which they, have chpfen to .pais their days, ps but a fmalHilaaad on
the bofomt of the deep, being not more than two or three miles inr
circumference, and where the comforts and neceflaries of iife feem
fö fcarce, that we' had reafon to think their whole fubfiftence. con-
filed only :of fifli andr tootsy. cocoa-nut, and p e r i l s t h e 'ha?ead-i
fruitl* :
T h e natives are not a ilout race; fheir complexion is a dark copper ;■
their difpofitions lively. We faw n o -women. Their canoes differ
froth' all we: had met before, being raifed high at each end, and
painted red: tliey have outriggers, and fail either end foremofl.
Thcinfails are made nearly in the Tame manner as the fn g lc failing
canoes o f the Friendly Iflands. The latitude: of the ifland is 70 22' N i
and' longitude a46° 48'' E. - We named it from the runaway, Quaker’s
V0anè\ li
'VVÏthfighè wind frta rth e k l.-E '. w.e proceeded on toor bhiirfeto:
the weRward,.leaving'Tuckgr and "his xeanpandon tAfifledl /upon
the unhappy choice they had made j a ehoifce, .to hlbcappéara'pce!,1 ifa
replete with wretchednefs, that we did not imagine a third perfon
could be found willing to follow tbeir .example: but fiich is the
prevalence of habit, and th e enervating influence ®£ idlenefs over the
mind, that Andrew Cornelius Lind came to thé captain, and begged
earnfefüy to he fet on fhore upon the next ifland we fhould difcoveri.
To this requeft n d t only confent was given, but likewife a promife to
let him have a feledtion ofufeful articles wherewith to. benefit the natives,
and the better to introduce and give him importance among
4 6th. When we had got about ten leagues farther $weftward, at
midnight we faw another ifland bearing N . and at four A. M . faw two
more to the N. W . and as the d ly broke fhortly after, we counted .fix
of thefe low iflands, the extreme points bearing from N . W. by N .
to N . E. b y E . : for the moll foutherly of thefe. we fleered, and foon
had a -great number of canoes about the fhip, into' one of which
Andrew, after taking leave of his fhipmates, went, and was received
with j by/hy > thefavagbs: T h e eanbe that took him in fo o n . put off,
and, as they paddled away, he flood up: and. waved’his hand, feem-.
ingly more-elated than deprefled b y his '.change df-fituation, The indolent
life he had led at Otaheite, the unbbftru6ted' .eafe :widh3£wHjob
all hi^jfenfuai appetites! had been;'gratified therey-with his laverfion to
lahoiar, and.fihejprofpedi iofbitS'mecbfigy;! which, a-return, to Eurbpe
held, iap tm his; bvieiv,, ftrongly ufgedjeMm .tdvprpferVT lazy/ favage
life upon thefe uhpromifiiig iflands to-his native Sweden,, which he
knew to have advantages c^yfiOT'tlhein&A^us^^TheJbllosMiBg^no-
the articles’ : w|dcb .the Yap tain gfive him r.jyizi jtwovhgndivfaws,' /two.
halclStSj, .(Aao'hitfi^.eyV'i ten* laoklngagjlaffes;, ^eighteen knives, three
hundred deck nails,,, tw.<b rakers, . and:fome trifles,feefides thefe,. .with
w h it he had offJlis kipm y jparticul^y' a b*h^p,wi^', mprdcaiibt,, make
him an'acepuifitionctOKitheTnatiyesi -and4pday,likewife bk thernae^ns o f
rendering feivic^tothe. other tfvo;1 whoirighwas oiaxi bginibn, !he. would
endeavour,to jmg. , The'nktives/sfi this group, -tlyeiraGanoes, implements'
and eagernefs forr iron,- gghoEj wepa, .exadtlyjthe. .fame, ia|$ at
T-uokeEs ifland. The afternoon fet S<n 'gloomy: -and: rainy,',, iwhioh
neverthefefs iy as mot sa. hindrance. tdithpm^c^bJhianyfof^whiehiJ&(l-
lowed ;ublquite-out ,df ifighit Iqf '.their-,own. iflandV'-(amd-‘afe- we obfervec]
themrhauli ta th e northward in anfipiall, w<j,bondlu.ded/that they iineant
toOgoito fome place in that quarter, ni
ayth. Abofifr ten A. M. we came in fight of another low ifland,
bearing/S. W. and as ive .-altered ouricourfe to go .to the fokthward fofi
it, when weft o f us it fhewed like .two diflati# iflands, lying near
each other: here alfo- many o f the natives' came-off, and.trafficked,V as
the. others had done. .One tiling we' had/bbferved.as speeuliar and-remarkable,
I (that hitherto, in our -range amorig thefe iflands no females
had appeared $ vihenee sye,G©noluded the men dither morel jealous than
their callern neig!!dbo.urs, :or as placing a higher value on their women)
or, perhaps, ihey had at fome period fuffered-.inid'efending them from
licemtipks vifitors. The latitude of thefe 'fitter '.iflands .is.- 14/' N..
longitude 1440. 50'' E_ At four the. flatten -bore E, :b.y Mo.