than the father o f Lee Boo, or through any"other caufe, you fhould
be prevented from leaving .our brethren there, with perfect fatisfadtion
to yourfelf and them,' what would be the effedt ? Y o u could not
admit o f the wafte o f time and expenditure o f money which it would
require, to convey them to the iflands where your other millions may
haire beerf .thither againft the trade
wind- was pra&ieabk j and l you would probably have no alterative
biif flat of Mhging them'withjysu.to their nativedaad. ».The %ne
reafonirrg may apply -with' refpeft to -thesSafadwicK iflands. Ttsdll'
extremely defirable that the bleffings o f the Chriftian religion
fhould1 be extended to thofe populous regions ; but the indubitable
accounts which we have lately received o f theadtual date afthofe
Blands, do not permit us to recommend the eftablifhment of a miffion
among them at prefer*. A variety of other confiderations will occur
to; your mind when you are to decide on what is. .pradltcableiand
expedient. If you look, over the- inventory of the ditffcrent articles
which make trp your cargo, .fupplied by the diberahty iof our fiiendsi
or ! fdrnifhed from the - fiiiMs ©f>the»; idftitution,- *ys®:: will: ifa-Of
bablyTbi^u^thShthS^Jai&mueh iflaote adapted for ;sf
tion of a number of individuals in one or:ti^ i-:^i^i^, 33thfenifeC'#
diftributionamong’ more. When you confidcr the qualifications o f
the miffionaries, you will perhaps be inclined -to think, that remaining
in one or two bodies., they may form models of civilized fo-
ciety, fmall indeed, but tolerably complete. There'are fome among-
. them who are adapted to be ufeful by-the improved ftate o f their
minds, and their fitnefs-for taking the lead in religious fervices ; there
are others, who are neceffary on account o f the fkilfulnefs o f their
hands, and their knowledge o f the ufeful arts : thus there would be
among them that mutual dependence and ufefulnefs which is the
cement o f the focial order. I f you fhould feparate them into feveral
parties for various miflions, it would occur to you that this order and
connexion'would be very much broken j -ahd as every million fhould
■ contain. within it fd f a Competent fund: hdt'h .of divine* and Amman
knowledge, < you might perhaps^mid 'It* impracticable totarfange our
miffianaries into devèral parties,’tandnyet prefer-de ambng themthefe
indifpenfable requifites .S ■ i Among iour brethren whp gtedorapany 'iÿoù,
we t r iA . yo.uv widlyififldToipewhoipafTbfsSa cconfiderable acquaintance
with,-'the rdodbrinlffl'dfiidi: hriflda>n,ity?■ »ihuaheir tfqoendàtijaaS«,and!toufcuàl
fdepend'encejj.at*d are, qu ahified rf®t> tèhe dfefen'ce /aridreohfermatsioh o f the
..gofpehj-ibut ®therS*fX)£ them* rkave aacttVipethapstaevrew -olffthe fuhjeét
iffflffiéentfy.areaaratfcawIsen'la'Eged toifit^hemefor iheiefficejof. teachers.
f®key»«ndéèflàfiâ indeed rthei doA»iqeSfclrf".gj3ge in th$ faaxçB^ip^cûAis
fad e , b y experifinfenteal: TOUWtditoKUjTf afidif having geïiërad idea1 o f
them, may "be ^euv ufeful tr> the heathen Ibr mcandEf ’tlKiiildn-
rverratioti.7as well as their a&xéjpplàry : livesf BtastJ
'however' fmall, it ’fisa effential 'that "there’ fhould-ibd'Tome ..whaTe
"mind®: ; have «acquired;.' ;a maturity 5 ite dprihè
jfc^ihad'weflji^^hrudted in the kingdom ,of h e a v e n T h i s ihmigfet"Be
-difficult fdr ‘yoiuTtthkcfcompldfh, .on thepliamof ■ eftablifhing a'snumber
a£.'different, fettlementsi «.
I -Jf ■ 'froth ‘ théfe 'feafons, or others ; which a ja y v&lifeiffl’ your mind
whe'n 5 y k ii> tare,idsnidfi the-' frehe o f Ja^on,. Syeû^-ii^^tlîS.t'dtlie
-eàiïife ofioC hriflr among fc the.vheathen .will.be beflf promoted' b y <the
"eftabMlhtflênt'tciiifëWèïitfa^cÆisv We ifhall receive great fatisfafition:
in fffldibgothat you. are :able to- v ifir ! tosre "M'afeds, w i& l i vfetditO'
the introduction o f the gofpel among them at a future period. B y
means o f fome o f the Europeans now probably refiding at ©’takeite,
-who 'rfiay b e difpôfèdfeYto«'atebompany; ÿoü,, '’yoii>riaCi3'd|j to'<the uii-
"dedMndmgS.' o f the iflanders ’ will -be facilitated j.wyo£i; will &fily
communicate to them the beneficial plan • you are projecting in
their favour ; and you may afeertain how far â iniffion to any o f
them may be advifable. • This mode o f procedure is highly de-
firable, as it may throw a confiderable light upon Our future
path, and aflift 'OUr judgment refpedting the defighs o f Providence