thus critically fituated, it was adopted as thebnoft prudent planV for
thofè whd cöuld fwim but littlè-to make the firft attempt in f he jolly-
boat, and for the others'to ftay on Ihore all night, and rfoifwim'ofPtö
the boats" in th e morning. Accordingly,- fdur' o f our number Were
pitched Upon to'make .the effort, and they-probably would have .ftic-
ceeded, had nOTtwoot hers,-who thought-themfelvesnslbad fwimmers
as any1, jumped' in-, and thereby making the boat too deep,’ dHe
grounded On the rocks, w h e rë th e fea-broke,1., jmdf'fillihg. her,’ it
Was' with difficulty they got back into fmóoth watèr. f This failure
, damped all'«IteHpihts,’ ; as we wore véiyjamriousttd.ihave; fismeïsffiöre
hands on aboard to work the fhip, left ihe fhould be blown tórideward-L
arid? not hë#a®é?to get Up t©t<iös ‘again,- Thus rnrgfdhymocefffiy; [the
third w ith tw om e n , made alfeepdi^tempti,i and,‘ftie^eudedi
buf not without being again haifi filled with water. -.When clear-iof
the fürf, -they rowed to the pinnace, land both returned to the ïhip,
to ’ inform qhc captain o f the difagreeable' newsfefiimyfelf yihé-riiné
more, including thé two Qtaheiteans, being left, on theriflandh ?
Our fituation on fhorewas extremely un<®mfo^able and alaFmimgi
however, to make the beft of it, after feeing; the' boats lkferóff, Iwe
walked up to the large dump xif trees, and being thinly élotfced and
-quité Wfet, wê endèavo|aed.tö- make a firefr.:r1but.;afte#-(3K^efiianBp?0na
•had tried two hours in vain for a light :by friótiony we, werd reduced
to the ncceffity of .palling the night without a fire; About ten ofclodk
irb e g in tOvïrfn vefy hard, and continued till three in the!morning,
when; there was: a fhort interval o f fair, weather, and then - cpnftant
raifi till near nooii4 the next;daj®8 To all- this we wcfer/ejspofeihr rfor
the trees afforded us fhelter only till the .branches were completely
wet, and this was very fóon; fo that I was apprehenfive of fevers ajt
leaft being the confeqaence of this drenching '%■ butyto léfiêri itsrfeffeifts,
requefted the men to.walk about', and keep in motion, which they
did, and cheered each other by faying they fometimes faw the fjiip's
,light.r ^ W # # # / - M .. .-oT ,.v.
,y ^ i f b i . A t daybreak the flap flood d o le in , and ,$jef captain, Who
was very anxious for1'our fafety,, fent the pinnace to try and get us
off; but with concern we beheld the fuif higher than hW^theJpreceding
night',1' which^b^^dt-u'^Kd'breffiEai'nJ and w'ait the oppottunity low
Water rrnghff afford - fallif^outjjow' tins- day;about one' o’clock ini the
aftdthoOh-. They’acchMirfglyfput bieJ#ftd®flk^ftup^'tand!fc prOfently
after came again to-thte e'dg^bf^^fur^'i'v^lfflnlbn^ir^hiKlpecfun and
geft-Tafe fo ’its ‘wfth®a),bfef-t] c' off hi im-h griidt$e^G&rin
raifthgitne droop 1 y^fptjjlt Aot tm$pt«fpli), who m d fpertt forbad a
nignM’and‘bad ftilh^tii^^ulf itafk to? perform.- This (done, the" boat
put-off again, and about--ten d’Mo'Gk>feturned'wffh a ftage made >of
fir*deal-s,1 Withfdifedfihhs”- from- the 'captain t&Jfbfiffig the/boawfeoiia
grapnel a^^p>f#'to,’the biff asi-fhey ?c6uld* withifafety, andSithom?
afteb making Nrope fall:, 10-3611®*!^^^*^ veerl' i®jafhore- dnthin our
read; f whdrfMVe wete* tcfgdt upon! i f nifebebauied» through}!hes furf{
one ’br^AWs %t$a( 'time1.'4 Mr. Falconer wife-‘' inf the boat-,'* ana djdfaS
directed?;*1 blit'the bafck fwooptefittac < rih^preyentedthe ftagthfrom evert
etitefihg-*the"furfi fo that w&we%e5ffil#di^the fa,me fituation a’s before.
Thtis^dffappoi'nteff,»we walked along the» ffiare,||lptry’ if any^hstfer
placeJc5ffld, b^cM-ftfoVeredthe bbarffollowifig} abreaftof; Us-; hytCwe
found* it ‘alike* dangerous. At che~plact>tWG1b:&?u£ fwim off
td i^^ffage;'bh#xweteiwafhed 'abbut|?andtin^riy;dafhed ‘ to pieehs
agSihf^fhe^rblksl before the-'reft could hdpius,;p*Ut. ^
Low water^W^s f%ft, approaching, -and’'nothir^M'oS^enla'ihed'but
adhahce-of -getting off atttlftJp’UacAvfpeie ydfep’jfed“ oii’fhbWat the-fifft‘.
We^ccbrdingly returned thMifeb, greatly diffieafterfed'/toffnii
it-as bad as every othebpMcb; Jr^Mpid?flit)weVer, Id watch .till »the
lime of i loWiwater was- oye'rif-t'cittaiA<,that i f ^ b opporttidkyOffered
t||bn,v we muffl cbntent^Puffelles ^vhfeWwe were, and* ihat-perhaps
for monthsp|aiS! -the -Chip .was now “driving-faft tOsleev/ard». r Low
water at M b’ came, butt^fe: f^w a slftilL fo « ^ ^ i ' t h a t ©ka^feitreap
Tom, Mr.-'^rook, and fpme. more, -'walked, up,-;in ‘deipair towards
the clump of trees, to tty i f poffible to procure fotfte'dry 'Wood, .with
which to get a light and a fire, which they flood much in need of,
. R a