B | Cffittft our head, and -thereledl: ©f'Godÿroür hearts remain It®*
*« daunted; IM feeing, Divme mercy peffiiftedunder die'banner
«* of- die. great. 'Ciptairdof ifelvatrem," we--are, defirous .to- fee*-*-*ac-
^‘ counted worthy to fuller " for .his lake, ’ and to endure hardlhip
as:befeomedi goèâfoldiers o f 'Ghirift. : ■
| f ‘ SacH^-Adnauted'-btetbren, andsfatheis in Chrift, are our prefent
■“ fpplwws ; which1 wé hàp^fSferèngfe youriiHrtei prayers ,e aadf the
«K fupply o f the Spirit o f Jefus Chrift, our Lord and your Itftbhour
* ‘ God andiyOur God, w e ffiâll never, n ew - lofe* ■
i “ T o you. iandrall who have contributed towards <Sajr -gâjng férth',
•** we render unfeigned; thanks;- and our prayers, are, that thfe. M oft
h* Jdigh ’Ood: irnày grant y èu o cca fion rtorfejoiee in J®fasr#hïi# un
*« our behalf ; to whofe grace <we humbly and 'heartily; commend
fjg yon, mofbrefpè^tdly ahdafieftionatdyibideKng yo®— Fârdwdl !
Byorder*®£ the miffionaries,
« On board the Doff, at Spithea4^_._
“ the îgth-ôfAoguft iJgdL”
: Aftér t waiting with fbme ’impatience for our departure, the
convoy, h â v in gh è en detained b y . delays unkndwn to' ®sî*-'band;
when aftertfblëd, b y ' contrary winds, at laft the welcomefignal
Was made September rdth : at nine À . M . the - icommoiiore and
fleet began to weigh, and by terfutete all under fail ; we alone were
ftill at anchor, detained by one o f'our miffionaries; Early ihithe
morning a boat had been difpatched on Ihore for the time-keeper, and
to bring off Mr. John Harris, the abfent perfon ; but after waiting
a confiderable time in vain, the officer was obliged to .-return without
him. We then immediately proceeded after i the fleet, w h ichw a s
fleering for the Needles' ; hut 'by- the time we had reached Cowes
the fine S .E . gale failed Us, and veering to the weftward, the lignai
was made 1 to return ; when we came to - in our former fituation,
Monkton fort bearing N . b y E . Mr. Harris now camc cai board;
he had been on a vifit to Southampton, and having heard the fleet
were failing, hired a boat and followed us-; but it is probable, had
thejforeeze'continued,-%.that,he w^ujd’ have been*left..behind.. *
f We* had ho,w. ^ajopfeorcdf as itsprovddr, 'for^i-rfeeiFdays4m®rer;.l in
which;, time, and ■ duringHttiev^b'll? i§£j|#ir Retention, we received
unremitting kihdngfli^jfnpaa^^e inhabitants
o f Southampton, and other places; nor were
we; negledted by our friends in i l b h d p n y c a m e
PAtfiPi!i£$iS$l$$k vifit-ustj^nd thought themfelvqslgp^rfy repaid by wit-
neffing*r-tlie runiverfaJ- harmony:wMfch^prebaiited -in*.the ffiipH for,
tho ugh<^%e<fuiifiqna&eM weSrei.imgftlyifltang^Eshto#ea§h54®th8^ diferr
behavUpd^as:rfuch^asufea^bre£^»«Jtb;hopb)Aeyj WUukk'dnj’o.yithat
peaej^ndi cordial gpod-. will among^themfelves*, foieffeptiallycnccefiaiy'
tq promote’1 ffieeofsi - m,-Aei*gtebtuwoik-' in«whichhth%|. *r^efeujointly
figrial'jWaiSj'Jnade.-byctheAdamant toidrtjp down'toaSt, Helen’s. UNod
offs thd^fcfene^ itMLday: was icmask--
^bl^fiae-; the^convpy moving .©Indifferent tacks with their canvaf»
fpreadp and jpalfibgpd^wariQudiihips ihfe in the> harbour;
Thisrheing: a ;ftate holiday r the ddrts. and nadtr cfvwanbegant
their nfuafefalut'es1| sgvdiih^t thercplES!oyAwasi(undlmfa^fliwHich? .fended!
gteatly .li®>heighten,Oheogfendsur ofotke' feemed. On the turn o f ,the
hde tthey^alli'^ft^^^l^t^i’andb^^tedrfoEilhexnflnalkl^paPture in .the.
The Rev. D r. HaiVeibhad been d iily onthoa^d^hadoftenKpreachedi
. ]fe^idj> fwifefeahH blefisd-tataHiu nioh witfeltte
•miffionaries and mariners; .he now took his forrowful, though jo y fu l
leave of' '.is, avirh t an addrefsfrom Hebrews, iii. i .:; his heart appeared
..to ;be full, ,yea, overflowing: with love:; while w e parted with
many tears, probably; to meet n we 'droulffibevre-affetabled
around the throne o f God and of. the. Lamb,: . < . . .