not being affeéïed, by. the worms; and the • leaves are employed, as
wrappers; ,for. drilling’ their provifions. jjj When the fruit is' ripe; they
gather it in quantities,'sand form it into a foitr paffe caliph m.afyïé-} which
keep^iiHssipbe firarft-vis again in feafon,' When gathered for-.this1
fife, they fcrape o ff the outward-rind, and Jay it, in heaps tó mellow j
arideép pit: is thendug;in: thé ground,; and carefully lined <wühifegf;
leaves; this, cavity is filled with the fruit, and flrongly, .thatched down.
with a ridge .like, a mufhroom bed; thé whole is prfelled clofe.,,w[ith
ftones.laid-over; i t : there it ferments and .fettles : w hen [the, ferment^
tioh is. oyer; they open thepit, and put up the fermented fruit in frefh
leaves/. taking ;out thecore,; arid floring it formfe/' as>;,wje cover; Up<po-
tatoes for winter. Some, previous to this, pröcéfs, cu toutthê gpte;
whichjöiakesi.the colour whiter, \ but ^prevents it -fronj;;-keeping To
At this feafori alfo of the ripe bread-fruit, I they make a large' oven
called oppeeo., Thexhief^ on this occafion,- fummons all his. tenants
add dépendanbjtoihrfagieateh a certain, qmatityhfathe 'riperV|ffaitI
wh ich hn a^day appointed,- j&lodgdl; at his hèUfèj ffofthe;amount
óf fifteen or twenty .hundred weight. They next repair tothe:hills
forrwood*, and having colieéted each mail'his; burden^they^dlgi a
holé eight or 'nine feet deep, paving it, andbuilding it up withlarge
pebbles ; this they fill with wood, and on fire, when-Jbiaait
out, and the Hones thoroughly, heated, they fpread the embers <jp{-the
bottom; óf the pit with long poles ; thêfc.they cover with green leaves
and the bruifed fialk of the plantain: the pit. is filled with the
bread-fruit, and covered with dalks.arid leaves at bottom as ,; on - the
fidés, and hot embers fpread over them; theovenisthenthatehed
down thickly with grafs and leaves, and the earth that- was dug out
call over the whole.-: After two car three days iti s fit for- ufe, when
they make ah opening; taking out .as much as they need, and flopping
it again clofe, This pafte makes a .mófl nutritious- fweet pudding,
and .all the children of the family and their relations feaft'on it eagerly..
During .this feftive feafon-they feldom quit the houfe,, and continue-
A ppehd5&3 TO" THE SO U TH d® A I IS L A ftjjf M
(Wrappedrup in fb5$ them in a month
bedom'e fo- fair . the; children
^ e rw a ld s . grow^ am izm giy .^T h^ baked^read^fffihi-m this hate
'Very, rruiehJ inetafi^hfefeftdJjfe? ^iftgerfot'elRbq | *
t f^his is i.r l^ f^ e a c h r e fo rn in p fe ^ o n V h 'd n ^ fa confined to the
'M&fSptokai^ iffwholwhl-rbej-at the p a in s p r o v id e ih p
^ dependants,to
| # P y ^ ^ 'g ^ '^ ^ t o 'M s c n e i^ h ^ f e s ^ t^ ^ lA d V 'h k e QihlM^rday
©ifesf^a ihrubteal^perepeere ; ^ t e f e ^ g a n d - b a p t h l e o f
h< * ta fa% fuffideht hread-ifrfafefpE/h#ftoi^:; aft f
*he^i!;i?and^ fo^m^feemifand
fill the pit; each bri%s>fa1&po'ttion r^ftftdtjSt'loavl-, witch wjun he
means to call 'on them^and they prepare accordingly^ -j I f afchief
wants. ibregh-ffuit, .h e feirdsybis -garlands' tfo.und ,<‘,knd ftheytjare “fare-fd
£om6 home- full-)' if-lie, fenllrc'^oll'nWdeaveS^theyf fdfin, them 'into
.hafkets.ifogthe' fame» purpofe. ;^But^';withoW 'fendi}jgsj|he Is, figre t©
^Ti^pplied withihr^d.'-frult;vh^s,ffads^fajiwhgiei|7efi|\yinted. The
ho|r&fe baked in the fame' kin d'o f oven.-; C l
..•I'Qow'h e , onyams;f ThefCgrow
fey fix^ ffee-tolong), ,and_.agi&ffierehf thicknefs. r T h ^ ^ ^ y T ^ o d
eating;' but being'procured at saTdiftfaed andr.with moje trouble,.-, in
theMaread-fruit fea'foh, they are»l'littleHfciught' -afthC W -
baked. .:
^ T a r r o . T he roolSssfrdftil twelve,to fixtden^ffeh^tiofigV'and, pearly
as much in girth. It is cultivated hrwatere'd gmun.dssta1nd;th,el leases
make as good greens as fpinfich'. They mull be thoroughly dreffef,
o r they oecafion an unpleafahtdtcHingdn'tKtofiindarnent.-
O o m a r r a , fSweet potatbe.-vr'.Ifcef&aife'jn gfaaf’.ahmJdance^ but I
-very-different from thofe.fa, the Wfefl fndies'aSId America', -being7in
faapedike the Englifh potatoe, .o f an ofanges^loJi^; refemhhng t-he
famato/'ludvi like them, Igfawi-ng on- fhd, flalk. They feem.ifi fade
neared the Jeiulalem artichoke..