thinkottus not to he the Cafe; :or that they .have; fierce hisvifit; :de-*
generatedi • The women o f quality’allow themfilves greater'liberties,
than, their ififeriors'V and many o f thehrreOy women pride themfelvesf
<?fi thfe hahiberi o f their admirers; -and live in' a fearfullymroiftifcl^M
mterteurie. . - Few childihn - can be the confct|u&nce;-: rand.' thefe • ‘arfc
unrveirfally minheredithe ihoment;they arehom. Yet, ' WithSalJ this,:
many are true and tender wives j their large families."I proite,'their
laered attaehment to the andividualiwith whotn th e y are uhited j .and
oar European dailorswhd haveRo habited w ith themhave declared', !tha(r
rhoire "faithful and afledtionate creatures ‘ to ■ -them'-andrtheirchildren
could no where be found. l The h ifto ryo f Peggy Stew’art; m arksa
tendemefs o f heart that never will be. heard Without emotion ? {he
wds fiaUghtenofi k:fch^ihand! *a]^f;.'fcai Ifeiwafii byriMrl S|ew£rt,
©ndb«$T theiunhappy muHneek-s.':nThey:had Hf^dtiWfth thehidKdhidE
iimthermoft tender ftate. o f endearment ; a beauHfuM iittlghgirl (had
been .the fruit: o f their: union, and Was at: tire breaft when the. Fan-'
dora arrived; feizedjhe yrimifihlsptinfiTecured diemihsifon^ itfc'boidf
tfiefliip. Erantic with grief, the unhappy Reggy(ifor fo hehkd-named
her^fiewrwith her infant in. a canoe;td tfhd’armsiofrher hiifbind.lft'he
interviews w a s fa ^fedrihg:fedikfffidfciri^,dhM4l^'offiiders?Oilboa®d^were
overwhelmed, with' anguifh, ddd Stewhrt -hirhfelfyrifaabfe tenbear4hs
heart-rending feene, begged, the might not be admitted.again oh board!'
Shp was fcparated 'from him by. violence; and co'nvi.yed'on'ihore in
it &aid sfnde^ah: apdogrieft taed brgjTarf,utterance.1 -.Withheld^rom
hiinp-.Mdffoxbjddm: Ttaf come^any'n^e'fontbodhly .^eijirdnk ihterthe
deepeft dhjetftion;; _ it greyed on ?her. vitals >.'{he lo ft alhrJlilfhjfor/Ood
and life i iE^raiced rfdafiore opined ixndepa'iapid decay*ofit'Wo months^
and fell h vidtim to her feelings,' dying litendly e f a broken heart.:
Hen child is yet alive', and the tender-objedt o f our care, having
been : brought. up by a After, who nurfed it i s her own,: and has dif-
chargedall. the duties, o f'an affeiftionate.mother to the orphan infant. -
They are: very .fond ©ft-dogs, and - efpecially .thh/eo%lhaaRbuftiy:
m 'jT ^ S 'S Q iT O iS ^ E A USEANUB, ' j 5j|
tail* th^d^irm.Q'fSjyhieh rfhey employ fiplrthfeir fine hreaft-plates j: and
the women, often hot only, fondle the puppies; but fuckle them at their
breafis. ftj:
.T h e women a^ej.not permitted' .with, thy:men;- nor may they
dfrihksgpfcof theifen^iimp.. 11 '(Mahytkindsipfidoad’i le , utterly forbfdden
thethfj; and thole>iyhien^hEyi,-mayi'»ufe;.-. are/^-thered and. drafted1
t hemfelves',.) or.^by tlyfenfenA'ine TnalSvaw^ates5 iwho. wait iltpod
theixi,j and“ liye nwithtsthh^fivdfKarnnan' tMffinfftheirupecuIiar fdody
they .aie^obljged ,t»kthmwiitiaway« .. Nofeprefehtati<MrofiaJwbmah',is.
permitted, at ;ahy jof 'their moraisi j v
- But; o f ah^jheir -ciiftoyis,}vthofe markednyth^greateft horror are'
theinf^ptt murders" eofiyaittedihithet arredytTocihty^mdhhf j ferhalS
children, -|o,a-pommnr^p!%i-©f'. itV’ their human ’-ferifices$uan<i-; their
ftbomihahl-e-'-^'asd.eofi: tfil&fi, invithtl.the'iwais jfajfte^nent,. and tttU
diftafes which /deftroy --the/ yery ^mhipleddfi^if^yitMeateril tavriepo-'
pulate arleduntryS, fruitful as s the gardenj-ctfMie 'Hefperidfess;' andrthey;iAiy i'd^PP'rs^o::'n0t,dui^^dyd>dspRipiini fife next-rgenerafeion'
extihiftd y itho p t. fire drain? hqayen. q 1
. ..’A pra.tftic&jbfjf.a kind’ .ihn afaphySabl^ofilm^as' fcaihex®Rife Scredited,
was cq^gfllriigated- -by theJ.rSs^edp',i ah'd I&qyfirmed^^wri® qffjlhe
Qtaheite^ps. whp wasipfiefent-^-thatktibere-had been ^lfoGiety tatiOtaheite
apd ;Eftn§°> ,,who^in their [.meetings, ^alwaysite ihumamexereineht,
hut; that )it had .been fupprefthd by (the othe^nyK^fpflStaheite; trf
• j^They haye ,a>mo;d&,®£ lullingvthcmfelv^^tfieB?:e dae'jhuflAhdinth
yifie,r when ,they|ie5,^^i^ take tl^rlpipeipTjthrderip.t^», ^WMehithey
blo.w With their, noftrils r t one; plays, whilft thetotherhlants in unifoh
w i th lt ; 'artd;thisihqy. .cq4thtye alternately ibiil- they.-fillfafleep’. h
Their generofityrishnundlefs^ and appeirsf.exfieffive^ :the inftance»
oun brethren record ale finpBfingolifcioh only 'carteldadh o f jprovifiqfi
more ithanff h e y ,could cop^me were fcnt In 'for tHejwhole body, h u t
indiyiduajshave^received-thu.fnod furprifing abnndan^^iWithtrut .hty
adequate return evpn expedled or fuggelted»," T qh n eh f the rpi&eastiree
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