M m -
day queftioned him i f he was well,: and fèemèd aftonifhêd at his réCo*-
Very. Tiiè pfieft, amöhg tile reft, defifed to k nO w ifth e Pret&nee
God had feftt away ’the fickhefs | he faidj Yfes And tóék thitf öfcca-
ntJii to fpèak to him about their fuperftitiohs, ted urged that ‘the
gods Which he and his deluded followers worihipped were nö gèd$ j
aót thé prieft infifted that they had gt>d$, and a great many, and
that they prayed to trie gööd^óöés to keep aw iy the bad öüè8 ; and i f
he did nöt biefs the food, the bad gods Would enter into the men and
k ill them. Brother BrOottihall replied, that theyrWèïé undèf rïö ap-
pfehèöfiöfl ó f the bad god entering their food, let him pray as anUch
as he plmïed, 'he fhouid-eit without feat ; but the prieft faidj htedld;
nbt With to dó him harm, and walked offeOhfoundOd: This circumftteee
thews We ttiuft eXpedt oppofitión when we haVe acquired
the language, and go forth among them to teftify that their deeds atfe
dvilf ~0 that Wö may rejoice in being touiited Worthy to fuller fo r
Ghrift*s name fake !
The Accounts o f former navigat<#s -ax to the popaiöufnefs 'èf the
codntty are greatly exaggerated. We think thattroe a fbufth yftft f t
many will be found as Captain Cook füppofës, perhaps not a tenth.
In this excurftoh w e viftted one cdatf , in wlmfe houfe were many
WÖödÈftgöds, Of different names i the ^god tftéiïünj and mOOft-,
and flats, o f m en, ted women, and children, t e . T h e y -had each
a fWOrd, axe, or' hammer in their hands, which, the prieft faid,
Was tb: kill thofe who Offended them, tinfefs they Offered a facMfi®i|a
atonement for their Crime. When they 'offer any thing, Wheth.br men
Or högs, or a canoe, they fay, “ Take this, ted bèïtotahgyy/’^ Y e t to
éiéfe' wooden tepreferAatives they feemed to pay Htfcfe refpedt.
tyth. Held a Very profitable meeting, to exprefs the feelings o f
our minus feipe&ihg the Work in which we arè óngaged. Haffel and:
MöÜgSs Went tbiebfc freefted at OpSrre, but found heme. Every houfé
offered them fonds, i f they Would ftay the dtdfengj and at Pom&rre’s
a hog 'was immediately killed and cheifed; they got twenty pine-apple
plant's: ana "as they-returned they were met ev ery where’by the people
with apples, cocoa-nuts* and bre^d-fruit; and one man forced upon
them;,®' hafket containing-a roafted» fowl and bread-fruit, whfoh'lhey
brought hojne. I toOferosck'fiyn,” Tays/pse-pf them, “ to fpeak
‘ti.agaipft theii? intoxication with yava.’ T h e y faid it only made them
11 dance, aneftob^eco did the f feme. I w ifh it never had been brought
'.‘if-here b y us.”
19th— 33d,1' -Several .fuceeedkig days are'only marked with, ordinary
©SGurrgiices. Happily to-day j oU r-'filter Henry increafed our 'number
with a healthy-female ehild, aftes a faife' and eafy -delivery. Thus,
inftead. o f - death making -inroads' among and in a climate Co- different
from our native ■ foil/- not one o f us't#?!Se&jiiiated with difeafe.
Surely the defire o f • every heart ist to devote all our ftrength'ite the
glory-oigthe gSeat -Author of-'it':->;tO
27th. T he boa®■ gdiiff'en .brifldy, and will fbos be finifhed. 'tdfwai
o f us went to'examine thp -coral' retsf before the^MjrMi’',o£ -the river t
-on the -infide the depth-is very irregular^ '^ndfome pflarseS -the water is-
two or three!#ithoms, in others a boat csasidcatoelycpafel. ’T he hottpm
16 beautiful; -Wanehmg trees o f coral, with fenqll 'flfh.'hFr the moft
beaUtiful and’vivid:- colours fwimming in the midft o f them. Our
cah'o&^uifetv'butfto dtegbr-eiftmed. -
:£8§h. “ T h is evening, after divine sfehu'ce,;" I walked/1* lays
W . Puelfoy, 1“ with 4 native: who had been fefeae time with usfT*ted
“ from the beaaitifMfcene o f creation around us, I took ccc^fexi -tb,
“ difeotofe 4 f .H’im who madeali thefe things. He fetid, T he God
'-t'Uof PrStane made sill things there, but -not at Otaheite7. that eafc^^
*' theWfigodS^reached -up, and’ ftudk the ffers in the ffcy > auAlhat
** M aw w i, 4- being-of enormous ftroagth, holds thb foil with tepes,
“ fo that he may not' gO -fafter than he-.pleales.. 1 end^youcod to
“ 1 undeceive h jm -refpedling -ribefe > tatei hfittieh: ptiefts c and, pohitifg
*> -to the houfe at ‘©parre, told him they wefe no; ^>dfi who- were
^ placed theBe, but the work o f men’s hands i for there the jfchree
** great gods, Ooroo/’Tane, a®4 Tar-oa .aie, to whonr-they sudy
** facrifice in great extremities, whe^i the prkffo fey tfc^r afe;dngi-y,