thé bodyrthe,Mnefs'6fiHi®i that ©lefihah The vifible church,
imderitt»4g©I^elk3C1*ot 4oiflSwp to
<tefej&tiowitsd«g)*4^ ïftdfip ithe iaw^ïconfiilsof rap|hpfej-fhfOUglfQbf
th e worIdjthatf>rbMs-ithe'tme rfelprion, together »mtJiA&r e h ij# ^ j the kingdom; o f the.Lord jefuls i(Dhrift, the hoiitife and family
Out o f which tbeJre i isho ordinary fpoffibility of- fa lk a t ie n '
, .Unto this c^dKfc v ifibkodterA iGhriift Üath ,given the ihilp to y.
oracles, and ordinances^af God, for the gathering and pérfeStogiof
the faints, in r£hièdife, tQ the end o f the worlds and doth by,'his
owhtprefende.and: fpirit, according to hisipromife,rtiiafee them;efiidiual
There is no other head o f the church but the" Lord JefusChrift j
tterther hath any %fdfö»^.|rinfeè, ffecular poiver, or civil-magffirate,
any right tonxerbife dhyatohority-bver her ; neither-neodeth fhe any
dfkbhihtoraiisnfromMdwrn, Wing icajnded «upon 'Hïm-W^b?i^^hdJJQ<th
d f ia g fe f fo that ihe-gatesrrfrfeell rfflaall njat prevail iagffilft.hers dhd
th e 'Higheft himfelf, fhall <eftablifh her.
■ I ^he^yMsdrohurch h^ h j to-Ghrift -heyihead, igower
to j ckufei hiflisps, orspafSors, and dbapons, b to adt in their feveral
offiéès* The'diürch ihkewiffc Jaath .povber to sdgpofc böthnÖSdiifejSS
andrdeacbtis, «É lit date found neaeffary for trüth andjQódfc^eei^i!^,
•to admit members' ihtodhurdh feltewfhipy snd,^i®cafe!of^ife^uJli,
to oxdude dhem Sfrötn her c&mfnunionj butdf & e «a»felpr:<re^Jt
o f Sepbfing -theorie or. excluding the other is ; removed, TtbenoW^
>hath power, dnd ought to re-admk them into the dame ehutoh rfeL
h ^ W k n & Q f y b e O f f i c e r s g f t $ ê J O h g r c h ,
Chrift, in the riches .of his love and care towards his church» hath
appointed in it to hè d f perpetoal^fendfr^nifi/^sis what will be heed-,
fu l to the church throughout. all. generations to the end o f the •world;
i l l . Baftorsor bifhops, that ïhouH be fettled to different churches,
to take a peculiar care o f them, to prefide, watch, and. rule over them
in the Lord j ^nd' tb admkiifter ordinances o f worfhip and difcipline,
as well as ftff preach-the word tpVthem ; wfep are] to be folemnly let
apart to their important office by..fafting, prayer, and laying on-of
■ hands, by one or more .perfonspwho;-,haye,,heeh, regul lly called, and
•Ordained to-.the, minifterial .office,, r. ada.Deacpn^ , office
belongs the-. ;a$;ual exercife and application,,o f the bounty and benevolence
-of the church unto the poor thap,are planted; therein; . and to
-provide for the tablp ,p§'phe Lord.; and who; are to., Jbe’pEdained. to their
tiuft by prayer and impofitionvpf hands.;.. :
A rt. XVI . O jf the Ofavuince o f BdbtiJYb,. ,
Baptifm is an , Ordinance o f the Lord jefus Chrift’s inftitution in
his vifible church, -to be continued till time, and,is. a vifible
fign o f inward and ffpiritual grace, is-, an initiating ordinance to .the
fellowlhip and communion o f the church, and is to be ad mi differed
to bdievtoj^dd'uRs and their chUdren-,iahdQth^@i^||yX?;Ke.'tobAe o f
.adtoinffiratipn^tp.. be that ^jf^ouringj p,r, torink-lingj'.f.and, is ,to< be
..dpne by a minifter,of, God,,,la^fuUHLealled anffiprdained
A r t . 3fVII. t'Qjhthe Ordin’cmeC
The Lord’s Supper is ah ordinance o f the New Te-ftament, wherein,
b y giving and receiving bread and wine,'according to the appointment
o f Jefus? Chrift, his death is- ftiewed forth ; and they-that worthily
^pnjmunicate feed upon his. bpgy,a,-pd, bjoop 0 ^9 tjreir fpiritu^nourifti- ■
. ment and growth t in * grace j have their unipn and communion with
him confirmed j teftify and repew. their thankfulnefs and engagements
,to God,, and their mutual love, and fellowlhip with each other, as
members of the fame myftical b o d y ; and is to be adminiftered by
one who labours in word and dodlrine, properly called and ordained