ty thing «can be hid ffonattaut Gdd-s tthe night to him is'-aSsibright aS
“ the day, «and iherex,is no darfenefs ojpffiadowiof« dmthèhére-ariy
Afjjfathe, workers o f -wiokednefa«ran hide themfe&vesd But," if: yöü
“ firft put,ajvay your evil cuftoms, khèn we fhouM loveiybtrd*üfa
“wèt^Kk'cn.^Sted ^Dt Mawröa, .with *a IvafK'dilippLy' ófh-vègetaMfes'T
.three araeoies accompanied him, amazingly: fet; r ahd tattoued al-hoVetl
This fqcietyois conftantly wandeping about frotoiifland to pflahd’.
They am the. fineft perfons we have fear,' are faM.fo Jïaa?feffeg.cMtwö
or .three--wives,, rthidi theysexehasgeysdithdeaeh;dtherVland:.infiü-
manly murder every infant that is bom among them. Wherever they
go they-gx^-eife f»owes^T@Z%vvhatab^! want from the: inhabitants; j
They finiteSheir ha’nd pn theirhreaft.-and fay, ‘ ‘ TIarre.-'.give,’^whferi-
Wérhh- hYphihddr i.-',ysfc are highly *èfpeft(^r®s .nbnehntperferi^
o f rank are admitted among them. This makes women rfo,fqr*«rèy a rfd,
other;h.|^^yiéèsrfe Q<3ïriïnon.- May God haften the time «f'tël&nn-
ati®h!| „ y
- 16th. The weather has been unfettled for two or threfe days. - In
generaljjfesiBavehad it^éhghtful and pleafanf,- and no hotter than
we have felt in England, Wë havé been able Jxxwork all day w^Cftif'
-. •: 4 $tb. • iOpened the Rayfnfc hfual; and enjoyed much o f God’s .prè-
fente 3 embraced the opportunity to addrefsotheTnatives- in arwritten
difeourfe-. i They- allured ns that men; womeni.-and: children- underSood
us, and faid; in Englifli, ‘ VVery nice, and very: .good repeating
it i.dftén^ hutridelired we would put ah^Ithet-iPritane parow; and
fpeak to them in their own tongue, which we promifed them to do
as' foon as we Ihould be able. And oh, that He may give us feme
of thefe fouls,for.our hire, who fent us hither ! We might have a
holt of converts if, -like many milhonaries, we would admit to Bap-
tifm thöfe who confefs our God and 'religion to be better than their
own. .But till -we fee them Created anew in Chrift Jefus, and turned
truly from darknefg- to light,- and from the power of Satan unto Qod,
we fhnll ‘not admit them teiij^Apartieipadon ©fidCur-i iaGrpdf^nrdi-f
A «hdotjaeji iooHoc'^iapiiltpiTpeak^oSTappcoy;- .pn& ofiouri|fftRSa$ts, ■
arid explaimwh^Mr- Cbypt&had4:pr^arjand. in tho mornl^ig^' gndotdkt
hirh.’ to . Bad ^jmfe]^.g&^a‘t>her4if and '.jMjliher; s .arij®’ ftftg^*jjarid-. many,’
friepftst, ,to-in^rmhiiEnt^ou^c^rt,ifkoil, a-nd-tTvciliu nj*Jtfus- £h*ift|.&e.,
Heih5^ 9dt,,'^ith att-ehtionl arid >feemed OTiseeh-vdfeSijied,' .feyihg, Neves
EngiifhmiPA^herehefore.jMkedi andSatSdissa^^e^dfi^^ w
b,ut‘hadrHko.to have,loft nciyftft^.iijnslproEujan^s-itifrom the ipsuiriamsy
whithefe wei-«ent. tTteftn^tis^gcfenb llikefef<pilrr©li§'. I,«fjpl|o$red
tHem<fv®>hi^s:e^n©cki Became! -peipedidfGuilai^j^.rid whghiT
loohed;.down,^hdwf toftctefeerid? again} with^UtdbAmg:tda|he.ddn» pieces^
I cojhmifted; myfelhtloiflj^inahdfth^darigjh^flptleii^lsftin-sthe'rocks
very flipnery-dvitli. ramadefcended tremhlSig jleifethgjL^fe^ifeg $11 muft
hav,v:gone hi adlong dovwi fcbe!.pri‘i Lpice indeui, \v i thiitit/’itj-ie.hil,p■•„oji
•die mativesyfl-meveracQuld. haitetgst downiari al'bj I- immediately
fered :£hem all,it5he!. hlh-hooks «and heads' abftutume’-:
only accept«.cl a filh-hook; the left rdufcd-jfi^l-ake^am^rtlungfiom mo?j
and he who took fhc hooh •lajdjhe' would ,goj,and> get»it»l-mip«l<Awo
A chief hadjfaivhogjJiieadyjidrfefledi ,ajid*;faid, a®>y^ p^es Jwe
wilheci fhouidihdaifeht.'on 'Erid^y.s 1 Ascjwe ■ cam&baek jYgrtftd^dfthe'
fives imuch fwollen w-ithsaai-n, .and y;4fe carried*46ved-in ma-nytpla«ses*i
by the native^. uuThe valley* wasufull o f 'apple-.tteesfRnad.ed' w ith fruit,
and hundred's lying on the ground negieHedi ;v;
On the a*4tl feveral natives^same frorp other diftrk^wrKerejthe breadi
fmitibeg^a’to:,befear-ce;i to.gather feme'frdna'tfh.e-itrees -in Ma’tava.r;>,ta.pon
which thofe .of the diftridt-; caniidering the brethren as proprietors.
Came and complained' to' themfaying,;tliat, except they prevented it,
there would be nq. fruit Jleft.:;, AGeordingly two, of our body: were
difpatched; to talk with .;tbem, i ands-Haimed; their foie right to all the
pEodivceipf thel-tiiees.v.; The-ftrarigers promifed-;to,come no,moie^only.-