• Defiringito prepafe'-'a Torge,.iwV*errdeav£ftrred “to' fertfi jftoulds fo?
brick1: anil' to procure! lime, we'atteMptfed^cc'lSbrurn ixihi'cH
abound; but found'no convenient mods’:C’rWfe"W(Eefe able, i hoWeVer",? 'to
obtain fpm6’ frqmothe .raitives,! -wrhooufe. it-toii'cllarige: the'chlohj/of
their hair, and-dive for the ftone in-deep watef, .whicbfthey.afterWaad§
burn.. We iKaU. nondoubt, in' time, ■ be 'furnifh^Rwith^efedhings
fufficient to fupply oprwants. o ;i
U l & m W e ifeere vifited * o ^ f i tb y g ^ e ^ '' iwtoibfotaghV^ill pfei
feats’ofi frnitjj&erii I ifehoolor, . a ’-,
This Man; is: aecoiinted the sfirft .fpeartnan - in ^hfe^-gotatryfi on
aecOuht'Td%ahow^^ . '
aacL j f®fhe;eottrfe d f this week werhave dug:anfl5pfi^tedf>Sh;0M li
fixthi parttbf ;drir: Borne pIantatibn^fi^^'^d^t®eg*lii^M6ft taken
up, and 'an enclofure made, for Oiiiohaglt f;:E«very,l«*ij|d^rfeetrf ? V^e
«igage in excites the attention o f the natives, who’arerfreqUehtiy fd
t|^tfelefoine,7ldmt !iiverare*neiteffitafed:to drive them awayJi^feiaftdj’the
mufquitoes' ^ryiiunpleaferifj fome
with1 great itching. vy
I Sun^^iaJd./n^SiUhialiwe hadf®?pra^r-iheetihgt#i^iftlinihgs
About eight o’clock" John: ConnelIy paid tls a ’-vifle^ bringing) i ’Afle
hog .and fome' yams from Futtafafheg whcrhadl klfor icokimiftfOned
h im 1 to make us an offet o f any iflet :We'Ihattldbhdofe^mo®®ofe
which Eeffcattered-abouhTongatabdoy asfeveraibf'^tem are’ hisi- Filh .
are in grmtplpntjFrafc thefe iflets, and diring the htlhgf|nfkafc'J^iIl
be peculiarly‘ uMui: tdt M ; : -At h a lf paft ten <broth8flKffi|yiiE?dM
cornfed fkm JdhjQ'i. : before he tiondhidcd,' a n o ld chief, named'
Attar, came with fonie' kava and i hhntehl 8f bananas j he and
his attendantsfat quietly till the fervice was' o ver•; after which,' being
told the day was facred, h e apologized for difturbing us, and took
leave. In the afternoon brother Kelfo preached- from: Luke, xxii.
A n inftance of a religious nature occurred to-day— the admiral o f
the fleet fet fail for Feejee in a large double canoe to fetch a fpirit (an
idol),, as they term- it, to cure old Moomooe, who lies-at the point
o f death 5 and long before the canoe returns; which eannot be id lefs
than two months, he mult be departed, and paft the fpirit’s charm*
<3bm a y the time be.-hafeened.when they.fhall turd from thefe vamties
to (feWe the livii^jGbd hrur
’- ■ 24tb. Early this:: mOfningyhrothers ReHo and. Bucjhanaii went
With Johtjj <^onnbJlw^ pay a-viflb to Futtafaihe Moomooe, at
'Netegblllfva. : Tfi«W5sather-'\pkoving'.veEy^ .-warm,' litlleclivdrk was.
done without doors 1 A, fifleri ofM?eenou Towage, .named -Onoad lief*
caMd-'to' lfe6oiis5> and-in the alfteriioori Ihedent us fbm© hoti. Hoti. is
a -d'ifei'cyery-'imuch 'in; requefe amongi the. chiefs,;..and is made in the
followifi|j«t manner: -they firft poert Gocbamut milk into a wooden
boWl,i-then’ ferkpe out-the kerhel With a iheU^sigeeircipb is. bruife.d into
thfe’fmilk,1-and'-remains "till ihedatter* hascirobibeeha delicidus fweetnefs
frdnS’ it.; - the root is-thenrtakeri.<Sut .of/the tnilkf- and the:‘kernel mixed
Up with k , - which) -We, - found a very rich: mefx.; HarpOr vifited
Mooftidoe’s iSfiatooka, about h a l f a mile from thej ridfladnafryrhpufe at
Bunghye, '.'a hemtisfulafolitayy'placo fuimurided: b ytoa and. Other trees,
feKrwhichi:hUn^£vafti<inuMtU.des ofcbatsflas rbig ctews ^ ®
tlife natives behkter.: Heite 'Mb few two houfes >1 in (fee there was a
SquantityMf Ipears and .warlike e-ithplemchts',».feared to-the-QdoOa, or jcsSaiher: other anlimagevofJ a::godlef^,t called Fyegag to .whom
they pfay for a lavourablelfolbn for makingcldth; ‘^S
: ’25th. ; ■ Onoadfeer ;paM.‘ Us --mother i vifitv this ,moming, -and- made
us-.a- mefs o f hoti'jslwhich beih‘^dOne*jin'Aur lownhodfe, gave us an
opportunity o f .’.noticing the great ;cleanUnefs> which'they qbferye. in
their cookery. I11 thfe iafternoohcwe. were- vifited by a : young chief
from Leefooka, called by Captain Cook, Leefooga j it is one o f the
Hapae, or Harby iflands. His name is' Fponogge, and he is one o f the
flneft iflade men We have yet feen. As Ambler has been frequently
with him, he has learnt feveral Englilh words, which the young
.niaii fpeaks very plain. He indeed difeovered , a ; furprifing facility
.to learn any word Or letter which we fpoke, or pointed.out to him.