addreffed the natives, w ith -the king and queen ; fome o f them looked
fo ftedfdftly at the ;minifter, as i'f eager'to devour every word that!
was Ipoken. “ M y heart,” fays W . Puckey, “ was much engaged
“ in fecrct prayer for thefe poor fouls.” •1
; 15th. Wanted plank for the blackfmith’s fh o p ; told the king.
He faid, “ Harry-nue, come along.” I thought he had fome ready j
I: went vrith him and; fix men- he 'carried me-up the valley, and
fcarching every hobfe took what he lik ed: ’many o f the people ftoutly
refilled, but his men would not leave a plank. I to ld the king;? With
whom we eXercife the moll entire
“ N o ," ifajrs he, “ it is the cuftoim of. Otalfeite.” "
The kin g’was carried on men’s Ihoulders,’ and throughTueh?.darw
gerous places, that he ran' the' greateft rilk o f 'breaking his bones;
but he muft not alight, as every place his foot touches: becomf s'facred
and his own ground. A t laft we arrived'at a territory of: his own j
when alighting.-he took a majefticftride, andflal-king on, “ Puckey,”
fays he, “ is this as King George walks 7” I told him, Y e s . Having
gone about three miles I defired td teturn, though the king-would
have gone farther, notwithflanding the rain. He then gave me a
hog, and made the people from whom he had taken the plank carry
it down to our houfc.
'1 -waited two hours, but the fain hot abating, ! puIhed;homewardS'j
in -crofting the river T had like to have been carried aviay i b y the
ftrearn, and cried out j one o f our fcrvants immediately plunged in,
and b rought'me-fife to land, though drenched to the fkin as I had
been the whole day.
•r6th. - This day we vtHried addreffed the natives "b y ’ our interpreter,
and with their ufual attention; but as foon as they- retired,
they fell, like children, to their own light amufements. The Lord
grant the feed foWn may take firmer root in their hearts J
-17 th. Having given in die plan of the flat-bottomed boat w hich
was to be built againft the captain’s return, it-was approved. Po-
raarre, on application, ordered fix men to: attend m e : I had liberty
A prie.]
to qut dpwn whatever I chp/e, and had not proceeded far tbefore Ifoupd
an^ excellent ^ ppurow, tree, &^gk;|it tq*build,a ve|Tel _ o f j any burden j
It, moll, refembles afh, blip the wood is harder j it grows crooked,
and is.vgry capitalffor timbers and, knees. -^The,,.mtiyes with ipe defired
.me not, toi(do,any thing, but onjy to mark where and how to
cut, and they w e^Id^dp the worjc.
18th. No^^le>,tg.wo]^ thrp|gh paip in'my#’h|Cjs myf t%o and
f t h e y defiedjt;o cd iam fe r ,m e .h & li.sw e ipe .great
rplief. jg Th§ fhpp? l^emg'finifhed, and brother Hodges w itKH a^ lla t
\yprk, the- nati.yesTlcjpjyded .round him,_ but vaJUyr.frmMeitedfipth
‘ the fparks <;an<$ hiffipg- o f th e iron-in water. Poojalie .came,. fqr
premcly. delig^t^viyith tjie belkjffiaadTorga, and catching theblayk-
fmith in his_^ms,,iall. dirty as he was,, joinednofeswith him, and
exprefled his higl^fatisjadfi<m1l| After work/Hey wemgoipg to bathe
themfelves^in^iie .jiyer, when the vqupg, king„jautdio^l1,o f an arm ■
each,-,and w en t.down, w jth th e p ito bathe.“ • His queenftTetua,,
j^q^oAyedj.andJaidj toaHaflqU, “ Haxre no 4 ’im e j Go. into the-wa-
.‘.‘1 ,ter :^^qt^tjiey Unified-^they^wifliedf^ would leave them fir ft f;
on thisffhe «retired^ ,as(, for herfelf, ftie often- bathes atnppn.ilay at-
tended;;by .twenty men,g£ele|om ever having any women to, wait on
h e r .’"
. .20 tip.Am atiypj^ feg a^ b ox^ fg ij the faken£»the pails; tV^ayzed
and confined him fpr three^hqujs, and, then him» informing
him, that, fhould any be caught in futqre, fhewflioiiMflre more feyCrely
punifhed. ;iJ Sqqp after Poqaarxe.and I^Tanne Mlanne brought a. peace-
offerjngyjof^ pig and-.plantrinj/^f. ;vrT h q leaf yie accepted,! but-yve
laid,wecpuld not receiye.thqpig,. having^forgiyen,thpofiffinpe. ■ ,
11 ft.,,. T('vy’qi|ofJ1our',bmthpp ..went ..with, three natives tq,procure
more wood: we went up the, valley j it isS to t 'fe v e n milesjppg^nd
a quarter o f amde, broad, with very, lit tie (defcept,. which makes" the*
river meander flowly through i t . , It is covered witKtxeeAus^ge^aj,;
few, verdant fpots from whence ,the wood is cleared. The, mounjams,-
on both lides are exceedingly high? and-perpendicular, covered w ith.