FIRST 50 MfSSBOiffiRY VOYAGE [ i f #
in care of it fuffered i f to boil over : immediately i f blazed up WSth
ferprifing fu r yT d te had/ :howeveb, SÉ® cffinifnd atellift 1 it
o ff the fire, and prevent the dreaded conflagration. Though the
càfooufe was fô 'dry,; aimHtihe. foréïàal hanging down oVefiit, which
muff haveihftantly communicated the flkrrids to- ttehpiggiïig, 'thfoifgh-
the gaodn'efsofHGod' «fo“harm was done, and the fee pùt o®t ïn'àït
inftant. 0 , “the Wonders o f his care, ifeho hath faid, that
“ toucheth you, tpfifchkÊhhteTappk o f my eye.?*' ^
NinetyihêŸèh dàys îhad''now palled fince^We left R io Janeiro, and
cxccptionteveffd which wé metwith aweek aftér ofe dSpaxthfey we had
not in all thisihnie/ fen either fhipPêsr -fkore* and had failed* ' 'by^'ôUr
log* ^hirteseni thou&nftiMg® ihduÆted a n d ; p a g t e t it f
diflaËiGë'ppobably than wàs ever before run Without toüciêng/ St airy
place far reïïefemëst-, or feeing land. But at
beholding; only a vacant horizon, and the famiSar/%bjé^è-' thë’::-fék
daily prefented to o lir view, all began to look with' eager expectation:
o f deferying à South-Sea ifland.; which, -even in the minds o f thôfe
whofe reafon and intelligence informed them better, fancy had figured
as differing from all the lands or illands on which -they had ever fixed
their eyes before. However, the time was now arrived when this
curiolity was to be in part gratified. About feven in the morning
Toobouai was difeovered from the fore-yard by one o f .the feamen,
bearing S. E. by E . eight or nine'leagues off, {hewing at-tbis diftance
like two feparate iflands, but on our near approach the low land
which connects the hills appeared. The wind at N . E . being unfavourable,
we flood towards ;the illand, but the fun let before we got
fulficiently near to difeem the natives ; neither' did We fee -any'cMfiés.’
The wind sit this lamé f h i f t i h g ' t o b l L Wé l a i d u p f i f i
the tftarboard tack, and fading along the wefternfide prétty nekr'fhe
fhore, though in the dulk o f the evening, faw that a border o f low
land ran from the fkirts o f 'the hills, and upon it abundance o f cocoa-
nut and other trees. The fea was breaking violently on ifÉê reefs,
efpecially to the N . E . where they extend a long way'o'ffi
J,t, igr-netW .feu'rtfen. ^geks'i-fei.ce we Jail ifawbfthe land!, which was
Ri® Janeiro^,. and it> lfiuff|be,gf$ifeflfed, it is, visty d|ijbgbf.fijkt®i behold;
theugh.-p^iMlre'^ii' i n i f * . neither/ ha§3 CMEvaydge been
attended; with- any inconvenfeuce,ti^'Thej.Lciisdy ap.;,- ptoyidence, has
necefiities^in 3-. wftiworaderful manner. Bleifed be God,
^vfe b^g!c^»t,ffe®!jd>phg^wants of abdrop ofsgot®dpwater,fo quench our
thirft, .-nor bjg3d,ri&fc,I i t t f t h u n g e r , /and here w.e are.-alilithe
-lwing*mbnument.Siiof%i® mer^ytmfpraifu'l^im.
E.-,The, wind hlewjfrefh'ifrona ,Tqo3x>u# , aaad the intentiorw ,®jq,.ouf
captain was,-ndt t&jgp near .this ‘iflatady-biat, for thn^kf/of.-fome ho
WSte^defirausuvof'' feqing it,-'-we tacked to -windward, .and. towards
eYemngKgafkwitfcin aifew miles of i t : dbe^tfeought it-not prudent to
land! on account- ofetbe -natives .'being prejudiced ’ againft p|jfe .Enghfh
through th'e mutineers' of the- Ihip Bounty, who had eMlro-yed" near
a. hmjjdsedfejt them« " -But wecfcruflsjiq, vifit them» atvfame future time,
tOig^npvfi tbeif'preju^iipB.'^itb th e glad ti-dangs-bf the gaffpel^^seapei
A fine breeze continuing all the night, we faw no more of Taeifi;®uau
-J--TM&-fill and« .was difcoVered rby t Captain Cook in th e year r.yyy,}
a$d upon it the unhappy Fletcher Chiiftian^ with his..companions,'
tfe,:fliM%e0j8 rft^e/'BQuMy, -att^ptslijaS fefctleraenit in tilj^ ^ i .T h e y
h i# with 'than. fome of the mttfgFtptf Otahdte, and Mve! flock of
different fijrtsr.. jsNptWithfWdingifehfe^pofiition they met wiihTrqm
^ie.;(natives,, on. thek firlt arrival,: they warped theihiptthrougb the
only' opfching ‘in the reef ;■ then landingv-t’dRofe' arfpfotsjQf‘ ground,
built a ;|f@ift*«there®n, and.-’taking'theigdive.Rock onihore, they’jn-»
®nd,ed, had the natives proved friendly gto» their", lj^y,„A'^av^:de-
tibp-Bofintysarid fixed themiMvea' th ^ eu - h u t theirnawnuhnaly
e©ndi|ft! alifenated the natives, from them, who withheld their wo->
men,, which they were ready to feize by violence: they «8ri8&$t§K*
, by' a friendfhip formed- with one, o f them -in
preference to the reft;, they were difunited among themfelves, and
many longed for Otaheite: they refolved to leave Toobouai, and eaps^
with .theiix all the live ftock which they had brought, the benefit o f