf
“ common Saviour, Lord, and Mafter, Jefus Chrift, the only he-
»gotten Sptv.iof the eternal Jehovah, have been inftrumental in
‘ ‘jp r in ^ n g together, uniting in one body, and every way Fur-»
“ nifhing with all temporal neceflafies for the arduous undertaking
we have in hand, cannot bid adieu to our native country, and
“ dear brethren in Chrift,. . without laying before the directors
M of. the fociety (with the defire the fame may be communicated to
“ all whom it may Goricerhjf-oüfêviriWs1 and feelings upon" our' pres-
“ fent fituation arid' futurep r o f p e é t s f ‘
-'w**' Havihg,ft 'throiigbtegra-ce, overcome theii'dÉh^réeabfenefs' which
<*f,'!we at flrft experienced'on-our embarkation, > arifing from our little
*- jfcqtra&fari'cewith each otheB, change in oui-habitation, and manner
f^ .'o fJ living, “ we find our minds eompdfed' • and reftghed, and our
“ hearts rrlcSïé ejofely united-’to 'each other in* the bonds» ofHpve&;
, f “ Oh lookirigsfÖEward to, the length*‘of- our voyage;,irind: delibev
»rating'on all the<dahgers'and'"difficulties which' thöfê/who tra^eife
“ the böfom b f the mighty deep'are expófed to,- and’ freqaientKy meet
.“ With,' w é ' are shy no means 'difc ouraged j but can checrfullyjgitb
“ > ourfelves up unto-; Him, whb holdeth the winds'-in his ififtjïahd
the waters in thé ” hoHówiof s hi s- hand. ■
~}f ‘ ''Wherr-Are extehd'’'o u t view acrtafs'the great Atlantic ocean, arid
* % cëtttferriplate^ the-mbrè?eXtenftve Southern‘lèa'j'lW'Keni ‘ in-’our ima-
.“ .'gihation, wtwcrinceiye' ourfelves landed ort out deftincd" illands^
“ forrounded'iby "multitudes' o f the inhabitarit^^eam'eftly in^liiftig,
•*M<prom whence- come ? and what is your 'errand ?5 We
“ ï'anfwer,' ‘ From a dfftanb'&Qrest ’theffriènd's'of God and human
k in d ; touched-Wi® coihpaffioh a® 'y aw unhappy, ftate.- as- re-
‘fetprefented-1 by our Gorintryrrieo • who formerly: hiVe»%ifited lyotfj
Mï4ïiöved'>''by--the'ffpirit*ofiour God, we*-have-foïfaken''relatives and
‘SfTriendsv 'hTayéd' 'ftorms jj and,tempefts j .tosteabhiym: th e .know-
“ ledge o f Jefusj|.whom.to knows is eternal life.’ .Though Satan
‘ ‘ an d'aU/the • hoft .o f ’hell Ibould be ftung with iiasfignatdori-r and> je -
“ fentment at our boldnefs in the Lord, and fire the hearts o f their
“ deluded votaries with a ll the fury and madnefs whichhmt^fi^ho-
-ranee !and favage'cruelty are capable of^- though bur/God,-fin
“ whofe^hame' we go—our S a v i o u r j 'wh o f e rich ^%e*we are
redeemed, fhould deliver us up to their rage, and permit our bodies
“ to 'b é ’ affii<ftèd, yea,;perfecuted unto deaths yet, truftiteg,in?fhe
** faithfulnefs of th e ;Moft H ig h ,’ the. gbbdnefs o f our. Gaufe,:;.,the-
“ uprightnefs of our .intentions, the.'leryessy cir pfr» affeftipri fo t