liMgeEfeafon^^whliotkers .LTtexgU^QlHi^iraesAsAtffl,^ they KavV
no 'medidine wMcfr iSJefFedtMitfDnitsfrGtffer.'i They are fubjetftrio vaft
ruptures, .occafbried ibyo too’ I gi^af" exertions- infiwreffingi/.jufepii^p
and fiftfflgy?? The'glands behind their ears-ofteil dwell £tnd fuppufite,
leaning; te-ge fdirsi like' i the? t k in gV evffi; taithdehtheja’imAen®
phcatioh’jbut; waffling,y'andi.whewiwe Wouldfflaneiperfuadiaiithpmete
lay feasva-tpoffltied^-tfeji-rthjpffcidjlasi'dhey aiuft ndt-pafs •tbe-facred
^roanflrtwith npyi^Miigj'efo their heads,- or above their fhoulders;
and' thfird:isijnj®ih0nfiniiig;ithemf!t®Jtte hbufti as-dongi ahthey/arpiMble.
to! flandim ftheinr&gxh /Asrit- isitlttS'fixed ppiMionf-ilthat-md dftfefe
afieShs them i
offeiicc, and never: brought on themfelves by intemperance • dr ■ impru4>
dence, they truft'riiofc to the prayers ,of their priefts than to any
medicine. Nature, howevery^and-theHr-good conftirutions, -perform
wonderful cures.' One man had received a mulket-ball, which paffed
through his breaft and ffloulder^M^de ƒ i another had his armfflroken
by a b a ll; a third revived it as he was Hooping; it -paffed through
his thigh, entered his breaft, -and catne out behind his collar-bone:
feveral 'others were dreadfully fmaffled with'ftones;.one had his upper
jaw broken inward, With the
o f the bone': dfed f^et Iffl '4^VereA\fui-prifihgly :fflbnJ,( Wifflbiit|hy!
application. A ll bandages they-abominate, ahd cMnot bear the fmell
o f the dreffings5 o f a wound ; fly iiig always’td th e water When any
thing o f this kihd afle&s them, and grating fandal
to take o ff the offinftve fetoiv ' I f f:th^y happen t6 have a leg broken,
it ufually kills them, not fo much'frbril; the fracture itfelf* las from
theif’ efforts tn ’dlawl t6,Jfthe Water; from' which hothihg fbfflraitis-
them . this' often brings 'o n inflammation and mortification, where’
there could be elfe • no danger. Some bear ’the'fdats bf^the'Jigged
ftinofay fpear pafllng through' their bodies;: and afe r£covfer6d.; A
broken arm is fometimes completely reftored by bamboo fplints, as
it admits o f their going about ‘with it in a fling. • “
Our furgedriv ih his; V'ifits to the different parts o f the iflarid, adds
to thi$; catalogue th^ekghantiafrs,^ which he qbferved o f a moft
prodigious kind, one man’s; leg \being fwelled ass -big as a^yraath’s
body |g yet he continued going aboutl' There is pa$dly one ofvthe
chiefs, butyls affected With, cuticulaff; difeafes, and many like lepers
from head tofoc^ij^i^ftoned bymrinkingf trip yava ; yet theyiregard
tlys,gs aqjghoppi^ibl^chffin^iQjt, paj^ng if >tnq^jhmifcifi cafthlr than
a, difeafe,,^ raj-ny .fqaibn.f cpTvfiderable' infemra».
tijon /iq their, ey<esjj ,alnd^;theiir^e£Mdr,ei|far^q^mfu1hi§ftito,f,att^t'ter@us'
^uptiqti^whi^h^cqntimps J" eu a T3S&\vniIc. \ few l ino bcen.fousari
afe^ed wfAmhe, it^i J(^het ,cpnaimink&t^ difi&fe
is ipotAceitajpj. -Bu^of alltpl^grje^Hat^Qftjfatiijtj^ Iqe^etyj^laefVenereal,
.ha^4been; corfjnyinjca^d fco fflenj^ prqbkfelf^by{;Evtrf)pe^i}.-and- it has.
f p r e a d o n e in four beings fuKpo’ cd" affected vc ith it':' ‘m'any
moft mferable^abje^M Wiflwfbul -andJtorrid ulcers, carious hones,
■ lim]3s.^and in the*lift ftage of *eunƒuinption,' prefenced therif-
felves., ^ O C a ^ f e g ^ l^ S ^ aM B ^ Ithe, high-piaffi Jeanne Manne,
.wgrmfo a, fkeletqn by the difg h y g e a^venerealfmlcer in, his heck.
wfflch^ffedtecLsthe organs ^gf'irefpirationf - and* left? little^ h o jp t o f relief.,
Many are feparated frpm' their families m agUfhed, or oiit-
hoUfe,ifibr dujffefed 'to touchprbvSfion aMinykfnmbmwn^X^rought
thexn • "their deareft* friertds and reldttve'^mpiun them’V3tlie|”if{f no’t
permitted JSFfbathe' near any perfon1' in th a nvfer fiar^^hbdgh^thSjd
are not left to ftar^ejtlf|^^r^lAlidoneu'tt^ o r a n v e .<^N®^refmSdl
all medicines; and would.'fubfnTC ticpniS aj^li(iatid8@'t^Bm fo81e thefft'
.with great •avidity; 'T h '^ b® ® t]r^ ^® "dh '‘mai^^dMl^il?y
mercurial dlntfnenf' caufed great wonder in the natives i-dand' in the
hands o f a fkilful man cannot fail o f refcuing maify* ‘frOTn e^am ®
miffery. -This fatal anaf difguftirigcmeSe^ being moft prevalent, fe’fp^-
cially claims out companion, tMiigh’fthb naffve^are fo^tdril^fs®,‘ifdef
averfe''to all confinement, that it tafle ih' rmf^world fo1
engage them to follow proper directions. We are ufing’ our utnfc’ft
efforts to have fome o f our hrethfen'. rnide'r' tn^b'qft tuifroft; fo ? the
ptypofe"of attaining' mediqal fkiUj !efpedia!ly do^Be ^ac^ukinted with