'212 W m m M S & o n a & y M p s
*thfe',öft‘éftil^S 'óï’Vhfe Wê^fêhy. 'TÈfey fëehüg’ïfie UMïe; Iküghtólhe^öly
fheihïelves,. b'rit ïeeöi’ingly ‘Öiily fbji'lëafe me-; fórlt Was flröm no idea
'öf this infigiiifickiice of fheir -Èatëoa. . ï -fold &sh it was.Wpb, coiïM
not be a göd, bedril fe rit 'm& nothing hut the riloth and finïfet which
thèmfdvés had 'made, and -cbuld nè more hear, fpeak, ïfhefti
góda dr f e i h , ’ÖiSn-‘dÈtóia the ‘ëfèth theyWore. Atrihïs 'thèyfeefried
tathét pëpi&tèd, hut ïlffl riffiffrieÜ fh&t :ft WriS%^reslilRf<%k‘j aTSd
’when hè Was angry thëir frees bbré - no hread-frait, nrid-mariy Ms
*caihfe riipoh fhem j but nót ;a wörd i’h reference To -ri #dtö¥e ftrifc. I
Wanted much, tb feè What was m 'the hafitè^ but they faid, 'ïïörie hut
Marine Marine and a ’few möte durft ‘ópen ft. HoWèver, ‘tlïey Wkl
Tétdr that it cÖhtkMefl néfhitog tret fed ïbathêis-, fe ybiM^- plarïtëfö,
^tld’ahtthch*OT yööft^ cëcbk--ntfts:ïfe^ fe iïfe y Several
htëaS-fruït 188* èföri ttfèés fttód Within fhè *01116 fquare.
On oür way hack we called tö fëethe bódy 'of Órepiah, -as prê-
Tërvéd i'n_a tüpapö'w : he h ad hot been -ma-riy ‘months deadr -arid was
how in a perfectly dry ftate. The fifen tö whom th e performance o f
this dperatioh Was ‘êritfufted lived clöfê b y , and 'caSnelïeïf whêri >lae
Taw us. “ He Teemed quite willing to oblige;.-Sie 5 arid afk&d i f I
Would lik eto Téë'the bbdy-rinfcöüded; for-, ;ai i t la y , -ridthirig ‘could he
Têèri hut the feet, Anfwéririg 'iritJiè Affirmative, 'he drew it but
upbn the uncovered hage, arid took feveial wrappers ö f Clöth iöfF
Htj and; Iriööhirig :aË the While, plaëèd thehofpfe Ife'* fitting
pbfhire. The body had -been 'opened, hut the Ikin !ëv®fy whrire ‘Üfe
Wks Unbroken, -arid, ridhëiirig elöfe tb thé fforiés-, it appêafëd like’a
Mèlëtori cövëièd with’oil-olèïh. It had little'-öf hö'Éhéllr-htfd Wbiöld,
hÖtwMiftandirig the heMt rif the climrite, fèftiaih fö ‘frieférited :a cön-
irclètóble Iffiife. Thri föëtbM they trikWfor this ia, to d lea t t h è ^ d y
;ë f the ëritfaüs, 'brairi, *&*c. t thrift Walhirig it WeH, they'fiÉyiïrifeffity
oütfide 'atnd in with 'cödöa-niit <oH, t i ll thè S®|fi| quite diiëd'èp ;
aftéir ’which ’they lérivè It fh the all-déftroyiffg h¥nd‘o f Tifflè. tThis
tupapow was riönftru'éted byriMWrfg fötir lorigftaliés -iri 'the -gictSid,
about lix frièrt afrinder, lehgihWIfe, ariidifbrirfhfeWkctth': hrifidés Mdfè,
T Ö 'T S Ê M l
two othërs, -riot fo lörig by three feet, are driven oil a 'tinèistanaefix
foifiy a 'll^ e is 'thferi{ihSaderatthe height cf'the
thbttdft tWè'-y’iéSd1 %hef ^dt'pfe’bb^n^ltód'at^Mie efelf, a thatrihbd tfbdf
t f - Iriïfed' hpöh - the ‘Ibrif ^4 fi^hëft’ ffiöfeMs, <ï§*'; Jffikêftér it ‘ffism the
fain ; the Vacrint -pért1- éCTMê 'êa^^^WfolJpull rif tSpoftfifeithér Ter
tübbirigWith the uil, ^Sïfed^lhitiiigltt' t-^HStfiiends ëftd<-r^adofiS of
the deCferiftd’.' JOfitheAdjdüttft!i^'®8ëfeif pferitaiifedÉhdi huftg;
■for the-ufe'offhe'déad. I a'fkedthem, Where1 they thought his Tpirit,
W^tri-irrkihgphA,- haÖ1^ « 3? At this t^yfriiileS-,1"arid fa-id,'*'1 Marne
“ po,” that is, “ rGbne to the night.” 1
A little before dark We ‘reached the further 'erid ■ of AtfahriofOo,.
'and 'put U p :at a- little plaefe whirih Manne Marine hkd given-:to Péüeiv
Who -ordered whatffie ‘pleafed, and had it -itrimediafely-; -arid «fee're
*Wèftl ^ 0thé‘Jfcanbfe, ^s ‘it1 MteWtéh'fridS^oS^oWAt
Wittdf In ;,tJhe ihbitóhg-We'fdFé edHyi? f'S:'dd9plé*tf TdivlS Wfefe'^aay
*dïéfléd,'ëri-which we hreakfafte'd, and lferiOff with ri hope bfrmcffi-rig.
the fhip, if nothing occurred to prevent 'it.
# 9 Cntèred 'Téttahri ’'b^'afceirdirig «a^ifh'éklM^öpeyhoWe. - The
‘drfïndi 'idmott thioughont is Hully, riflhfdiflg hut ffiflle low larid ;
-tlévfeïfhëlélfs it is Well arihabi-ted, which 'iriay he- dwing to its.'muritio'ri,
"lyiiig between the two rbdft dïftfiïts ‘on the ifknd; though I ap-
"prehërid .even :its ’own produce 'is frifficierit-fdr the -'pëople'wfié live
upbn it. It Has ' AveWè uriafteynas arid One • hriridred' arid thirty-'tries.
Pomarre is - .the chief. The heft grove of coeoauiut trees here-,
abouts, and a great number of bread-fruit, are faid to have been
planted by him and; ,Iddpaluwj®h they were young. We paded one
fpot where Pomarre had lately a höufe, which contained t a vafl
quantity of his ft ores, and had been malieiöufly fet on fire and burnt
to the ground. At a place called Weyto-weyte, which terminates
the diftririt, there is, a houfe three hundred and ninety-feven feet in
length, and' forty-eight .wide twenty wooden pillars, each twenty-
one feet high, fupport the middle of the robf]1 and one hundred and;
twenty-four,, each ten feet high, fupport the fides or' eaves of. the;