- Proceeding thence, the next hill (or cliff) we came'to is calledBoo-
te^awmoo, which-dWides-rfhe latter diflriÊt’from Hedëab, which laft
runs quite to ths-ifthmus., Off this placé where We nowwVerpv cand
rdiftaht abouta mile ifrorh-ihe ftxore, thère' lie t^o-dmallbiflets's? Ifie
wefternmoft isXcalledBooroo, the other Wharre-arra-roo. From thèfië
bharles informed, me Ithat a reef runs quite dowfiao.Matàvâi : if liés
•about two miles -off fhore, and has irr.fome places only fotfr and-five
.fithornswatenupon: it.
: Turning the point o f Boo-rte-awmoo, the. larid- BendsTouthward t‘ô-
.wards the, iffhmiiL: "When-we hadkgo b^ liftle wajeweyftofpcd'nit
Peter’s friend's. houfeij: he was by trade a fifheiman, who Supplied
•fegneighbQJirs witH.fifh,’ and received from"themicanoesv ,!hbgk|"
fruit, roots, and cloth. He. had. been on the reefs, arid came m
while; we ftaid with feme lôbfters and mullet o f .which-h.e gaWyus a
part,, and. I p a id h im with a pair o f fdifars, ? Ati.tbis .houferiwere
about twenty, perfons colle&od, including$the -family^'. We- left- this
place.j'.arid; as I: walked,- along the diftridt,'-1,5breryedrmaore^we§fife
arid underwood c than in any. part îof^the road '.whieEH haé -^lh^E 'ï
fon^ûplaé« # 7 «QniWç^blp length had nothing but ..lohgmvei^mivri
grafs, which obftrudted all paffage buttiby.tljeHba-fidel r?The' houfes
Were rthinly fcaftered* and as thinly inhabited ; in-moftfoft,thenrthey
were building canoes, butjame-of a large k in d e r They all hkdirpn
tools j the hatchet§;were - taken off; the helves,-, and .fix ed :* wdzee/
I inquired, for- which w ill fbpn-bea'jei^-jtAyft® .them-'
felves j hut they had none.: alfo h o v long.ptx-tèok* item •’to'ibuiM'ia
-canoe, with iron .tools ; they anfweredy about one-moon. I then alked
them how long-they formerly'were in doing.it with -.their; Urine
hatchets : - at -thisithey laughed h^atilyrSKrmdjIcbumedrtem-'aSMnW
When we had reached nearly oppOfite to Bougainville’s hadaour^i-fhe
natiyesgdk^ftediW.^OAçhièf *s houfe,- where .we; found J nria : JM^dïï&ÿ
who*| firice the ..death o f • her : hulband, .-is - chief -over -all - ,Hedeah~
though this was not her dwelling-houfe, fhe neverthelèfs »âfîumed: the
command, and ordered a diriner inftantly- to. be dreffed. In the
interim j thej p]d,foiue|’;? gave us'lth^lnadde'ilf every matteyna in fhe
diflisi^vs^romjiB^.-ite-awmo.p.pa'bhOjiflhmitS'jicas'ffflllows: ‘ -
I ItMcfiua. Tin.
W BJatfaheyabo»' 6
3d Ah-hotoo-teynah ..6
Wah-tey 4
'jMtdjfidbiloo' : 2
Aite-.tp-aree . _ • 2
lyth-Mattabeyaboo PHpj
O-howpay 4
FAYte-towee ' . 4
Ottowah Uli 1 ; .17
4 7
rt.,\ 2p-
7V r ^4a*mafteynas X$
Men, wqqaen, vandc^ldfe|i ? s }fS4^
- T h is may bet.tifou’^h^itat-' £ TrfeSll ‘ ridr^ber’ -fik- | a difirid,’
efpecially when - the •imagnittcl@i-,©f^Ctftalfi- Cdpk’s^^ifd ?IiifelA^aftt3
Comer’sreftitnatfons-as' ndnMefecfj but aedofdipg'to the heft, o f - my’
judgment- after| palling- through'fJt-ri arfd-paiyiiig every,)attention, I
think even this fmall niimberi exrieeds^the^'truth ivbidT&relyik is'no1
argumentuktsfavodriof. great ,popuMfdn^5^ d ,t-3S.tt-thfs-,'lK)u^'-whr®eT
got .the. account^na wore than' th>tftyipe'®|)lfe Ihould be eoUe’fted' at5
any time while ,jl ftaid, including'Inna->Madua’s*, rdt-intie, -and thofe
whom eager curiofity,broughtrt&fee
, r; iWhent we hadj£3dned,o|Petef£ iffifdrmed- me- tHat°it was\,tdo late -tot
proceed;., a&The- knew, of3ihodgoockil(?dgiri:giftioufe-7b'titdsi^o5"-gr€at a-
diftance j -thereforei We ftaicf where;we-were for-the night. My-bed-
and,Peter’s was laid at one. end of. the. houfe. 1 Inna Madua prefentea3
me, w.ith more’ clothlfor. flaceting,. anh-F.^avd .her m> return a pair of
fciffars, a Jookingiglafs, and- fome ttifles; Jiyhad -purpofely- brofight to1
R f c M B i
. Matteynas. , Tees.-
Bah-ôuteÿ i, 2
JN^aöahcyaboo _ . . 2,
ÎRaàïîSüreyeffia I
"Waltarow I
Äfta-toutou ’• M Attÿ-mâÿKôWe. 3
Attetarree 1 1
Atte-hourah 'j .: il]
:Ätte-te3iey.' y' 'Ü2Kt
d -Matiuhcyriboo 2
y A
Ê êÊ& ém
: Matteynas, Tees.
Atte-popii-te, 'fÿ ' 3
Tootahràli. j- a
Ah-hotqô-tooahnah 2
ï^fh:otQo-tey-n^:; ^ a;
^ArrpQrattqmah .3
'a'âAlï-Kotoô-ïeÿna'H; 2
M M |nf| ■ \gi
Atte-hayreynah 3
Ah-how-atôuâh, ; • 6
Matteynas.... ,C TeessT
OUtü^tO OaK ; I ; j * 31
2d Tahmalta-olira - 6
’Atte-omnah t, . 6
-Arra^wnyWl1' ; u T 21
3d Tahmatta-,ourah ,,7
ÿm doW^P i,-'*^ 1 -' I
prani i *.
T o-e-orah-pah-mooah g