1^ 7-'
fents another partjhpfSmourners entered the area, fixteen of whorn had
rfecentlj^ttüt' their-ifet©? fingfer-S“ dlf-5 ihefe' 'Were 'fblloWefiSfeyAhother
party with\Glöbsran'dfp'&rs, who bekt' themffelves as 'before1 dhfcabèd,
said disfigured thétr i&cës 'with coGoainut hulks* fixed ön thé knöckték
ö f both hands./ rW é 4 öticedthat ?thbfd whodiad 'hftfd offices,‘>br-were'
related to ‘the’ cleceafed, '*wöd the molt cruel-to dhèrnfêlves-; dbrrie ofi
whom thruft* fwo,- three, and even'four ‘fjbears intó'theiï'arms, an«hj$»
danced round the area,' and fome broke' the ends of the fpears imtlfeir
flefh. The graye -was fcovfere'd with a* he\kn; ftShA about 'eight feet
long’, fcurSföSd,'- aiid’on'e th ic k : th if ftone1 thdyMad'ft!fpefldeff with'
two large, topes,, which went róürid two .ftföïig; piles'ddfoVe iS.tpirh e
ground-' at the end of' thfe fioüfe, and ïthencé'-dëd; tcf thë'arê&l wheife?
about two hundred men held by them j 'and -whilftirth#yltóweïedt
it flowly, women and 'children wept a loud,' drdurfg word’s importing;?
“ M y father, my father ! the beft o f chiefè;,i& c :,, More d o th was
then'brought to be piit into the tcimib j and another parfy^nfePed;danft-
abafed themfelvesjis before:5 "After1 thefe pafoxyfms''of'griefthey■ fat
awhile in filence; and when they had pulled the rope clear' off^he
ftone which'covered the grave, thofe on the.mount g iv e a gffeat fhont/
which was anfwered by . a"general tearing o f the leaves from-the necks
o f all prêfentj after "which they difperfed.
3d. Several ftrangers vifited us. this morning, many o f -whom
are chiefs -of eonfiderable influence: from' them we receive a ”feWc
fmall prefects. T he dreadful work o f cutting and niafigling was-
again renewed to-day with frefh vigour by th e . natives'-j' b u t. on
fledion we did not think proper to go, and countenance by our pre-i
fence the cruel cuftoms o f this poor deluded pëöple. ^ ic e p t being
crowded b y natives round ourenclóftïre, iiothihg material oecdrréd'öh
the two following days •, • but to prevent mifchief as much as in us
lay, w e watched at nights, two at a, time j though, thank God, we
have not as yet been molefted j and our friend Tëögkhpwé (has threat-*
ened with death any man that fhould be detected in fobbing us.
4th. Ambler, who had received from us various articles o f
wearing apparel, and a box to fecure them, pretended to be robbed by
the natives;-': *and contrived to. have, the empty box brought back j but
We fufpeCfed the cheat. He beat one of the women he lived with ii)f-
lf^mimly;^w]^y§fafkwjfejg.nd tb,e ;§S|®d§?^,the',>Qthg£ qgrf|Cd fipr off;
yet though this fellow was fo wicked, he .rendered us cpufidej^ble
fcr\ 11 eftft, 1 lifti ud mgius in * the* hngUfigt, as» alfo, dldiati-yopiig chief
iwajjc tofcMaa ^ ^ a ^ne'^li^atediigpcWncar.rhe heach';
ksieh h'Cufecauds®nefefu!res ^tbefarigtog ^fsesfioiififewago ,i wife;.lay
lic k .. Wb5ftaid'wikh{hiauahoiit.f6oiifjr^^*lipn^S^®ip5®E^&??f'a
fine American, dog/;an animal of which;; we^Qodflh nee^j ,v W^/er
cavedalfb^^»ef^t^r^*'||.®g^a^wi§^J4he&j^a|by||iaja;dsj .
\ MGn'.-our way'- WQlobferydi; the* GQ^.fr^c^Jidjthe manner p f /fencing
and cultivating fchjeir? lands Tfi>i^fMgeneraljlg'geJ; v^.a,aV^it5f jpyfi^ds
' Cg^fmal.lerkenJpfsf^Si called; knd; f^pie ^JJ^Egfsskwlficlj
round},bhe^fewf^XcklWy lade^&'.'j'AvEkeir'tfenGe^ J a
trenebk phit^-jxpfolg,»/ and, fattened .TcWjflsakesfr ton» Ae^sKB^ide. .wMeh
ftrike>fodbta»di,growji they', conta|npba|i1aajaf-tjFees,^) otp-y^ms,,-^ fet in
ro.WS^hfeebfeet! aftififeder; ;lw<hi©h wgre, pdw -.ripe $ j;betwpeyydi£it9’®'iihe
yava-’rOCfei Wa-S' .cultivated,: /or jtheotkHp®<ri4^lbther' efeulept rro©/j^but
they JSft the un.Giilfivated> parts ffpxy foul, f-ndlgvergrowh jwilfcwgeds
and grafs.’ T h e if .’mCdeiof wor.kifigii®rjpjfqj&t d©wpjp^|tp^r^)gms5
and hoe the^roupd:wifh-»J^fUinpntfpf h a rd / ^ .Q ^ ^ jb ^ l^ g i^ t
■ l^ fA tr ro^ Iyp ith fharp edges,‘jftsd,-ppint]ddjj i^yi{he<|ii^al5> th fy
In the eveningEenjanunAmblgr.made uf^^e^y-improper language
tothebrethren, and defired them,..to,(j.uit(|he;aJ^t^yfc ajj^lfo ig,w npmoip
feeds'; On this we! applied td'-ouri-friendf and..patodn,1’J'opg^h©yre;
Mytyle, who has rendered us fo. many kind offices, accompanied us.
Toogahowe received us very cordially, faid he loved;.us and aU our
brethren, ■ and immediately;gave us a pig and twenty fine, yams j • and
when he had heard our complaint was very, angry, and, fent immediately
for Ambler* who came, and notwithftanding his endear