i f he can ‘ ctokhe miffionaries no'godd;-He willc’dd them nd'diarm.
About the fame time the captain had his dreffing-hoiT With; all his
/having utenfik ftolen out o f the cabin, and a t fir ft filppofed tH^Hoy
concerned''ini the theft, but it afterwards proved - hr. wasqinhdsfettfc?
Thermometer 710. Received from Mawroa, and his wife Wyreede
Aowh, two Tmail pigs, with fruit, &c. alfoi-prefents; from.TpferaJ
others. * t1'- I 1: ■ 4 ■■u •-> v j » : 1 * *'
V 16th. 'The day fine and pleafant-." Mr. Jefferfodand Efr^chap-
liirfe for the day dm board | the former in'the «forenoon; the latter M
the afternoon. ' * ' * “ * ’
J J 7th/' 'J Fine: weather: • Landed dome-' goods, and received by* the
return o f the flat-bottomed boat two loads ofiffonfeu ballaft.O Iddeah
having come to Matavai, fent to the fhip to know whether’threap-
tain was angry with her. The meflenger wa,s told-that he iwas-notj
and as a token thereof, a plantain leaf was fent hir.~ -She.then came
on board, bringing with her tWoikbgbfhogs and twcvbnhcles^pf
clbth: one o f s ic lfw a s her own prefent, the other that;«^I%n^rt4<
When-felted in the cabin, fhe was afked the feafon whyifhe killed
her child; in anfwer to which fhe faid, that the man with whom
fhe cohabited was a low man; had the ehild been Pomarrete, fhe
would have fpared h i hut fince.it was- the cuftom ofr^bspearees
to murder all bafe-bom children, fhe had only adled agrecablykhereto.
The father o f the child was fitting-by her, without feemk% intthe
leaft angry; however, herfelf feemed rather hurt at the-home
queftions that were put to her, and the, converfation was turned.
She then informed the captain o f the reafons ofPomarre’s abfence,
which being abfolutely neceflary-, he had fent her to fee that his
friend the captain wanted for nothing the ifland could afford j
though, perhaps, the truer reafon was, that he mightdofe nothing
b y his abfence that cbuldbe got from the fhip. When fhe had received
feveral prefents, the evening drawing ori, fhe fet o ff to fee her
fon Otoo, but was hardly gone when he made his appearance in a
large double, canoe,;, whooping and hallooing to the feamen by name,
apdfkftcr plavmdjjar number» o®ftplifh tricksy1 fet.qff.tq',the fhore,
j^hermorn’eter' 7 1°.
1.8th'. | jilo PaSives PErA)oafd.,or canoes about
the fhip : pth&^.re a w,hieh.noVelt'V^w^fepp.ofe<.t6s bet feme di-
verffonagqen by Iddeah.Lftnd^htfomio good ^andf5;mcei%^4)t.^vo
boatilqSs|hf:ftqne^b,allg.ft. p >]4ofefe^§hbajga
afo^infoi-ffied^ him.gtidn.fthe
ajfefnoq^^ic^;the natives’ tndg^^yed
ffy.this feryjfee a'new fh ir t; Mrs. plead
for the.fugitive. 1 The ,taqoenq;r.icmplpv.cdjt; 4 king phn/ffrffifetop:-.
fi4es,< y^hi^cthe .powerful effe^c^,nh| f^qpicajfelii^iate , -rendered
le a k y ., j Thermometer. 1 1
19th.1 r-> T fte, y/eather fquqlly, witb-ram^b Thfojjrappffi king* (Qtoo^
l^nt ,a* tJrcfpnt«of*ty oi liqgsj and lomc cloth..«vQnopofivhis»fov.antey^fe;,
,-hs9S®ht |jhe,. ctq)taink w ^ &ng»i--b3xt^. they , li^id spgr* i]4,Jhs
„jOpayte, where they,found tbef lk«c*camplete;r bat thbpGfsbj^E.l^l
ffeaj^d^tgvfliejmounrfUn'.. By.thetiyie%igpi.<ui;;ix c,y as.fept toJgtocf.
Iddeah, and t^febafejMMVi-^^^rfiabits wf f h p b o a j j ^ ,
h&f©rg^h'kle>flpp^pr^^yed.allith<?>rcd'feuthi 1 s h a d , and Jtkejv,i.fe,a
red-unifewm co^U^^P®marj-e j yath whiplp<vaJuabl;e,prfifepfSyfeef,wgs
highly dehghtedJik.Rsccncd two. bi3atrlpatLsjpf,fkpc. Inyh^cy^ipg
a-qhief b rough^tWjent«y,,fowl s,. aBL ' Whilft
’ at- dinner a nilhm.requefted f h^fhap^^sflo^n,ptojfftike a large dtyjlly
hft-ba.d. obferved#-jihisi-he performed., with,iriqat^c&c^tvt; but the
woundeddifh haying^fengage^ the harDSon.^i f e m a n!piye^d .after, it,
andfbrought.up^he c a y a ^ ip '^^ghing ,’f^£;y-fijV9(p^cjd^;
fog: which the captain him, and-f^nj the, fifh on fhore to the
vmdfEopari^.i _. ■ i;
,j,v20th.?j The ,\^t^Vdqpally, with heg^y rain. vK & ,p^ th e natives
on board, occafipned partly by the weather, and partlyhy a./hooting-
ppajtch with boy| |nd_ arrow, whiebA ^ ^ ^ a^ a t'O p a jg e .^ Received
f f 2