■ ‘ ‘ dseifea^vkradhis pathmthfij^pea* ^ te r s^ is is i^ s i ;||®3|ftsps®te^Qt
■ *? iQ30WM.“ i $2
4th.A,vA t feven ip.-, the morning, being.- nearlj^sinfweribte. to the
time when.wefi'mtg^la^fnelidsf in lEbndondt©, bejehgagfedyinf’tke
likpjexensifeji weihdd; our: monthly prayerdheeting,’; a^|kkafee|aaageH
tqurfdrokfwithlthB |fa»j^lit--^^^pcBi«^|Iee^%lti3^il!<pjd*sRyiex3^iitfjgwiB#fei!Mgiii“
pelliyi |)efeechiQg at|®’jtMte0^?©f,gpo?i|^cam h^«l€iiaapd;itEi®f|-J.'Sti sfeil
be; nadpaall c o rn e t go-them ;to k»©Wv i thfft Bje- ’ha:s igiheis)Bifly heard,
ai^di.fetms/tps^e&ghaMp ahfjvefs jofqpeaGei b y isontirtualiy! bpjloflwkig
-on(As,ajridi ftipply: ofiievery/needful rbleffirig.tqy.
In rKhafternborbwe. received,la letter’tfroinuh^OthersliBnwell ,aiid
Harpery acquainting! bs *wi fh; their welfare. ( ft
»1 aegtfa fcJWeiwermTilitrf hjr thtewilfe and-daughterl o f elfeof;? va;rrbiftf
who refides at Ahqge, and to. whom brothers Gaulton andflSooperfihad
■ paid a|vififc-fomerMme a g d^ -Ije /atf that: time'iHadsgiveditheBdjaflirge
ihonihand plantation,; t o - induce.them ,toI rdfide with ;him, »to;Which
they confented/but, being force preverrtetl.rhis • impatience excited
him to find this meffageifdr them, n They brought & d ig g e d aflarge
- : TMsihvcmng^we'filtean6thetiIhb^k^%.ah;ea#hma^fa;i
neither foctosfibMnor iofqfo; ldng/durddhdtedaeifcmheB^tl^!
Sthj ^Bnither Harper came; to/ $ee > us, 'and-bfeys: that -they?Me; »very
txjpifhrt^Ieistt.At'deoiwith Vaarjee, who is .anxious ‘to indjLdge>tbem
to thejateK^jof^iHi po^ejj,ihrid>hiSifafB^nedthem apaftments Wl^«S^F-
tos themfelyeSj and hsjvery ready; anAfifefid indijftriH3mgT.th^;irf the
fuSimdayithe qthy brother Buchanan preached from iThefT.’v , 9.?
brother Kelfo, ^Jwb’fieh. xxii. vbn».
a b th y / S Bnthefi Harper ■ .returned diome? this > evening tOj^rdb®£ &&■
«om^aniedhy ferothbr Wilfeinfori. t
- f iath» liaid vouti fthpi^iafs^plet'befdreiioiir houfeV with;’brother
W dkinfon’s; help, r ib the European ftyle, with the garden j which
Jt-'j-?-] T O '■ THE" S0 FTH-SEA ISLANDS. 261:
we .began, to cultivate. Taught Vaarjee’s men the method-of digging
thegrburid w i t h - a n d plantb&fome'pine-apples. .Vifited a chief,
balled dJ^hpcfcc^looij^raJrelation.tof duhfriend'jYiwete’/eritertained w ith
great! hMp-kaMty .^ahd, re^eirvedtfrcmih'im a foneffowhn, pig;- arid three-r
'feoifetydtiSsliife^avfeiyipdlBfrefdTri'j^^^averhimi two Otj three'tools,
ahd>tfome.fe]khen'pBVe&^%Oh the- Edffl’^day fo aV i^ ’tiJW' Toofopr
d^-alSoiitBab'Wedid no-work’,, arid^ipprit jfche wjhoikfoi - thWworfhip tof
(Sodhohe- afed^^^-mAda^hsma^furh^h^her'Wwi^MiIlbab on that
dayi'j sand- ha-vfogsihfqrrned him!,' he ivbr-y/kindly font' us asbaked'-feog;.
onlWhiehdwe' dined1 together ^ 'life gavems h^tHat-Veryi fine-myrtle and
other' fhrub's!, with' pineapples v fofr-buaS Igarden,' ’ whiph ■ WeS plant-fedi
Rfecfeived-asllfo a parcel ,of garden-feeds' and' a, ipade.frdrri-'Bunghye:--' -
’ i A fte r confladtsandf heavfi rain’, 'whiph'dafted frohi morning
until night’ with ditt-le? inieEmilficm,#Wp38seihevihtedciw ith thfeheaffiedl
ftormi fcif‘‘‘thunder and lightning which w e havohk<SB&u0e$bur arrival
on--thfe fillamd} ‘however«; t fitch weitberi&ems^io^fKf'fi'equent herevas
might-be eipefeted' fromdhe fituation o5lfk^p0pntry,.ji
15th.- -Therain IHlbcsntkmed veryihedvy,*alhday. t lh th e evening
brolbep Wilkinfonrjeturned 'homei having been kindly entertained by
oilf(biet-brMht’ Ardeep ^©nchis -return, hededteltisway',3 and was ex-
p’oftd'Jtb -'‘foihe-daiigfenj. but -thebLordvMwho' keepsibalh®hr •<gqings-
'gtacidufly preferred him. - .
y!^i®6th>' Sundayd noBbstber ^ Buchanah- ;difishoMed‘.r^rom -Ifaiah,
livJ^8§. Durdig the intervals o f wbrlhip we heard a 'hidetfis-ohtery
o f the natives- towards'-Bunghyep and: Were after wa.rdsfinforrtied t hat it
Was-i'fecoifione'd' byaa' number of; menfjuft arrived-froth Vavacg.-who
haddepaired to Moolnooe;^ tohahrmtejrihcbtheir affedionarid-relpefet
b^- thfe 'fame cruel ceremonies as'-had b£en;obferved at -his funeral; O
thatthe;:Mivdioi^bf7l,fjraeli,werecomieidbriai.qufeof7Zioh.ii'WheniCi6d ;
brings back the captivity o f this' ipedpiK,t ’bow will out hearts rejoice to
hear thefe horrjdihowlkigs changed into? fongs,nf- praife to Him who
has redeemed his ipeopldifrom death} sahdr rahfomed them’ from the