vours to palliftfe; w e a t h e r r e c e i v e d afevd'ereproof from
ïhê.Gteltf,' Who told-him. that heihadmo right to oun hpnOej.'rlsr-aay
-thing about us, land defhèefche-would let u£ alone in future.,
iyth. -This- forenoon Futtafaihe, T accompanied ’ by!-two o f his
tüpkongers(er éotthftïïöxsf, dame, and Raid about an hour with usi
then toofe itheir leave. -
; About* ten A . M . brother Buchanan preached from Jdeb. x ikm . j
itbthe afternoon brother :ft0mr4XiS£ iV add S&£^aEdts!**Sdminiftered
the Lord Is fupper. As few of.the natives were permitted
-WÏ^fifhe ^ ^ oM ^ 'v t ó were enahledto wait ioh'the* God' af/®ur.{fal-
vatioA' without diftraéÖiönY m
8th. Gut friend ®oogahowe, attended 'by a numerous retinue,
brought us two pieces jof-doth, and a fpade which we had given h im
the -wéék- before*; -he nctw wanted i t clft in pieces, Stifcmake fmall iron
tools ; this' was dosd, and as t he grmdftene had heen feted*,ul&pdhey
were alfo fliarpened fo r him; having-feme yavai£oot=?by-us, We g-ave-it
to h im, fothatwhfethedwfinefs’o f the fpadfiywSrs-goiBigiönv they re.«
galed thenfifelveg) overa-*b®w4,' aifi&afterwurds departedI*nÈuch‘pleafed;
Futtaf aihe carBe to^day'-likewifë, and broughttwith him a hue tpude;
Mote than twenty large döubie*ca«oës aiW*veÖ feomtthe Marhydflands,
carrying upward&.-öf ê.fty perföhs each onéieffdhem was Morgan
Bryan, an Irifliman, the for-merfoipmate-of Ambler A d ..Connelly*;
he had lieard o f our arrival ifo early as about tbw time 'the ifhip Jailed.
Asjftiea -as heldandsthe-came and,Raid fspse*kifefe>^bjijt tdtntogfouf
interview gave fuch fpecimens o f depravity -as excited a.wiflx' &rthim
never more to come under oiir roof. A w fe in gh o o k forgotten1-at
Fëenou Tösgahowe's his-wife firft denied, and then produced.ftripped
ö f moft p f ihe leaves.
-9th. Several chiefs came to fee us this morning, and Brought foélis
tohe fharpened. Morgan came again-to fee US, -and to ourgbiefwe
■ are likely to have mudh o f his -company. Provifions in abundance
are Rill brought to Bünghye from all parts o f the country. Strangers
likewife are yifeiög*the fiatookaof M oomöoe, Wberethey continue the
crpeh^h^dngicpneiiMinyJMil, rept fo mu ch jipV as a few days ago.
Mcecgany^iyho -had in the morning, requefted iron tools o f u s,-which
we did not think prop'ea^h^ve, *st<aok the' liberty, in jconcert with
Amblery ^nd to^ufe. feehi language: as much hurt our
minds! cAmhkr well, knew 'IthWqur; flock" o£too}swas much reduced,
yet ihbdid.notefcuuple -todfayyithatr, unlefsi we complied with hisf.re^
w o S fcw fb r e tehjilaj^Mapfed^adcpfeme^nsfO fatisfy him-
%®C and with -this threat walked-off.’ May He who. has faid, “ Be
“ ■ nnr^difeaayed; I amytby proteftfus with his almighty
power from the machinations o f thofe wicked men !
■ ioth*. mAbbutfRveiAuMi. brother Kselfo being qn watch difeovered
a man .creeping.tMrough the-ffereeege'he immediately? Rruck .the, .thief,
and repeatedrhis blows* till« the‘.man ran off. Mytyle-.beij^-acquainted
with ^ V & £ mP P ^ * foruy the^fdlpw w’lisSreot; k i l l e d . o f
ffosgahowe's, named Pegnon yVUawalk», fentjus .a find b o^ an d
eight- bafkets o f -yams,.."and feveral o f her family fpllpwed'j and Raid
me# tff:die;afternoon, which wascrainyv' In the evening 'Toogahowe
came himfeff with a chief from Hairby- ; .before he departed- he re-,
ceived a- cbyerlssL fromiane o f the' brethren, with which he was highly
gratified; -
i f t h . John, ffotinelly.informs us, that while the chiefs fat over
the y a f a ,bbwl -this, mornings he overheard them layiirg- plans to em*
brace the firR opportunity to- deprive Ms^efcalJ-tairupeffeiffions, b it that
theyiwaited the returmoTffie fifip'; whenitMey' hoped wedhduld.receive
more .articles. T h e tm ths r f rthis-deport we have ©do - reafon, to doubt,
as we know tbep1fis^not,a man on tbe'Mtfod-fe^s^bstli tell iis upon
Inquiry, that! they«are “ mafide'-monhck^irlmtus-th f a y , d y i n g
in loVe forecamflUings.? This mforrnatiam^vg*hSi'®0jir®rah ua-
eafinefs, and led us/to inqiiire what Reps, were proper to be taken at
this critical jundfaire* -and which was the path o f duty. We knew
pot 1 the way o f proceeding they might take to effect their puepofe;
but asf fevages gendally work themfelyes up-t-o fu iy on occatfems o f
enterprife, we had but "little' hope that they would regard ourlives.