lay becalmed, they hung: about the {hip moft o f the day and when
leaving us, ‘promifed to return.on the morrow. r
7 th. In the evening, the wind came from. the- weft ward, and
ft retching on the larboard:' tack,j we faw the fmall ifland o f Toubai ;
which at midnigjftebore W . N .W . andoMo.uroa,W. by and in
the. courfe o f the forenoon we' palled- between the two;;, and north of
the latter, the wind at the time from S. W . by: S. fqually, with
thick weather and confiant rain; which, continuing., we (hauled the
forefail up, and run under; an ïèafÿ fail^fOr the night -, and next
morning,ât daylight faw Howie’s, ifland off the deck,' bearing S. by W .
.. 8th. Obferved at noon in latitude 16° 45' S.,- at the fame timè faw
the land bearing north, and fuppofed it the Scilly iflands, dif-
covered by Wallis. Wc now.fhaped a courfe for Palmerftou’s iflands,
where w e , had feme bufinefs to do ;. and on the. morning o f the
12th came in fight o f them. . Hoifting the pinnace out, we landed
at the fame iflet which we hadjormerly^beerun^rijiib ntj 1 x. fcterpaffâge
than befeye.. Thus lies a the northward. On
this day we finilhed what ive intended ; got about fix hundred eqGpàfj.,
nuts for the fliip’s ufe, and-pJanted’i(which.wasmur mam g
thirty-four bread-fruit trees; eighteên plantakwaiid ,fevéraîLêve<^apple5
trees, o f which, thpre^jereirnonej-beforei ohuthe -ifland : and' ifrfbfey
flourilh, as there is fcaroe:a doubt, but they will, the benefit o f them
may be found by fome poor caft-away iflanders, or needy navigator.
A t this time the tropic-birds were fitting-on their eggs, and fo very
tame, that;:had w e pleafed, we might have caught many hundreds-jpf
1 8 th. Hazy . weather prevented our feeing Sàvâgé ifland. . On the
17th we came in fight o f Eooa, and next day moored fliip in the
harbour o f nine fathoms and a half, on a bottom o f
fine black fand, Mikkahahifland bearing N.N.E . § E.hridïAttjatià
N .W . f W . _ g
I Before we had anchored, : George Veefon, one o f the miffionaries,.
camé off, and informed us that the brethren were-all well, Ifaaé
Abi^fAccpttd , andrth iMjtf 01 leafiin 5 -judgeditnbflipFild^^ they'had
feparated into fmall parties, and were now with different chiefs;
B o d ily and, vHarper we^îfe|aedier.with -a’^jfefivnanied Vaarjee^wh«?
atr,îgpla(p, ,c dlcd|'Aild.;so <$Urfr M iilieemaf,4 a jpniefjiof
tin-, Goppex^ith
Mooree, at Ahoge : the reft are ftill at Ahëefo. But before 1 UiodW
our.,pro^.edj('9g1 *% the fhj-ftj 1 Un n ; to jn fu t affety; é^tradbs
froi^the^pgi|nahpf the nnfl]jgnàr ip»,, y fitt^i^lhuc'out^e^artlïifc.
Aptjf. mi filed ln^Tpjigahcmc, „ami .ftigiyiMhefsy;
mfoimild.them e>f -Soui; u inf, otdramc |OTly<uadfmrbt 1, ninth ht
ijaftanlly.-faid we mhhld|i®te; hhwoulabMklr’ifheu
amhwhen-ifaih'i^h’aH l fc^biSaighUipmL for.pu. \ \ l wu e dil-
apbqinted* in not being.^ il^^ Q^yifitKt||e jhm.nneb more4-aiid.fend
letters Uft oui^b.rcthien at;:©fa^ke.-i‘
('^ u n® v i-fit-hy 'Ahopt feven ,ot’e||gl^ y e - had ,a fy^efempetingj'
wlfen/bnithtr' Kclfo .iUidpSl^m'' engaged. „ A s uchadfittedtyp one
o f our puqRpo clot k-s,t the' ftriking of ut tpeerttd .great fuEpiifc,und
attention w m g jfh e .n a t i fe ,, who .c<)iifi(krcd.?has. at Iturite eu, which
acpopnt; thefe'®u|d'not touch-Jt$ and fuppofed, ,if itfey .ftolepmy
thing, dhemrd fpiriftwoukl. (Etui: them, which wasSW,.with()iit, its
ufe. Iia thel forehobridirpther Buehajun print hid ^ropi Jtr. \x\u.-27-
Seyeral o f the naSyeS an^ 'behaved verwumedy:. ip the
afternoon brother Kelfb, from 2 ThefT. iii...i .H^h'Cpimefly/ the Irifh-
raan) paid us a vifit,^at companitul h ) , ahipdicr o f, lyenou 'Jj'py jg o r
a, chief who lt.v fick it Noogplirfcva, , who.haying heard that Amblei
had a day"or ty o ago Emptied a cot 01-nut into1 a Japan pint;‘p&%in
offer totdrink the m ilk, ^tt^abrqfher. aboupfpeteen, milesite beg fuch
a-,one.of us5. fob without ifcHiewasf afraid he .fhould not-.'get well
again, t,T h is requeft, we. inftantly complied with, and made