- i oth.' . jA-bout; twq;.p!dbck totally
eclipfed j but the rpilghnefs * bfjthe weather prevented-our pbfejtvipg it;
with fu ffie ie tó .^ c g^ y JOijbe anyjïfeiö, The vyjnd at.jdfis^J.imp,
came in- very heavy -gufts Trqm the, mounts.jn§, andfjuft^^the x c jl^ ;
ended oür^cabiejb#ike §j ,;the beft. bower;wa% immediately.let go,^ and
brought thejihip up inforty/^thorns water- at, the entrance of| tjne bay«,.
n th , Sunday v «The natives crowded off as jufy^^bjit^na^be^g,
told;.that -the fhipi g&agj tgboo for that'day-,^they all fwam,jback^ to the
ftiore,^. 1
. I2fh. 'Thé, chief and his brothers came on,hpard with-Qtaheitean
Tom, .who informed sus .that, tbe^-boy- Idarraway haddeft them-and.
gone to the other fide o f the ifiand ; and as he hadJaid ïiodiipg; cqm-
cernh% ihis intention, they th(^ght. ^^iw^ch
Tom blamed. him very much t. but the captain,^,tq. try Tqn^’^ gw n
re^rd- fpr: hiS;t»untry, which he had
fince we .came here, ordered him. to put his thmgS;iptof thg-canoe and
go on fhore alfo, afEgmhg.as the.reafon^Jus being privy toTHapra-
w a y ’s elopement. - The poor fellow declared his innocence,„and^ith
tears in his eyp§ cphe<3pd hjs tr i&s ' and put them into the ca^tj-ajid,
before he went over the fide Ihook hands with all the ,crew,. then put
o ff with a heart ready to break with fobbing and- crying, r whgnhév
was gone a little way, the captain called him back; Main, .h^&d%w^f?
fome time before he became reconciled and cheerful. ^-, On ;the. other
hand, feyeralyq£;the Marquefans were.copthpually^plaguing, the captain
to take them to Otaheite.
13th. , W hile we were at dinner one.pf the native.s.ftpje a pump-
holt, and was maldngjjff with his.prize, when Mr., Godfell detected
him, and with the help of the gunner prevented his efcape. , The reft
all jumped overboard, and made for the ftvore. The thief. W e laflied
up by way o f puniftiment, and Ihewing him . a loaded muiket,. he
fully expected to be fhot. ■ A man o f fome. confequence, who. had
come in the fame canoe, brought the chief’s fecond brother, with two
pigs-'and a plantain-leaf,f |o intercede for |the offender, who was- his
father >*- thefe we refufed rto accept. * It was affecting to fee 'fhe^fiort
kifsriaaW^Milstk'iAthis f^»MlA&'a?ad take ■’their1-
w^t'o®K up- an il SlcHar^ed the ’muiket,
aiid^tten lfoeVatfed the l i b ' co iild'^P ^F'drlraiM Ve^that he
wksvnotl Ihoftj fbw w h » flu t'' pnf'Mtfft to* l[islTofr,*'tk$h'’o f
themtlppearpd fd oAbdwhblntSd'-u it-fi i?“y'^'(9iit fKfy could h udly triift
their,d^iifey£gir *durAbi^ra!S66cle dfld“t «mfflniariM’ hVdsdi^&fvufl them
Cff fjfe chW
ffirtp^'ngainft fuel1/ pridiccs,** and! lent* iihbthfv*aftioie' wifh’{t® mg&/
whieh wei refufed jto'ghbe^tj that' they might;w<^'v!eT had fno advan-
~tage dm o te ig g fe ;^
i^h#'/ me w * vMendfe' ’that’ we
twferamndefflh®3See®fty:bf elfheblu ting j?cRmdlll‘)cpimc]^^or diiftmg
itosfca;1 kepftlin'gly?a fpaidkarf&hiSf*\Tltrdh m «was
lpt *|>sd in fifty ffathoms ^ater.^^.phe^hlmdlpdi'alil'Sfdil^fathdm o f
cable’veered ollfo.lMbrehfhe ftxipr b'i^^ghf j,%p." "AVe wck^ftdwt'alliuf
'ks^lfSaridi^HffiNwiftroufi 'the'tedtiance^»tilil''|^^f ^d\fcdiwin^^3nr
tinning ,td*bldwiasfhaa^?asi evef^iwe bebameJappieMbnfive?fhat*fhdffhip
* mi ghtdbe difbve.*off1 tfe yfi&nd,' therefore' manned*jH«ft^4 nac^Ia|^<foE
MrjsHarristoti Ihjoie witB all. his 'things. The^SrfteSIfi 'tve 'eirfpldyed
in putting, the rigging in* fdl&B|oraerf ana^oa^t^ srH^Ililsf^as^the
■ ea-fitaifi in&hWd^blirork .into'ftfte %s^ln'e’hext dfi’Ihewv^^mer
‘permitted;- 'T h e latter 'part sbfrthis'day^e' hadi v^^heaVy’ tbbt
notwithftandinglthe rpl^hnefs Jb'fttnfe''weatheri afid-'thb’great' diftanee
we' lay frofti-the head’.pfiffie-bay, fevbral.Afcfih'eiriativ'eSP*fw'am^ o ff fd the
Ihip-j bu tW w e ilvereifo veryib'uiy.tihd^iaSbre'not admitted on board,
only to reft .in'jthmboats'alorigfirfoj jandiftieft return: f«Mre> took norelf
at’ all, but feeinjglby thekbthetSr that the Ihip was* tabooed, they fwam*
back p f their owblaccordi a great exertion; efpecially-^ the female's;’
as the diftance hotkfways boiddmotibeilefs tkatilfive miles», r',
SWEr&i '