hiki^nOS?* arict "b$ Mfetavai. 1 Wij.h this- intent he fent
his'-part ƒ a^i-rift- that ifland,, h&hjKre,.. his filler Wyreede Aowh made;
"foMS'' rdffiiMtei j.cbflt fovekoihher men- being killed, Ihe-wits .-obliged
*-fe4i2'khdwle<lg#5 the qott&Etgroe^'ande takers up. her. refidence. in Ola-r
heitevv In h^'ftfead Jddeah-ia&dfiMai^4 MaTine,were made-chiefs. o f
i f f i f e j F6n4 rr6-(tKe '©t^'Q '.of' Captain'-.; Gfcokftowt iwhom the - fa-
vbfe^f^-fehe^ EfrgHfli had dfaw'n..-man|’ endahW,; apd who atf different
tameS‘'i\vis <~fochafed?-and'i Hraifened -by?e them,-that, afraid “b'f his
hfepkeAh&S 'frfeijuently emtegted'-hi's’-vifitbEs to take him .off theifland’.i
h a d j^ jy ,' at 'time, extended his powerTdr'leyond all
i former ex-amA^-and that’ without either *'citoa^-or .taints Afor.wan
"eSmpSfebl^^Mstmemiesi’i do -that h cannof huttdfeiabe; ittfo'-the pro-
v id ed ^ ’o f thfjfe^hftight’y , ^hoiorderetht. a ll1 things-.after the counfel
| ®fkft^itwnvi^ V h ^ :fo'r:the acGompHlhment.o$ Ki&^ory» and-gra-
. £iot& purpofiSg In^wjiateyeriwayi tbSfe ^ents- are viCTfed,,4tt’hey certainly
'afe m u ^ i h # V p u r« 0 the ateiffipft |j $Pt i t is; clea^that thofe
erffpo^H'. i& ft-: can-ypfobeed-’ in* their -Jwork_ With gjeaterlfafet-y■ than
wheiT'the natiife were oOntihually -en'gaged'ihvwArk -i. >
"'Ibeavrhg MlfevSi river ste^carae to the; eafterii.part c^idie-diftridt'
of^MaWafp csiled. eahdrioo .ixSver^wMcK rWy.r#ie.;Aow bjprhfideS*
She and her Iteond -hulbatid, :Mawr5ay wereat ;©parfe, where,„they
affi> 'bavet^d^ellirigRJ Thteir-fHoufe ia this plate is exceedingly)-neat
• a«d d a n ; beiMicit is^ a^ p^W o ft^ v ek te iek ica rd fH lly r le ve llM
• arid fthooth, ^d^a^the’e^ h fe i^M i;'^ :'' regular^, row:tofi corfoa-nut
frees1;' and b y^f^ fide'of the houfe'Mne' rivulet off freflr water .runs
frtrfdkhe hills, k The lo'vtfend-'hereabotitsthfq&dfeore tUgrna hundred’
yard's wide. HeY fetvaftts- were' hufv- preparirtg a bsrow^ dy^ frQ^,
the bark o f a t fee" called 'moRoof’w f f f i 'they \trdke fmall into a, howl
Mb^Wa'ter/.and lettingit lie,till loftened/' they :brhifedait>ill- the liquid
betaine1* of the| colqrar' they .wanted.. W e ' next .afcended .a high
-hill called Tappahey-, : which runs. into the, feap and feparates.Ma-
■ 'r.' .