th i famih o f thef^ituftjln-s . for. though tftcYe wctc many fiatookas
injthc iflind'‘,* h c brethren;, who had r feu 1 moft of them, faiqkthey
wire’b e compaf3 yt§ fo*^i lgn^ude,. Jeit^e|5in the pile or
th i fto'nes whfcS* comp^fe .them.
b n ^ r f his i\ ru | w m g - imVt jrn f* »fime, and we were conducted
to\hc apartment lyli&eahe was:y?fc-wp. cXtiunely hcafygiid^hftj
fl®rs were'coySaijyiih«iait*sV Both heilelt* anti ‘Phe child had thur
fkins chLoured yCi^h tUBimnc, wlutfiJg.k^thcm v ghttcimg^appeu-
a«^|^iid th*y f ud tin'"was the 11 cullhm with women in childbed.
SI® Hadffeveraj ieqialeratt^n^afjts 4, and though Futta£aibej,has many
pr_..rEi1iJmrV;»a 11* thfi jpeople^fa^effii-latc and glad on this ocotfjUv
During-iouj,fll^|ye.;.vifite4 ftverahehiefs p£r|b©th‘'{px&Sy.^tpdifrge'eiyeid.
, Astblic-ie^jyngt approiched cue tbok
ow lSa^^'and returned-tp-the fhip.
JMoqajrs a fe a« # 4 ^ j(|.€ |fjtfg ^ ia |ly
Pjjhqeedpig frppi*. the,, lagoon about a ^arter'0^4mi|e^hfqjsigh fcpje'd
lasies, -a-fpauous fquafe green ab^ut half a j j^ ^ g ^ a d e^ p sn s itfel#r
at|the firthcr cnd.of .which the dw clling'Hands ^ on the/fame g ie c iy
w-^ich iS'&s, fmpoth asjihjrpled.i a fpw large*fpfead|nlg.J,tree9j^row ,in
an ^regular-'di^pfition,^h^Gh^d4.muGtejh^$ifey£|to'the .feex®. d Op
the'eafffide/is a neat |e^,4}epdp,fing.the lopg-g-rpve wfhere,th§Jato§Jiy
Hand jjpn.the wefbare thq duelling» c^0ffirehtj^iofs>in! their e^plo-;
fuiebieaAd along;.^hg^fth orTLow e ^ dcvofj}the-jfiyiai^ thi.;£iiafc
road; rams ;frpm One end cffJShe’ iflarMIto ^he^ffther. : this',read is* in
general about fix or feven,yards wide, but caftward fiona%tl® gtcen*
and for half a mile, it lgnpTlefs thin fixtjs,yards Wide. /Jfitthismart
th,fere is .'af «range o f Jtrees^aSplarge’;ap4>‘fe e d in g as the-la'rgeftrEngKfh
o A s } an4 as their brapeh^ffneet at theioj^^pd qdtte fexcliide, the fun’s
ra^s, a pleafant .walk js afforded by their ihade. A Ofefe b y thefe,
brothers Buchanan and Gaulton are fituated.,