defi-cnd the cliffs::. however; thinking:this^no.worfcthahftthSfëv we
had pâffed alréady ,'! we took thfe litt& F baC prefently ckme'tbna snoft
alarming place, about- fix yards wid'e, where there appeaked'rîèither
place' for "hands nor 'feeÉr < Here I was at firft^afiaidrand had' thoughts
o f îgoingiback •‘ but with the help fof; "the Otahfciteans; whoiare'uftfd
jOj this.vwofck, I g o t ’■ along; fa fe ., Qbferving an*old man hadLfofo
lowe^ ûs' foopii Ihnà Màdÿa’s" Moufe, ! Péter-, inqilired; what h e iwânte'd ;
be.anfwêred, that Inna’s ‘mother hadxodered him to^followv asdnifo I
gave; any thing1, he was to feize ity!and:takc i t
to-her .’ -
lew-rhby f i s; :àn^aged wom'am, mother to thd'yaunig man whoicarried
toy;linen,',méfaits,. ànd,'tto>exprefe ftriieSIherfelf
feveral times on the head with a fhark’s tootbi^trllj fhethlood
flowed: plentifully, d ewnher.hreaftand: fhoulders, ‘ wKilft ;the^fon
beheld It with entire infenfihSIkyvn I was nobaysMpfetof
prevent it, hut as ftieçOntinued;itwithout;mèïéÿ.ôn herfeWy ï ^ p k e
in them arigrily| and: ribligefl-heritO
not-pleafed with. what, ■ vtoardân^a-èhi^^edf eQpliy,'':thatnit-hwg£ the
cuftom o f Otai^itéi ' Whenlwe
put up for the' night, at a hoüfe - w h ic h -ktêly bélongéd tôjàtwdmàn
with whom Peter had lived, Jbut fhe was now- dead. 1 .She. hadfoéeh
wife to Richard Sinnet, one o f tjie unfortunate mufjrieers*,-tiwho.was
loft in the Pandora,: and by him had two fine girls, who;-are now
about fix or fevcn years old ; j they are o f a fair mulatto- complexion,
and very - lively and talkative. Since ythe:.nfolhdr’s[i death Peter has
taken care o f them ; they were glad to fee him, and received each a
fmàll lookiag-glafs,' as did plfo the womân o f the hofffe.. - When we
had refted a few minutes, Peter' informed them that finee'
was at fuch: a height we had not eaten ally thing ri this, being known-,-
jt was impoftible to beholdwith indifference the. jo y which thofe kind
people exprefled on having an opportunity o f entertaining me;' they
inftantly dreffed a couple o f fowls for my dinner, and a pig for the
Otaheireans and Peter j for'heJ^^nded,^: that,. beinfUohliged to comply
with he/durforlbtnea't i^tbeApdfe' where" I
was. ’r After oying^^Gomfortablfe.’ m'egik asf the cook o f the. evefiingj
fcyhthatt time ‘drfew- orf- fnyfelf,’. was
^thec.tired''wrthJbhd dkyis^walk^' fol accompany nfoftcbtlr^itopiofmhe
I B tMiaffiacenl hills,^ on,^iGl^fide o f -w^ln £h51 An'a fd«“pkv?ihe$s' IcFrom*
th^cg^Ere^iilis, th e sc 'f^ ^ ^ ^ ^ llMb^Sft4nd^'"U,p,> thoi’Buls
abounded s .&mWthRacKruit*,-'atjd® the' more&tnteriofi
parts with^rAountain^yyss^[n>*iet;irrOb,‘,:IvJ\l: V^iet^-. of** otlict
w h ic h th e y bhavei rfehou^fel ycarfiiOfe'ifKpply- ^1%
their wants. AtkingPcttli w liat.Kaloi\s they ga\t foisnW^altihatingt
mpre,of tlfoftajp&le^on-'fiJ^loiy.'^&iip^A^itf.was' eX iaentj-thciyiwould.
gEpw. weJkl oft'hetteip.tlfe©relrthe fiucU itwas, p££ tp^infctpfi the havpo
mfidethy^heb^rre'oiosf and^fflidfo who pckompa'oyi Otop 'i n* his foaftings
rpirnd^tlM iflmdl&fat, i^hiefo though K g n K tiyo*. pv'
three- day 4 ^a§diftri£t,. ^they coirfiltofe }l^?^u.ifonly^d^ftEoy all ;| 1 1
produce, and otten the young^pjajits,! lea\inginothing foi» the lettled
inhabhants'-of the place,.to fubfift off, bhf -whafothey^dfe^ from, the
m o ta ia in s s^ te rT a eG O u n t theycfalffiMit tor,the •t'r,bnhfo- ofi, ©lknhingi
altnrirf ‘inacceffifel'e^pl^S^ci rafoe£-tfeaff*fc^gofemubfo(p]|hprp^ddcap1f
theixilahour tet tfipfeiprivilegedi ro®eks .vsiFrofn 'this hiftswe ^^.Kkckal
Viewpf th'e,corahfeefs}.ydiichyiie.ymterfoe^fed'yalpnm fome-nft
them a.confider^lfo diftance*offfiibre r fhere* are feveral, ojfenfogs.j apd/
pjfobjfeiy anchored’ within: rr^)ft> ofhthem jibbut. fl 1 apprehend She,
grouhd. muftjhes,i:&ky,i,and -fc^dt fof.Jj^hfe^ R^jfptftingl^ej-diftfolb
itfelf, firqm Eod^e|ay|mpO:,tpl the.placeywKerpr know cloft to t-he
ifthipy$3 i f .isvlittlesbetter than ^,w^dernefsip^n.k;weeds>®id;fol£le^
tr^s-.'-and that*,ef§niirrplaces^Vheje :th4|ofpland might bee^ndered*
inpft fertifoand' j'ifopugf^te-poi^lpere’exeeed^ft^orfi^ongsjin:
yvjdth. In, fomafryfyses^wrhd» we :wereiphlig,ed -tdfquftShe,;fealfide„
tKw^Uhg -became^exeeQdingly yfa#guihg; oh’-ja^cubti of the lonjy
grafs, sWjeedp, apd numerous-rivu^tsipfi^tpn^iH^othdrs-the
hills projedt into tHe'fea,: and form 'broken and; ;dangero,u%tpTecipices,r