fupply their place by a boughfibro the. nfeareft ;trtó,c . IWtenevèr you
öiter a houfe^of approachsat-j plaess whereprovifions dtepigjiuiiig,
this is the firft thing they, offer you.; When the .proyifionsi arp
dreffed and hot before you, 'the,,boys continue t.d fanKjgrëmjthe flieg
with fly-flaps, nothing being more offenfive or difagregghfe than that
a fly. fhould get into their mouths j and’ their averfion to-touch them
with thdr,-frauds i&ifuch, that fhould a. dead fly ;be found on.ainy
part o f theit body, they would g o iriftantly to the riveir and w-afh
themfelves.. Thefe flies at times.are numerous.- b u t not ffDwnOrwoiiK
as- the mu&etes: :iir?;tbe Weft Indies: they ate ®f tufafpttSj the
common black fly; and a gray pneof the famehze^ w hich febietimgs
flings fharply; They have alfo butterflies, butterfly moths, muf,
feetoés; lizards, fcorpions, ceiitipedes, beetles, crickets, fp ^ lp g g s r s ,
fm ^ ;ahti^ j farfd-fhes; and OthersJ^hut n ek h fe r/^ n g fto ^ sh h r very
troublefori-ie. tjh iw «• f} jvwj ^ ’ . .
T h e middle-aged b f all claffes generally take a naprat neon,'during
th é heat o f th e day, To this the yava, among thöfe vFho'drirtk if,
dóes not a little difpöfë. The aged, as more w&tchfub need not this
indulgence.,- and the youth, too lively to fleep during the daylight,
find always fomefport or aipirfemsnttp emplóyrthémio
During the bight, i f ftrangers lodge with them, t&y-buyn, jh e
candle-nut, ftuck on fkewers, that they may find their tégy in and
M g the.jhou& withoét mcétnmodation fio n r -tk)fe- who ?fleep.sgh
the floor, fometimes to the amount o f fifty or fixty perfons.- Nor*
was it unufud to get up and haveprovifions ready in the nighbJa3pd
fome fit and chat, and tell ftories, with which they are always-de,
lighted. Wè obferved that thofe tvhich regarded us, and put European
manners and £iïftomsa iefs iritérefted them than their I f h ir
minds were, not enlarged to a capacity of comprehending, the reports
which were made, and thefe top often fabulous. Due navigator told
them, ,we had fhips as much larger than hfe.as that wasbigger «ban
their fmalleft canoes ; that we. had veffels.whifh would. reacb. -from -
Qtaheite p -Ulietêa, about forty-five leagues$ aiuLof ,fo yaft a heig
that ai^oung man going to* the: -topipaft-head grew gray heforh he
came down again; that aur round-tops contained-foxéCfeJbf fruit-trees
biggdr than ,the bread-fruit^ jPomirre, very earooflly preffed Captain
WilfoWta-fety if./it was true; bkt though undeedvéd in this refpeét,
meyvhré’ a's, much -flaggered ah bearing ;of'a ihoufe § f ftoneof ten
ftories?,. of a bridge' over a river o£ the &mdi dratfirials, as wide as
woiildifpan the harrbw part o f their, valleys Aom mountain to mountain.
• iSsrnrh gigantic -ideas / e&ceedJ the Xéoge- ó f ftbeir rintelfeét i but
wbateVerrwah related-of: the, Marquéfasj ,ari Tongatahoó, 'their iixha*.
bitantsj jeduntr^ manners, tre.es„oanoes,. was.heard jwith the greateft
avidity, andvalways'difeman audience éboiferthé reMtor; beyondigyen
their favourite national ftorids
T h e y lay' not' fhe .leaft reftraint,upomthehtHiddren-fEom the ctay
they aré .boin y heilig tHelhead o f . their families-, they ace,- indulged in
every* th in g s thfey have ihehffSOÉÉn ‘-ómufémenth, h a led hejfeaethnia
rëede j as they gmw up and advance to manhood' tbeftiaie generally
abandoned; hut none are t -controlled!-hyrahy .aikhority, yndianyrone
m iy continue in them-if; he pleafes. »'
'’'Though'f!inffoif^rerfpedfe;yife'y|?arhhbt‘at all 'ilfMïef!^et,HÏi con«
fequenceof their frequent bathings, in thaylargeft companies!-,tlferé
is nothing bffenfivei but the heat. Idemj-:fas 'eJféwherè;;f there are
fome who make a trade o f beauty,, and. know ,tob. how; to make their
advantage o f - it, having a .-number ófepiinps- tind»bawds, nominal
relations, whA^agreeffor and-rèéeiye dié prieeio£cpraftit1ütioiï(; but: f f
a 'perfon is the tayp!o£- the<hufband, he naulfeindulge'infnóliberties
iv ith ' the Afters' or the daughters, 'heeaufe .ftfiesy-^re rhrifidered'as
his -own - fifters or -daughters;- and ’inceft- is 'held; ire-abherreitceiby
them j nor will any temptation engage’,- ti-ibnlto viol^e.frhrs hond o f
purity. The wife, however, is excepted^hdscdnfifcfedjas common?
property for the -tayo.' Lieutenant -. Coruerifaltfoaddedv that a tayofhip
formed between different fuses-put- thS sunoft - folemn bdrrier.againft
all perfonal’ diberties. Our brethren whdcaKe'.returned; 'however,.