[| Appendix.
o f greateft diftrefs, and feafons o f ^peculiar exigency, fuppofing them
too exalted to be troubled with matters o f lefs moment than ' the illnefs
o f a chief, ftorms, devaftations, war, or any great calamity. Indeed,
fear and fuffering feem to be more powerful motives to worlhip than
gratitude. The houfe -of thefe fwhaitow po ia at Opârre, where the
chie f earie rahie refijdes, •
The following names o f other gods are'colle&ed : Orohho, Cftoo,
Tamaharro, Te y ’eree, Orouhatoo, Oehawhow, T amma, Toahfeite,
Tor general worfhip ihey have an inferior r&oe/A'-'IHftcFbf^ "dfi
penates. Each family has its- tee or guardian Ipirit :, he is fuppofed
to be one of their departed relatives, who, for his fuperior exccRencies,
has been exalted to an eatooa. Th e ÿ fuppofè this Q)irif can ififlift
ficknefs or remove'it, and preferve them from a maligmtit deity- who
alio hears the name tee, and is always employed inf mifchief;
They have a tradition, that once in their anger thhLgréât gèds
broke tlie whole world into pieces ; and that all the iflands! around
them are but Iktle parts o f what was once tterio-oa noe, idle great land,
o f which their own rfland is the eminent part. A curious okiVttd
fation held with Mânne Marme, the high pfièft, and Taati ^ ft ro ,
the orator and oracle o f the country for tradition, is- as follows interpreted
by the Swede Andrew :
In the beginning, Tàne took Tarda, and begat-AVye, frefh water ƒ
Atye, or T ë Mydë, the lea ; ahb Awa, the water-fpddt * MatSi, the
w in d; Arye, the Iky ; and Pô, the night ; then Mahânna, the fun,
in the fhapeof a man called Oerôa Tabôoa : when he was born all
his brethren and lifters turned to earth ; only a daughter was left, by
name Tdwnoo ; Ihe became the wife of Oerôa Tabôoa, by whom lhe
conceived thirteen children, who are the thirteen months : i . Papeeree ;
2. Ownoonoo; 3. Paroromooa ; 4. Paroromoree j <■ . Mooreehaj 6.
Heaiha; 7. Taoa j 8. Hoorororera ; 9. Hooreeama ; 10. Teayre ;
I x. Tetai ; 12. Waeaho ; x 3. Weaha:
Tôwnoo now returned to earth, and Oerôa Tabôoa embraced a
r o c k called Poppoharra Harreha, which conceived a fon named Tetbopsm
boo amata h.atoo ; after which the rock returned to its original ftate,
and the father of thje unonths himfelf died, and went to duft. The
Mx fJae left, emk!*£P<lxj£h§ , <af>,.tfee ieaL .which jGonceivgd a fon
•of :the joame , o£ ta-pd ;a -daughter cafeLjOp?ara. g *$jep he.alfp
land re tu rn ^ ' #0. ;,fhe rXiea^h'. T ee3tQpk jhis if^lfr jQp^ra ,tp
wife, who produced a daughter Oheera, Reene, Moonoa ■ the mother
died, and.the rfather furyived i in her illnefs ;lhe entreated 'her
huxband to cure her, and lhe would -do the. fame for him if he fell,
■lick, and thus they might live for ever ; put the hulband refufed,
add preferred her. daughter, whom, on her deceafe, :he .took for bis
wife. The daxighter bore him three fons and three .daughters : the
■fons, Ora, :Wanop, Tytory,; the daughters, .Hennatopinorrooroo,
Henaroa, Noowya. The father and mother, dying, the brothers faid,
.Let us take our fillers to wife, and become many. S#,jfo§4>bgg3n;tp
mifftij&y-iupan fhe earth.- A
. Refpecfting a future ftate,:they]fxippofe;noup,exfon.peidflies!0.i: becomes
■extinch. They allow ,ho punifhment after heath, but degrees of
eminence and felicity, as mien.have-been:here,mpft;pleafing to.the,deity.
They.regard the fpirits of. their anceftors, male and feixxale,. -as exalted
into-eatooas, and their favour toibe.fecured .by prayers and- offerino-s '
.'Every ficknefs: and untoward ..accident they efteem as the hand of
■judgment for fome.offence conimittecL; and therefore, if they have
injured any: per fon, they ■ %xd their peace-offering, and .make the
.matter up : and if fick, fend for the prieft.to offer,up prayers and
iacrifices ■ to pacify the offended , eatooa j . giving ’any thing the priefts
afk, as' being very rekidtantto die. But if .they find, their cafe def-
perate,. they.take leave of their friends, :and commend. them to.the
guardian .fpirits, exb.91 ting them .to.be, more careful of. offending them
than they themfelyes. had :been. Wf hen. the'xfpirit, departs from the
body,. they have ..a notion it is jfwallowed by the eatooa bird, who
frequents 1 their burying-places and morais j and paffes through:him
in order to be purified, and be united to the deity. And .fuch are
y y