giveft on .fhore by1 Captain Cook, he invited; at Poulahd’ s1 defire,
•Mongoula Kaipa, thfe filler o f 'Latoo' ‘Libooloo. -The kMgJJha'd
been -aecuftomed to abftain from" eating in ‘ her brother’s prefeht^,
without Ihewing 'him any ‘other mark o f reverence : but to' h^bbe
paid the fame homage that he received from his own fubj'e£ts^&|rrf-
bracing her feet with his hands. ;
Captain Cook prolonged his ftay till July to ’obferve an ecli^fe
o f the futi'j and he was ddayedTTeveral days' later for' wa'nt o f a
favourable wind to-carry the fhips out o f' the '-harbourby a. channel
that he had difcovefed to the eaftward, which Jwas Tafer than' the
northern paflage whereby th e y 'h ad “ entered the bay.-iiDqrfng't?^
time he revifited Mooa, and was prefent at a curiqus ceremony ca’llfea
•the natche.' On the n t h 'o f J u ly they, with1 fimie’'difficulty cleared,
thc reefs' h / which the harbour is forrried, and proceeded to'Eooa-.^
It is not 'known that any other navigator vifited Tbngatahob
before^ffie la h & y \> f 1787, when M . de la Peroufe''p3Bfed' it'tb thfe-
weft-ward withouranchoring. He laid to, o ff the fouthern fhore1; ' and
feven Or eight canoes-having approached within twenty yarffiroP-tne
French fliips, the natives leaped out o f them, afid fwarn alongfide
with cocoa-nuts in each hand, which they exchanged very Ron'&ftly
for bits o f iron, nails, and fmall hatchets. ’ They foon1 after 'went
on board- with confidence and cheerfulnefs ; and a yoUrfg mah, who-
afferted that he Was the Ton o f Fenou, r&£hedteVeral prefents'with cries,
of-joy'. He prefled- them to land, and promifed abundance ofprovifipns*
which their canoes were not capable o f bringing off. The blunder^
were noify, but had no appearance o f ferocity, although they brought
fome clubs in their boats. They had all loft two joints o f their
little fingers.; L a Peroufe bore away,' the evening o f the following day,
feeing no prbfpedt o f obtaining provifions without coming, to
Captain Edwards, in the Pandora, paid a vifit almoft equally
tranfient to this ifland'in the latter end o f J u l y 1791, in feafeh after
the mutineers of the Bounty. He obtained provifions,, but could
get'ho--water jthat- Was not brackifli. It-was linderftood that Fenou
had h h |h lat'ély <*UeH.t£: v3
- JMèffis'. ï P ’Entrecajleaux3 'add Huon^win -the French floops La
Rebh'étché'-arid l/Efperahcfe,'^rt^ho’rejd at ToSgatabW ,on the 3d 'o f
March -i *79^. -abd J-Wcrei'^e^yJ feofpitably" entertained. They ftaid- a
wéék, fbu^rhé detail o f1 tlMpyjfffeffiS.'Pnot trailf|>rred.
Pfo ^dfhef Êifr-opekn'veflel is-known to havé itbjföhed at this iflkndh
for'^hejIa^Surifi/given -by the Europeans whodwere found héiêfhythe
-Duff, 'c&'nnothbei depehde,dhup©W. " It | | | n o t fimprobab^l -thatTon-
-gatSbep might be vifi|idbh^thedSpahiffidii®vii^ators'(Mai’efpmi and
Eaïïefïiènte,1! who hredfeidj t<f have ddgiferedTintBMsC fi&lghboufhöod
-a'grdüp'- of' lflands, • eallecf-the -BabacqS,- about ithe/fame/t&iab that thé
-Frénéli flobpi? paffed-by.:'j ;
' -'The' irifèFé'o'nitie tif rEüropeahs at ‘Ton'gSfabo'odïa-ving been fb'much
•lep1 frequent -than at ÓtaReite, 1 it rwas with fbmt v. haVlchiconfidteiiéè
Wa|,J a miffioh -was‘r;'4|tempted^aththe'förmer thaih^a-t médatthé piacei
T lie j refult yilpappear-Trojih- flife 1 relation <■ which
throivs light' u'pon- feverah citGümffances, >fö£ which precédïtfg
navigators icouRi "rfot S&èqtant*. 5f'The indtwe {ofsïtfre'r-gbVerÉsmentv'ijf
-t'hfsqilfend - nolJ-y^è 'VmOlJyideveloped. rhüdh
at aflofS';réfpeétmg it, ^d-Kad/fuppbfedxF^Oubio bé th'êdfovë^ëigty,
t i ll he'hecarne ^cefdaanted ‘with T b u la tó l 'jyVhidn thèfêf peKfofiagéb
'met, the miftake was -imtedjatelyCcoïré^ed'ïtdh'ii^iihei-'dig<y-'lfid
p oyer-o f thé*commander m ch ie fy Mée cthei/fóbéreigiit-y
to'dbe hereditary, are fefigreat, that' the'appaient iupt riJiit\3Si%ne
above the other-1 mtïft dêpêftd in
fonal'qualities of2|h'éfe^®ffi®^hefë ft&tiÖfisU-'Pou'k'ho-beihg dead;
his fón Futtafaihe fucceededhim in the fovereignty ■ but hé being^a
yoluptübüS, miii-^tófe ■ 'government - isy'èhiêfiy fCofi^^Kd,ifey^Féköh
T d^ ih S u e , -the-: prefent- commander in «bhief^«1 t^o®»"faidt'^dq,he
nepheW ofifthe fofraef, His faper&Bity^a^ovkfrioyafl-id as 'a-mahbf
buiidêMj ^ves a pïépbftderarice to ’ b is ’authority. T n e ' influence öP
the rojtal^femily feétó^talfo to ihave- beeffdimimffiMbyk bivll wari