P w l
Auguft i ft. • Ligh t 'breezes1 and pleafant weather. Bought' two.
he-goats to carry to the Friendly I (lands.; and received feveral prefents
from the natives. In the evening Manne Manne arrived at Matavai
in the veffel he had juft built at Eimëo, and brought her alongfide for
the captain to view her : confidering her* as their ftrft eflky, (he is a
wonderful performance. ’ This day at noon we fired a gun, and loofedj
tbe-fMe^topfefly-as a fignal for felling; and received Dr. Giflham and
all ;M«f baggdge on-board.
ad. - The firft part (bowers o f rain, the niiddle and latter part fair
and pleafant weather; the wind wefterly all the afternoon. Iddeali
prefented the captain with a complete mourning drefs ; and all . the
other natives brought fomething with them. ''
Tö-day* the chvifion ó f the- goódlLj^aSl finifhed, having hedn A kffig
3d. Pleafant weather, the wind variable. Sentïomlhpréiaa'adtó
tion o f fmall arms, arémiuriifiö'n,--&ci w h id i makes as.
follows ; twó fwivEÉsj óighCïnulkéts, ^ sfoe1Mandesrbufi^ nine piftolsy
and nine fwords ; fifty-fit gua-fïihtsy béfides thofein.Uf®); . powder,
ball, drum and fife.
T he -natives were now^crow^i^ the ^ip-imtoEeptham eVeify and
many o f them were VeryTmportunateto gó" tö; Prëtane. MiaWraa a#d
Ms wife my tayo Wyreede, Mannè Manne,'Iddsahy and the tayos. pf
the crew, laid u s ir ra large fta-ftock o fh og s , fowls, and. fruit f and
in return for thèir kindnefs received fech tMagS' as wefe ,tb them
ufeful and gratifying. Manne Marine was very/urgent for fads*
ropey anchor, &c. for his vedel, none o f which articles we had to
fparé; on which account, though the captain ^ v e hjm-Ms own
cocked hat and1 a variety o f articles, he was ftill difcontefited; fa y ing,
“ Several people fold me that you wanted Manné Manne, and
** now-I am c a s e , yorngive me nothing, - j Am-obforvation fimilar
rto this he once made to the miffionar-ies : “ You give me,” fays he,'
“ much parow '(talk) and much prayers to the Ëatöoa, but very, few
** a*Cs-, MivelpîfëlffîH, dr clbth:^ 'Th é 'dale is, thât Whâ(êfef'- he
receives he immediately diftributés among hi's friends i t e ’ dfepkfiddhtij
f i that o f i l l thê fiümér^S'pféfohlè h è -ted rfeéôlVèdy hfc hâd Hbthlfig
now to (hew-, except a glazed hat, a pair o f brfeechesj and ah old
blabk; dkbf %hlêM te s ted '“ > fMffé$tlféï& • And tels -ffRJi.
digal bèhavioür he èkcüfesy b y ‘faying ‘ïteîy -were >lié not to dd fos Mb
ïnôtdd fieVter ReH khïg', iibr'fevëïffeMSBt alêMlef ’iSf sSf Ü^e^Séhcti
', UhhwWféd kBêïhip, âhd g3f àîï thifigi déa# Irifi in FéâdînW féî
failing on the following.day. Mrs. Hëhfÿy Hôdgès; and flâfïéî}'
v?fthTefèrii'8f (Ré ëapfiin,
eÊR^fs,î;ÿhâj ■ czëW.i -M #iffled;'fo
g o fo fh e Friendly I (lands : a n t ic s the bictMm left .him at liberty, to
%m or ftaÿl ü r iw rÔ ^ ^ ^ B S d * other .t iM lÊ
wèrefaketi qfifbeprd‘againJfor his life; but in thepecnmsThc changut
his‘ mind again acdTrefolved'' to ftay..
4th. Light ds&rof wind. A t ciglirA'. M . w)e'weighed anehor,
and flood lojit QfMdtavài-b,4ÿ ’f, thewl^./variahleafad baffling Gréai
numbers of,n^iyes1 crowded o a board, to, take leave of'their fÉ b eâ iv e
friends, and fee whàt they wpujdt fu ithu billow ; for they, poffeft
generality and felfilhnefs imamdjtnpft eejift; degree. '.Some" at parting
with their tayos at o ffe n d o f the (hsp-wcptbitterlv, hut byrnnlys
walking the length o f the deck they became as.c heerful as ever ; and
when taxed with diffimùlatipn, they liughmg obfirved, that i f Was'
the parow or.cuftojfi o f Otahéite to weep and^mrtKemfd\cV:()ivfuclf
oeca^pns, but the fetter^ thoy om] fleet* bee .wife we had tpl'd^the-m' it
was bad. ; Blit 4 s all theirypaftions ior-Ms are extreniely (hart-lived,
efpeèiallÿ that, of grief,' their prefent behaviour -was onîÿ'tenfiftent
with their generakcharadter |dia ehffiofiiQfi--'
s ,After hoifting the, pinnace in we ftapcj qm and op, ^vaitirig tl>c
packets o f letters*! which weçe b ïs fe fâ t off’at, noop by Cove r, 1 H'cnry, •
and fdveral others w ho h§.d not'taken leave. AftèbTûch^çoiiÿèi^èp^
as the ûccâfion fuggeftéd^We took-an affectionate farewell;,apd parted,
perhaps never to behold each other .again in-this life.'; -