th#tp?épïé o f the, fame' race. with. the ’ natives o f th e groups we hâve
dtdoflbfd/; arédi^fifed-feyep thà iflands, which
•Ijefia^difîéf e ^ Si^tigto^n and uxterid 'frpidptiB i^|i^^ tö i4:he>ii|.^A
dsÿrgç- bf- ■ 'esftidjsupwdç j; ai&bcd&y ;hahsBR ^achedii jfcaöis thé latteir
gïefupïoiöö ftom foute.’ iijtermedigtscplaces natiyehÆfcbvered; ' ta; the
^pdBfje^ti&RdSijwhich; sffeîifit^tpi beteiHeëiîiiAJ^iaridï ufiè0:yésït
te&giîsufë and v fi and aa“ north latitude, r Chnffiôgi the. equate;
prphftl%hfffiö8 thpyjKérer eaifenn o f thiL^feEne;rmaWs, they have
fpjçç^d oyer the ejufte sso fwhich, we -hayelgbrniiapaaecpteitf^^ firoM
thft, B rkpdly JWtefehaye reaohédiifieiaage^nnti^of^ïYifel^sikfcSi^
between 340 and 48° foufb-latitude,- and r66? andm^o^nalMomgitudés
óx> fem ep@f the iflands fouth-eail o f it, they
hjayg, 'made à fnipûfî^!ltet©h,ÉO'tbei 6^æfiï^ttàsd^û\M a/hniÿIm ^l
in ^tdouthslalitnde,! àadliao° >wefl: longitude;/ The. language > and
cnftpmSidf tMs twd^yiffeatteredinaticHir havé been itraoedntoihe cba-fts
« f fh ftg te t ^fiaric ifland^iLuziaiianid Borneoj andIfrdhiïtUönfi6*th©
pediR®a®pjMaJ^cca»/the^Aûrea®heribndfesv Wÿoi^'which! ithéigeö^.
grâpÈRçalihnswjWge the ancients can hartüyx?b’é|f^dnto ïhavb~éx-'
tended. H/he aftphifhing migrati®nk,of>fchid race feem 'tOihayefoPi^iR^
atedi life A o fo o f] thèvnot^efarEuropeans, from idéfi^nstöf &ktiS£i$0$
Thefethey carried into eflêék pn.thq.coàûs.of rthe grand À'fidtid ârohi-
pekgo, 'driving the black natives o f thofè very extenfive iflands itafthe
interior mountains, -which they ffcüLroeeupy r| | a diftindl and independent
people. But - the migrations o f. the fairer raribv fform the
l?&//p£iffîti{ku3d8. t& ; thé Garofines^ahdt&diher eafbward, hâve
ajmplhït&ja roçi$âi#^';te?n;!SfSadoned.îi;l^..lhfefs :bf weather;.’îw S ù
drove th ek ;çan^:|frflra Jifknd; j»., iflpid; and; front: one/ig roupi-tâ
agpfher, thatihédjÆSfobefojjé; been peopled.. :' Braquent inoidentsoftfus-
nature have been afcertained, and fome o f them have been fpecifiedin
©utî the ilfends connected. with: Otaheite. Ttejppj^Iirion
©f!; ifl^ids, fp widely featteredy?cannbt//for the gæ^érapart; /b^otfier-o
wife explained, either upon thé grómd df ieftablifhed faét; opr upon
tha$ bf probable eonjefture.
Yhe^erigidld iqh&t^m&ts, 0$.thft<g3fcatjbAi%jiCiisilands fHma.vlikeWife,
h^pf® tfe y -y e re , drived back -from theirs ooafts, nabhaveiffiade Very
epfifiderable e r n ig ^ o * . - th o u g h not stdrdilancea 'fd\remote:a%thofe
to fehich. -their . fupjplanters fhhVeJieemu difperfed. t-TM dirkerr.raife
hf Q^fpr^ # > yr^#e^va'ft.rioMntries i£^em)iM&lImdi. bqd New Guineb^
*y#h the adjacent -il&ndgt q i^ e w , New {Ireland, . iand
Louijiade, as w&h'.’.as-.Aofe je f ^dsmdn, vjBianMi ■ Gruz (Gale1*
donia, tbechfief-^afflt^jtheiiY^tFMfi'db,. aiid .thfiigfdispfealfidEeJei
Like the] nariitetpfi Africa^ /whbrii ah perfoiOtH&y igemksra% Eefemble;
they ar-ei, diyided* irntpvhtamtmfejsbtfribesiri and rareadilHsaguiihbd ^b^
j^fious"fkiiguages5 yet;tirire'is- adiriking-;famenlefs ih.dbe'ioufloms
"eyou o f ■ thqlg mocfc renidfely ¶tedl; and'; t h-ey > alidiffer teffeiuaally
1 ,tbe Inatihn -jthat'jjtjEGi^iesLtHeinHirierdusj fiAaBert iflHnd$-'o£,'thAs
■ ^g§an. ,j->T/bg former tan: tttially ihtorS fdWgeg and ®f;roferinr>flatare'i
b i t f0n^.ofttfeixdtibe#-lnay/rinab£fe¥efpea&V/bd cobajareljfaori'eveu
pjeferred,“ to the lead civiliteed, colonies o f’ their rdsalL: A -N ew
Zealander cari hoaft little ot nofadvabtage fever hissneighbour o f .New
mipdriniarj aiidra Saridwidh iflander mUft dppaiifcntfy ^ield theipalttt
to/a^'inhalitant;oT Flj^L oTbe-fiiqferibr'hd^italkyibf AeDtaheiteins,
ih e ^ n e n l l^ f i i ld e i s , and the MaiiquefanS, ..ihvitedout endeavours fd
■§Mropte their belt intdrfells lleiSibh' bflJ,that nation', and df
.tp|oie groups, has, through-tlfe UKITifig o f Cod, been jullified 'by*the
l^pTwhich.we have beernenabled ta.m^k^ ^ .
A ll the lflancfs o f this sooe^n, pr^ented tfrefb ground .for miffionary
labour, ‘excepting ,the,Philippines; the Ladrtofes, and a-few fef dhe
•Gairolihes, < to which the0 Spaniards had giibed ptforia&efst
ortfee filled 'wifh>< Converts to popery, but’ ftot^ ^lthdn t thfe^^adBw
o f ^^riftiam?^j and the northern K u file ^ftaftds,, which are d)y
* The groups named by MfJndana the I fifes-of, Solomon aSid-SantaiGmz, ate the fine
that,..pipages 2ft7<fe 298, of ;thfe foUowihg narratiye; are .calM-^gmont Mind,. .&£».
>,4hd New Georgia 5 ‘ihofe.-names harang.heen ghen.tpithfemr'byiCap^aiin.CaTttretsnd
LieutenantiSfortland, who imagined that they were new difeoveries.