W * 4£
are high, 'pointed @t theirs tqps.rwith -.broken ruggpirfideeh particularly
about Taloo harboRii;: £r©nj, :i;he entrance o f -a
very ftriking appearance^ , Tbc-flp'W grounds are cohered, with cocoa*
ipjyt, hfead-fjTiit, and other trees, tail growing luxuriantly, and
care ?^,|p§t|^4 - They have^alfp afiUfhe pjots., $50* in-icopimoa iwath
th^pther ;iflands. here the cows>a£pjthat Captain Gq^d^ftgyath
them,-but they are little attended t,°i as-it j s laid that they sate, wildw and
that none, of-the natiyes;Sld%re approach, them:„;th£re'.is ncphuh■ | .We
did .intend to'have landed in purfuit'of/fhe cbyts,_and to-have^tajfeqn
them'to Matavai; but'asall the chiefs ^were-a;bfent, -it was?ith'onght
prudent to relinquilh the plan for fear'oTmitehief-from the jaaMvesSwi,
- T o wards' evening jwe Taw, Tethuroa, .low landgfeab^ tweatytfour
fng^^from^h^eibe. It qoafifts qi>fi£_©r;fe?en iflefs very n|»r teach
other, not many feet above the-level o f the fea, cnvefedtiwith^OGoar^
^g:sA but no .breadTfruit, which-they are potr allowed tp ^uitivate*
It belongSj to; the’king, but Manne- Manne,;cjai«is iit-.2f:? T h e .mat-uses.,'.
about three thoufand, are employed in fifhing for the'chiefs atfj@tte-
heite, and bring back bread-if uit and other things in exchange; -&•
- a6th. About four in the afternoon we tacked the Ihap. clofe' jn with
One Tree h ill, hoifted_our colours,, and fired,ajgun; -upon /bearing
o f which,’ Meflirs. Cover, Lewis, j Henry,» Gillham, ,a®d 'Other^jcanae
o ff In and -f!?|»prt*d;that a l l was well, ffaatifhep-had
now no rcafon to entertain apprehcnfion o f tfeture; mifchief ! Skim the
natives, w ho, t|iey Jagg ufually leave their houfe about- fix o’clock in the
evening, and rcvifit them regularly at an e&rly hqur-in the morning»
The chiefs•; aifo were behaving extremely well; -Sincerjwe'left them
they had made Manne Manne a cheft, which pleafed him. i Pomdrre
had ju ft fet o ff to another diftrift, after promifing to be with them
again in a day or two. They w e ro a llip good health * and refpeding
provifions, the natives continued to fupply them plentifftfly, with all
that the ifland afforded. This pleafing.intelligence could not fail to
fotisfy us, and affo to reconcile them to the departure o f their brethren.
Théref#e* we* took'jSave o f our^ffeefrds ^ifoifted in the pinnace, and
rnaSht iail^Kïr the'Friend!^T#|®’tó ^ ^ f^ ^ !|^^Öing^on%ipre materials
f®r’‘a flat-boudrfié'd beat, (b be bnilf during ,our .ib fence. i
""N’dth'in^n'ouKKhave'(MreédedJ the kindndfe and attention o f the
nativts-; Kfcfwil ry tHtV* ittcnde\rf®emr lOmfifp,* «ui heard inch addrefFs
as ^ 'w ^ i^ ^ 0^ ^ fe ^ | | to v^hem tktpugh jfti interpreter. This firft
experiment o f the fiiip’s abfence had removed all the brethren’s fears j'
us quit the harbour ^ omy yyi th the tenSernefs o f‘parting
teiijadN, ^’Ifdlifopéd again fhortlv toTr^t^fnd iqoiee together; withing.
^hefemSffitefey ’btèthren^^idr^ieed :irf the feVeral places o f their delfei
natidrï thrift -many ’tears. £
frefh to eaft^*v|e filled! ohr-'-topfeiisV and left them
fai&'aft'êÏB^S|Bëbftthren,‘^ .o ’hïtd»cörtï^bffihaftily in thé canoe’’ irnjpfo-
ïddén^fyjfeStdSw^^vSthoiït tHer'paddfes i^^V^S;:ckrróè^bèing ïféar;
tb^fjotetroBifed? t)Xyo|."fmd,'Tomei11^bfe'^bardsiiWefê'''ifi’ thé^Ganoélwith'
them' -aijWitbl' théfe. they tried to ‘■ 'pull' herrta?hfead'’in , vain/ the wind
b lu in g fró'iJ- that point/to which fhey. Wantal to go . The cfofs' piece
nftrthe^^Hi^e?, tit heing 'a double one.b^afèvwliy,• the- lathing being
rtea^ly.o^^^jgh.y'fo thfey-paffed a rope roundtheibottom, and fecured
it; -They. Were, hoWevér,' obliged to bear away beyond One Tree,
hilly'ahd trivebhome'bn:foèty' leaving the canoe and her- cargo'to; tliei
eare-öf the natives, who were very faithful, and- brought her .'back t he
next day. :
K 2