Bljkï0 tfm<fifc under failyi • and o*ebers..,padEilihgj but. Ta;si#theweather
■ ét 'thisftiine wore ■ a moftigloomy afpedt, three of- thémî'fârtl^eafifte
fa t eaâtotighi ©ffi tdfgèfcafengfkfe. The-maftves in thefe had a pied# o f
;whifefdto%;tle# i^^n a ftkfcy ^ y b h theyvWami! as they darevv nëarï,
an ^eialSemj^^we-t^^idfed^tw peaee.. -They approached! wiitbedt
fèar or'tiçe lead! hefitation, /and fpoke to usas-ta?a îpeèpfeWitfe. whom
th e y bad beehi ba^eiajiiaiMed^^ but their language was quite ufiin-
telligible; -ÀSr cdtilck we,' ewàr^ssath ehqih^J^^/G&ptain JtËfôi&f
.Wilfon’s, vocabulary', make them underflamd onè'W^dÿ'iXeep%a'féW
o f their; proper* names; they -kept ttiMttg
- accompanying* ' their words wîtfe Violent and' fodÉSÉ; géwdrOS i;ïtf the.
hands and_bodÿ, expSeffiveoS their eager -<te&e, fô^üs; «dt-anehor at a
place to the north ~wefl?, towards which they pointed 1 and'OtSc^of
them, who we afterwards leamt was a rupâck,^ wMli â dlntafy hone
on his. wrift, came up thé fhip-’s fide fe -^feat haÆè;flà-#|ÉdEt|ethe •Mè-
queft^aÉd Was foHOwediby two more, Who Wire equally #WitpSfej.
but atttheir « ^ ^ t ie s , added to ©ur intention-to make fome^ffeyiât'
this -ee&brâfeed' group, were o f ho avail, place '
Whbïe it was probable that a £hip could fafely anchor,. and We had
not Lieutenant MaelueLs chart On board to - guide - âM.» Op our
teèntïdnSig-the name o f Abba ThraHe,, they tr e a ted it feveral times,
faying, S’ThulIc, S’Thulle, and pointed to the land. The name o f
-Lee Boo was.not fpoken, for they talked ^f^'ÉaÆ'foGdhffentlyî4hât
wfeihadi fearce any'Opportunity tôr*afk <|a§Ehdiis^y and ig h te b ly th e
weather, which now threatened â ftorm,. kept* him' oUt of- their
minds;. -As their comrades in- the canoes bawled* loudly for- thbfe
oii boatdi to jsjpin them, the captain prefented a feWknw®si**k*3kifig-
glaiïès, &c. -when-they hafiily, though reluctantly,, took theït lêaVe;
but before --they paddled off they were at feme pains to fhew their
gratitude,- by throwing upon*our decks with difficulty a couple o f
cocoa-nuts, ' which was all they had : they then made for the fhore.
This was all the interéôurfë we had with the Pelew ifl&hdersy a
circüniftancé much regretted1 b y us, as it had all along Been the
captain’s intention to flay here a few days; for the purpofe o f learning
what we could o f the inhabitants refpeding the expediency o f fettling
a paiffiqn- among them-; and to prepate the. way for pliffionarics,. by
difteiblitiag foipg^feftjb ajsftclgs retained in the ihip for thefe and the
Feejee. people, from,a -hope V>f being favoured at bofli places with faft
'anchbfa’^'e'’ and'^ frie^l^*Tdteni6tkM^*b'S^,'. yoife the prefent voyage;
we cpncluded 'every thing "of' this nature at rafi end,’ and proceeded' to
make J:he bel^T,(^gup way Cljin^ cherifbing; the hhpe.oaf there
rqcpfVing letters jj from ©nr -dear friends-io' England; .to whom we noW
thought, purfei^es- drawing, near, though ftill at the diflauee o f many
■ thoufand miles, j S
Soon after we bore away, and had
fell in with an extenfive feeffe trending,R. E.' about two leagues'from
the north epd ©f Babelthoup, . and diifeernel|lhree_ ftnall iftands lying
further;to :the N , epblofed ,hy\the above to^ .r , When'we.hadbmri
nearly five leagues; the norlhernmoft o f «the three bofe S. ,W. by&W.
and at thi? <tira£ We reckoned ’©urfeltlesi pafl the north .paint o f the
reef;...0 0 .though very ’'dark, with conffant, raija, we <s<Wi®ued ,our
courf|| for two leagues more,; when'w-q^ fafy Itwp' .other ififends td'Ithe
N . ,N, W>. and at only a fhort diftance from uj&ipn^hich accGuniwe
h®iledjto"the eastward', pad hove ta„till thejntggn fhould rsfe, which
it; did about eight pjclock}. when we re fu sed couirfej 'and after-
ftdl ip-..jv^hiDftroorp dgilgefs^/ ’ f
If. We admit the- few whiqli i t e faw o f the Pelew illandeis to be a
fpccimen o f the whole^^it^ey j^e,. external
tkleiiM^EiuefenSj ;t|^”jSt®e.ty M) Friendly ifian^r«;
they Have not the ftature and fymmetry o f the two'fufk‘ *and tilltfar
fhort o f the mjifcular, bold, and manly look.'of the latter.. They
approach th e neareft to their neighbours, the Gafolimans,; ^br, likd
thenJj .'they :a6re neither .a-flout nor handfonfe 'race. Among fom»
cuftoms which they feein to have in common, at both places, ns that
o f flitting the eiaf, through which fome o f themapui Vegetable ornaments,
at leaf! an inch thick. In tattooing .at Pelew,' their legs and